《Ghost World Academia》78-The 5th Commander of Illuminati


While Ryuga was running at the Nine-Tailed Fox, Blue Master aimed at Ryuga planning to shoot him but Clayton touched Blue Master and said, “You are coming with me.”

“What the-“

Was the reaction that Blue Master gave as Clayton teleported him away from the others.

“Where are we?!”

Blue Master looked confused.

“We are in the training field near the Land of Ogres.”

Clayton says as he looks around.

“What?! You teleported me all the way here?!”

Blue Master looked confused.

“Nah, I just imagined an empty ground with no one around it and here we are.”

Clayton says as he keeps on scouting the area.

“Tsch! You really made a mess here for yourself!”

Blue Master says as he aims his pistol at Clayton.


Clayton looked confused.

“You realize, don’t you, you realize that no one will be here to save you! Plus, you are a support, you aren’t supposed to fight in the first place. Even if you are a demon, you are no match for a Ghost of A-Rank!”

Blue Master suddenly teleports in front of Clayton.

“Too fast!”

Clayton thought as the back of a spear hits Blue Master in his guts sending him flying away from Clayton.

“Are you alright, Clayton?”

A familiar Ogre figure asks Clayton.

“You are…Shura-Unfurn, wife of the Chief of Ogre Clan.”

Clayton says.

Shura pouts, “Don’t talk about him! That idiot left the village without saying anything and told me to protect it. Like I can protect the village all alone!”

Shura looks quite frustrated.

“I thought the only notable Ogres from this village were Jau Shiezel and Alicia Arkwet. I guess I was wrong. You are quite strong, quite fast too. I couldn’t feel your presence whatsoever when you attacked me as well. It seems you are quite strong, unlike the demon.”


Blue Master compliments Shura.

“It might not seem like it but I used to be a member of a famous group back in the days.”

Shura readies her spear.

“What group?”

Blue Master asks.

“The 5th Commander of The Illuminati and also Leader Madman’s close friend, Shura Ali’Moth.”

Shura smirks.


Blue Master starts to laugh.

“Even for a joke that’s farfetched! Do you realize that how strong madman was?! You can’t even possibly joke about being close friends with her! She is literally the strongest being to ever exist.”

Blue Master says as he keeps an evil smile on his face.

“This is why I hate revealing my true identity. No one would believe that I am used to be a commander looking at my big tummy.”

Shura sighs.

“Don’t worry, I will give you a quick death!”

Blue Master says as he aims his gun at Shura.

Shura’s eyes turn cold.

“This feeling…”

Clayton knew the aura that Shura left while staring Blue Master with her cold eyes.

“…It’s the same as when I felt Ryuga’s aura when he was fighting Akuma Jin.”

Clayton felt the same killing aura here.

“Clayton, watch carefully. I am going to show you how to use flash step.”

Shura says to Clayton.


Clayton looked confused.

“Keep an eye on my leg as well as the flow of my mana inside my body.”

Shura says.

Clayton nods.

Blue Master fires his gun.


But the laser shot doesn’t hit anyone.

“What the-Did I miss the shot?!”

Shura suddenly appears in front of Blue Master,

“No…It’s not that I missed the shot…It’s that this monster dodged my shot!”

Blue Master thought.

Shura raises her feet and even though she has stomach weight, her feet could go as high up to her face. Soon, she brings down her feet with full force right on Blue Master’s face crushing his face completely.


Clayton looked quite surprised,

“So that is…The friend of Ryuga’s mother, huh? I guess everyone inside Ryuga’s circle is a crazy monster.”

Clayton thought as he kept his surprised look.

“That’s the end of that, I guess…”

Shura says as he wipes the sweat off of her head.

“Shura! What happened here?!”

Mearid came with a bunch of logs on his shoulder.

“Took you long enough.”

Shura looked annoyed and pouted.

“But I also need to know what happened? Why was he attacking you, Clayton?”

Shura asks Clayton.

Clayton explained what happened to Shura and Mearid after they tied up Blue Master.

“Well, that’s my wife for you…”

Mearid says with a smile.

“Whose wife again? You didn’t even officially accept me as your wife yet!”

Shura is talking like a rebellious teen right now.

“Well…You know the reason I can’t accept you as my wife yet…”

Mearid looked sad.

Shura sighs.

“Umm…Can I know what the reason is?”

Clayton asks.

“Mostly, it’s because Mearid’s sister said that I am not allowed to marry in their household because I was a member of Illuminati previously. That’s the only reason.”

Shura says with a sad smile.

“Yeah, it’s been almost 16 years now but silly Shura doesn’t move on. She says that if she doesn’t get to be with me, she will stay unmarried for the rest of her life.”

Mearid says with a sigh.

“So, I unofficially announced her as my wife. Even though we never got to marry.”

Mearid says.

“Oh by the way, about Ryuga, did you say that he made our Jau cry?”

Shura asks Clayton.

“Well, it did seem that way.”

Clayton says.

“Did Ryuga reject our Jau’s love proposal?”

Mearid looked quite serious.

“If he did I will kill him.”

Shura gave a smile that was quite menacing.

It gave Clayton the chills.

“I don’t think so it was a proposal.”

Clayton says as he looks like he is sweating.

“So, what other reason would it-“

“Alicia…I feel like Jau must have asked Ryuga about Alicia.”

Mearid says.


Shura looks confused.

“That’s Jau’s sister-“

“I know, I didn’t forget but why her?”

Shura asks Mearid.

“I did some digging and came to when Ryuga was there when Alicia was killed. Jau must have gotten desperate, did some digging too, and found out about it. Maybe she asked Ryuga about it and got a bad answer of sorts…”

Mearid says.

“Actually, I think that Jau-Unfurn already knew.”

Clayton says.


Both Mearid and Shura looked confused.

“When I asked Jau-Unfurn about whether she was angry about the whole Ryuga situation when she heard that I had done some digging and found out about Alicia Arkwet, her response was, “Not at all, Ryuga had already told me that he was unable to save her.””

Clayton explains.

“I feel like he didn’t tell her who he was unable to save Alicia Arkwet from.”

Clayton sighs.

“That’s just how Ryuga is. Trying to protect everyone on his own…Even now, I am sure he is fighting to protect Captain Tachibana.”

Clayton says.


Ryuga is fighting both The Nine-Tailed Fox and Kira at the same time.

“Fucking shit! It’s tough to go up against both of them.”

Ryuga says as he slides back with some bruises on his body.

“Yeah, one is strong but the other one is just too strong!”

Kil says.


Kirio clashes with Ryuga’s back.

“Are you alright, Kirio?”

Ryuga asks Kirio.

“Dude, do I look okay? I am in nothing but shit hell.”

Kirio says as he is bleeding from his forehead.

“Hey, Kirio…Nothing is going our way…Not gonna lie, this situation…It’s pretty bad Kirio.”


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