《Ghost World Academia》53-Game Over


“Until she’s gone, can you train me in hand-to-hand fighting?”

Ryuga says to Ecio.


Ecio looks confused. He understands just after what Ryuga is planning.

“You want to prepare for the upcoming challenges. I see.”

Ecio smirks.

“You should know, I won’t be as lenient as Myra.”

Ecio says.

“Does it look like I want you to be lenient?”

Ryuga asks Ecio.

“Of course you don’t. So, I guess I will train you whenever she’s gone. But, I won’t be responsible for anything that happens to you.”

Ecio says to Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“So, let’s begin our training right now!”

“That’s cute, both of you training and everything.”

Suddenly Miya pops out of nowhere and jumps between Ryuga and Ecio.

“But, you should you should realize it by now, my aunt won’t let anyone train Ryuga for her obstacles.”

Miya says with a smirk.

“Tsch! You have to be kidding me.”

Ecio looked quite annoyed.

Ryuga gets closed to Miya.

“What the-“

He stares at Miya for a quiet second.

(It couldn’t have been her, could it? The height, the body, and the way she talks, they are all the same but…The voice…The voice is so much more different.)

“Are you interested in our Miya, Ryuga?”

Ecio asks Ryuga.

“Eh? No! That’s not the case.”

Ryuga says as he steps back.

Miya’s face gets all red.

“Done having fun?”

Myra who is floating over Ryuga and the others asks.

“I have a bad feeling about this.”

Ecio says.

Myra snaps her finger and suddenly, two butterfly keys appear. One inside Ecio’s chest pocket and another hanging around Myra’s waist.

“Don’t tell me…”

“Aragi Ryuga, you have 12 hours to get those keys. To get those keys, you have to snatch both keys and run away or defeat both of them until you knock them unconscious.”


Myra explains.

“And Ecio, don’t you dare think of giving away your key clumsily to Ryuga, or else I will put you inside a GlitchLand for at least 100 years where no will ever come to greet you.”

Myra says to Ecio.

“She’s scary…”

Ecio says as he sweats.

Ryuga sighs,

“And here I thought that I was going to train a bit.”

Ryuga says in a disappointed tone.

“Your time starts now!”

Myra announces.

Ryuga takes a deep breath,

“Two on one…It’s seriously a bad match-up.”

Ryuga sighs.

“That won’t be necessary. Miya, why don’t you go first?”

Ecio says.

Miya nods,

“I think I will since you might be a little too much for Ryuga.”

Miya says as she exercises before going in to fight.

“Let’s begin!”

Suddenly, Miya jumps at Ryuga.


At Airi’s place,

“Are you practicing how to use your ability?”

Airi who is drinking a cup of coffee in the bedroom asks Ellie who is using her hair slowly to do things instead of her hand. Things like reading books and folding clothes.

“Yeah, I am still getting used to it though.”

Ellie says to Airi.

“You know, you don’t need to be so afraid. If you stop being afraid, then you might be able to use your limiter ability with no problems.”

Airi says to Ellie.

“I know, Ryuga said something similar. But, I am afraid of using this power of mine…It’s far more dangerous. It can pierce through anyone’s body.”

Ellie says to Airi.

“Did you kill someone with your ability?”

Airi asks Ellie.

“I killed all my personal maids with it when I activated my ability when I was around 9 years old.”

Ellie replied.


Airi says.



Ellie looks confusedly at Airi.

“I mean, I can understand where you come from. It’s tough for a kid…To bear that image.”

Airi says to Ellie.

“Did something bad happen to you when you were young as well, Miss Rishi?”

Ellie asks Airi.


Airi looked lost in thought.

“I guess…I will not ask you about it.”

Ellie says as she walks out of the room.


Airi looked at a picture near her table.


Ryuga got back up like he had a bad dream.

“Good morning sunshine!”

Ecio greeted Ryuga at three in the morning.

“Fucking hell! My eyes!”

Ryuga holds his right eye, which is in pain.

“You got a black eye from getting hit by me.”

Miya says to Ryuga.

“Oh right, I was supposed to defeat you two.”

Ryuga says.

“Right, about that, you against me now. Since Miya didn’t put you out for a long time, I will surely make sure you are down for a long sleep.”

Ecio says.

“Wait, what?!”

Ryuga looks confused.


Ryuga once again wakes up but this time…

(I don’t know how much time is left so, all I have to do is snatch both those keys and run as fast as possible.)

“We know you are awake, Ryuga.”

Ecio says with a smile.


Ryuga gets up with a black eye and great pain in his gut.

It seems that it’s morning because of the heavy sun.

“Shit…I was out for a long time this time.”

“Sorry, but, we just don’t want to go to GlitchLand, so we are making sure that you don’t pass this test.”

Miya says.

“What’s this GlitchLand anyways?”

“For some, a place of paradise and for some, it’s a nightmare. Well, it all depends on Myra’s mood.”

Ecio says.

“Let’s just say, it’s a type of game creating software in which everything is controlled by Aunt Myra. By everything, I mean everything, even your life.”

Miya says.

“The reason we call it GlitchLand is because this game is a story-based game which doesn’t have an ending.”

Ecio says.

“And when do those types of games don’t have an ending?”

Miya asks.

“When there is a glitch that prevents you from reaching that ending.”

Ecio answers.

“That is exactly where you will be going Ryuga.”

Miya says.


Ryuga looks confused.

“That’s because…Time is up.”

Miya says.

Ryuga smirks,

“What’s with that smile?”

Miya asks Ryuga.

“There is no game which cannot be completed.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.

“Even if there is a glitch, there is always a way around it. I will definitely find a way around it.”

Ryuga keeps his smirk on his face.

Suddenly, a light appears under Ryuga’s feet.

“You’re either dumb or just straight crazy. Either way, my advice to you is, don’t lose yourself. Don’t ever forget, your identity.”

Miya says to Ryuga.

Ryuga disappears with that.

Silent falls once Ryuga disappears.

“Do you think he can complete GlitchLand?”

Miya asks.

Myra slowly lands from up above.

“Not even Yuu has been able to complete GlitchLand, Aunt Myra. Do you think, Ryuga can do it?”

Miya asks Myra a barrage of questions.

Ecio just smiles and walks away.

“You have an odd confidence in that boy, Ecio. Let me ask you Miya’s question then, do you think that Ryuga is capable of completing my ultimate game?”

Myra asks Ecio.

“No comments.”

Ecio chuckles and just keeps on moving on with a smile.

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