《Ghost World Academia》77-Battle Of S-Ranks


Inside the stadium, the judges' box,

“Hey…Look, something is happening in the stadium.”

Mayumi points at the arena.

“Those are…”

There seem to be people dressed in complete black clothing and helmet arriving inside the stadium with guns in their hands.

“Black Jaguar…So, they are here, huh? Tsch!”

Lucifer looked frustrated as she seems to be working on the door.

Myra sends a message to someone from her mobile.

“Whom are you calling, Miss Myra?”

Bleeds asks Myra.

“Just a little backup.”

Inside the stadium, in the arena,

“You all are under our control now. I am Kirian Stadler a commanding officer in Black Jaguar. Heroes or Ghosts or whatever you are, it doesn’t matter to us. Right now, if you don’t want to die, you all will sit quietly while our boss gets the Nine-Tail Fox under his control.”

A big buff man says as he walks around the ring with a pistol in his hand.

“Also, S-Rank heroes and Ghosts aren’t going to come until everything is already over. So, just get over it and sit calmly. In case those S-Rank heroes do break out, we have you as hostages.”

The big buff man says.

“Get all the hostages in a single place. Make sure none of them escape.”

Kirian commands a member of Black Jaguar.

A girl in the crowd gets up trying to rebel against the Black Jaguar.

“Fuck this shit! I ain’t taking any of it. You think you can boss us! You don’t know how strong the Ghosts are! They will come and save us! You just wai-”


That was the sound everyone who was within the stadium had heard.

There was a 5 seconds of pin-drop silence before everyone in the stadium looked at the bullet that had pierced right through the head of the girl who had rebelled.



A little girl who was sitting next to her screamed as the rebelling girl’s body drops to the ground.

“Shut that little girl up or else she will be next.”

Kirian says without showing any remorse for what he had just done.

“I think I made myself clear with that example. If anyone else wants to go and become a big hero, you are free to.”

Kirian says as he sits outside on the ring.

Inside the judges' box,

“He killed that girl…”

Lucifer looked annoyed.

“Tsch! I didn’t expect them to start killing hostages already.”

Lucifer says as she tries to analyze the magic.

“This is bad…When is your backup arriving, Miss Myra?”

Bleeds asks.

“Because this situation…It might be a little too much for Chilli Ranger and his squad to handle.”

Bleeds continues.

“Don’t worry, she is on her way.”

Myra says as she looks at the arena.


Outside the stadium,

the sounds of the battle were so loud that they couldn’t hear the gunshot.

The Hidden Blademaster and Roderick have taken their fight on the left-wing of the stadium.

“You…You lured me here so that I won’t be able to help others, isn’t that right?”

The Hidden Blademaster asks Roderick.

“That is true. After all, The Hidden Blademaster isn’t someone who I can defeat. But, I do believe that I have the capability of holding my own against you.”

Roderick says.

The Hidden Blademaster takes a deep breath.

“I don’t know why a hero would side the villain but, I will be sure to give you a beating of your lifetime and make you spit out everything.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“That sadly, is not what I intend to do.”

Roderick says as he takes his sword stance that seems to be quite similar to that of a soldier who holds a high defensive stance. The stance helps his shield cover the body and head while the only exposed part is his shield and his left hand where he holds the sword.


On the other end, The Hidden Blademaster is keeping a tight grip on her sword while she focuses on Roderick. Not to mention, the way she holds the sword right over her eyes. It’s almost as if her sword is covering her eyes. It seems to be quite a unique way of holding a sword.

“I will arrest you and you will answer all our questions as well. I will make sure of that.”

The Hidden Blademaster says as she closes her distance between herself and Roderick using flash step.

“Shit! She is using Flash Step!”

Roderick thought while he looked at The Hidden Blademaster close in next to him. She was ready to strike her sword to the uncovered right side of the body.

Roderick quickly arranges his shield in such a way that it barely blocks The Hidden Blademaster’s strike.

The Hidden Blademaster flips right back after attacking Roderick but that didn’t hinder The Hidden Blademaster’s speed whatsoever. In fact, she was even faster than before.

“That’s crazy, the way you move…You can easily be an SSS-Rank Hero.”

Roderick says as he blocks another strike from The Hidden Blademaster and this time the strike was much stronger. The strike was strong enough to push back Roderick.

“Not good, if she continues to fight the way she is, I will provide an opening. I have to hold her long enough for Boss to work on her plan.”

Roderick doesn’t look like he can spot The Hidden Blademaster at the speed at which she is moving.

“I thought this was going to be a battle of S-Ranks…But…This just seems to be a straight-up slaughter for me. I have to find a way to restraint her movements.”

Roderick thought as he watched The Hidden Blademaster run all over the place.

“Above me!”

Roderick quickly covers his head thinking that The Hidden Blademaster was going to strike from above him.


But she used the shield as support and jumps off of the shield right in front of Roderick.

“This is the end!”

The Hidden Blademaster looked like she was above to win when out of nowhere, Roderick slams his shield at full strength in front of The Hidden Blademaster trying to chop off her head.

The Hidden Blademaster dodges it successfully but instead loses some of his hair while dodging it. She flips away from Roderick.

“That was close.”

The Hidden Blademaster says as she takes her sword stance again.

“I guess, I will have to use more strength to defeat you.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.


A woman whistles in dark,

“I did not expect that The Hidden Blademaster was going to be that strong.”

The woman smirks,

“And I did not expect you to find me.”

Athena walks into the dark room with a smile,

“My, now this is a surprise, you are the one-eyed pirate, Naomi Stewarts, aren’t you? The behind-the-scene operator of this operation.”

Athena asks the woman with a darker smile.

The woman shows her face which has a red eye patch on it.

“I am surprised you know me.”

The woman says.

“Should I not?”

Athena asks Naomi.

“Well, there aren’t people in this world who know me and lived to tell the tale. After all, I am supposed to be all mysterious and all, you know?”

Naomi smiles.

“Is that so?”

Athena looks confused.

“So, who are you?”

Naomi asks Athena

“I am Aragi Kaori, a housewife.”

Athena says with a smile.

“You don’t seem like a normal housewife to me.”

Naomi says.

“Want to test out?”

Athena asks Naomi.

“Sure thing.”

Naomi smirks.


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