《Passing Onto Fog》Chapter 7 - Class Start


By the time Davion sat, the murmurs were going in full blast. He ignored them and made sure to apologize to Daphne first. He didn't want to imply that the meeting was about what he just spoke of. Of course, the chances of it being exactly that were pretty high. Making sure not to accidentally insult someone never hurt, though.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if marriage was brought up." Daphne conceded. She knew her father, and the Slytherin name holds a lot of value. Now, with the reveal of the other three houses, the offer was almost guaranteed. She took a subtle glance at Theodore Nott, the boy her father had mentioned would be her intended. She would take anyone other than him. The boy was sadistic and honestly scared her more than anything. She would never reveal that piece of information, because if there's anything she's learned from her mother. It was weakness was never to be shown. Her sister heavily disagreed, but her masks were habit by now. By time her sister was born it already was. Her sister is only two years younger than her.

Davion raised a brow to her. "I will speak to you if it is. The impression I'm getting is that your father is politically savvy, if nothing else." Davion said, using more polite words for scheming. Using your daughter to lure a young boy to a meeting seems nefarious in nature somehow and speaks to a lack of respect for their child. Of course, he could be entirely wrong and it could just be trust in his daughter. He would have to meet the man to know. Daphne let her mask slip, if only a little. A look of complication in thought.

"My father… he is a good father, even if my mother tries to make it otherwise." She whispered, deciding to give him a little insight. It was a risky move, but it implied some faith given. The idea of sharing family problems was alien, but it was a calculated move. It may not seem of importance, but once Davion accepted the invite, it became a matter of the future. She just hoped that Davion wasn't hiding anything beneath.


Davion nodded. "I will send a letter, and see if I can work it out so you can sit in." Daphne let out a hidden sigh of relief. She was starting to see that Davion operated on trust, which only indicated good things.

The conversation ended there with the others demanding Davion's attention. Daphne let it happen, momentarily happy with how the discussion went.

Davion was bombarded with questions after. Thankfully, it didn't last long, because classes were set to start. He had to remind them of that fact, but soon he was left alone. Harry took cover behind him immediately after escaping and they made their way to class.


Conversations were stilted on their way to class, if only because Harry was realizing the gravity of his friend's fame. He had thought his fame a burden, but was seeing how much worse it could get. It didn't help that Davion was his only friend and them put together spelled trouble. Attention never served him well, if anything he was used to operating in the background.

He also was starting to see the benefit of said fame. If operated correctly, it could be used as a weapon. He was surprised to see Davion not get reprimanded for his stunt in the Hall, but chalked it up to Davion's station in Hogwarts itself. His friend basically owned the school, if what was told to him was correct.

They soon made it into their first class - Potions in conjunction with Gryffindor. They were among the first in the class, despite everyone leaving the Hall around the same time.

Harry just noticed that they didn't get lost once, and took a subtle glance at Davion. Davion looked the same as always, a look of care-free. He put another point of weird things about his friend.

There were a few students already in the class and seated, and among them, Harry only recognized two. The two that had asked to find a lost toad on the train. The girl, with bushy brown hair and buck teeth, was seated by herself and a book propped in front of her. The boy looking out into space behind her.


"You could sit with me, or… you could make friends." Davion spoke up from next to him, interrupting his inspection. "Just a suggestion. Feel free to ignore it if you don't want to."

It was said so casually that Harry couldn't tell how his friend felt about it. He had a feeling, though, that Davion would be disappointed if he sat next to him.

"Harry, don't play to my expectations. Ugh, this is difficult... It was honestly a suggestion, not some passive aggressive command." Davion said, palming his face.

"You'll be alright by yourself?" Harry asked, only to get a mocking smirk in return.

"Right, sorry. Might be projecting a little." Harry finished meekly, before moving to sit with the girl.

Davion smiled to his choice, taking care not to let Harry see. Hermione would serve Harry well as a friend. The characters may look different to how he remembered, but the personalities were largely the same. He was still sad that it wasn't a mini-Emma Watson, at least that's how the movies skewed the image.

He took one last look at the classroom before taking his own seat, ignoring the small space of the dungeons.


Students filtered in and the room filled. Daphne again sat next to Davion, Blaise Zabini next to her. Davion allowed a smile in response and couldn't help remarking.

"Is this to mean I have the acceptance?" He asked in reference to his earlier speech. She raised an un-amused eyebrow in response and deigned not to reply. He let out a giggle, enjoying the teasing for what it was.

Blaise from beside them smirked also, amused with the by-play. He was testing the waters for the start of the year, almost joining hands with the Malfoy Heir, but the lines had clearly been drawn this morning. Davion Slytherin, and Harry Potter in relation, were likely to be the top dogs of the year. In Davion's case, probably the House as a whole. His mother always pointed out who best to friend. Those that would benefit you, little Blaise. Only those that would give you the best. Of course, she was speaking of witches at the time, with her history of using love as a weapon, but he felt that it could apply here.

"Lord Slytherin, you sure are making waves already, aren't you?" Blaise spoke up, interrupting Davion's attempt at flirting. Davion turned his attention to him.

"I never was one for subtlety." Davion replied in a tone of contemplation.

"Yes, well, I enjoyed the show, so I won't complain." The smile on his face was almost shit-eating. But that wouldn't be proper, so he left it just short. Blaise was getting a feel for the Lord's personality, though. Not one to care to politeness or tradition, he could tell.

"Maybe a warning before further shows, though? I would rather know where to best view it." Blaise continued. Davion raised a brow at him, before a full smile filled his face.

"I like you, Blaise Zabini, but tone down on the flirting, will you? You'll have me ruining my image with blushes at this rate."

Blaise laughed, but it was cut off by Professor Snape entering.

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