《Ghost World Academia》79-Hidden Assault


While everyone was fighting outside the stadium, the inside of the stadium was occupied with Black Jaguar’s members.

The Heroes and Ghosts couldn’t do anything since the Black Jaguars also took hostages. The higher rank Ghosts such as Bleeds, Lucifer and others were trapped inside the a magic door which Lucifer was trying to break through.

In the midst of all the happenings, Myra, Lucifer’s assistant sent out a message to someone who she knew would help the situation.

That person stood over a building wearing a familiar outfit and a mask. The person put the hood over their head.

“Kronos, I will need your help. Aunt Myra has requested for our help. It seems that Ryuga is also in trouble. Let’s help them out.”

The person said in an unrecognizable voice and quietly jumped from the highest building possible towards the stadium.

The person in the hood made sure that they make no noise while landing on the roof of the stadium. They even erased their presence when a Black Jaguar guard felt it behind them.

“Phew! That was close!”

The person says as they use the support of the stadium roof to look at how many guards are around.

“Three in total. I can’t take them all down since they all are making sure to check each other’s back. I have to make it to the door behind them.”

The person takes a deep breath.

“How much time did I recover since I saved, Ryuga?”

The person in the hood is talking themselves.

“I see, about 30 minutes. I think that will be more than enough to complete the mission.”

The person hops down as the time around them stops.


The person hits one of the guards on the neck.



They hit another guard on the ground.


And punch the final guards face.


The person says as all the guards fall down. They make sure to give them a soft landing with wind magic.

“28 minutes and 17 seconds of time left.”

The person seems to be talking to themselves again.

They head to the backroom but take glance on the hostages in the arena,

“I can’t save them just yet…It will massively reduce my time if I do so. I will need to keep some of my time for the Nine-Tailed Fox as well.”

The person says as they exit the arena.

They exit the arena and look at the back lobby with all the locker rooms.

“Someone is coming!”

They say as their pointy ears twitch.

The person in hood quickly takes cover in one of the locker rooms.

“Yeah dude, boss has got this.”

“I agree! If those kids really think that, they can take on Nine-Tailed Fox as well as the big shots of our Black Jaguars they have another thing coming for them.”

“Plus, if things go wrong. We have hostages in our custody.”

“Exactly! Hahahahaahaha!”

“I see, the hostages are the secondary method for them to get their job done.”

The hooded person says as they listen closely.

“Well, I guess the coast is clear.”

The hooded person comes out of the locker room as the two guards walk away.

They turn around to go the other way but a guard who is wearing a mask points a pistol right in the hooded person’s face.

“I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t get any respond for Jason, Michael and Freds.”

The hooded person holds the guard’s gun and punches their face with the back of their fist but that isn’t enough to take the guard down.


So the hooded person uses a hurricanrana to smash the guard’s head into the wall. “Sleep tight.” The hooded person says and then they drag the guard’s unconscious body into the locker room. “Thomas huh? Time to change disguises.”

The hooded person strips Thomas and his clothes and his radio transmitter.

“Alright, time to get moving.”

They says as they wear the leather mask that Thomas was wearing.

“I also found this card in his pocket. I guess, this will give me access to places I couldn’t sneak into. Then again, which place can I not sneak into.”

The person in disguise says.

The person in disguise moves out of the locker room. They started walking towards the elevator that leads to the judges box…


The radio transmitted.

“Tsch! They found those guys I knocked out.”

The person wearing the disguise says.


Kirian sighs as he gets up from his seat and looks around,

“Listen up you intruder, wherever you are, you better get here or else I will kill one civilian every 5 minutes. You wouldn’t want this, would you…”

Kirian smirks,

“Chilli Ranger…”

Near the elevator,

“Huh? Chilli Ranger? Does he really think I am as weak as that Chilli Ranger?”

The person in disguise sighs.

“If you don’t show up now, I will kill one right now for you.”

Kirian says inside the stadium.

“He’s gonna kill someone, I am sure that Chilli Ranger can buy me sometime though.”

The person in disguise says as they into the elevator.


The person in disguise heard the bullet sound,


The person in disguise looked surprised. They tried to sense the amount of people in the stadium.

“No…No one died…The people I sensed when I entered the stadium is the same as than…It seems someone is injured though.”

The person in disguise says.


“You show up once again, Chilli Ranger.”

Kirian smirks as he looks at Chilli Ranger whose hand is bleeding.

“Tsch! The situation just keeps getting out of our hands.”

Bleeds says.

“Don’t worry I am sure that the backup has arrived.”

Myra says with a smile.


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