《Ghost World Academia》52-Completing The First Obstacle


Somewhere in another city, “Are you going to participate in this year’s tournament Slips?”

A woman who seems to be in her mid-twenties asks Slips who is reading a book.

They both seem to be sitting in an abandoned mansion along with a little girl who seems like a kid.

“What do you think?”

Slips asks the woman who has black-colored long braided hair.

“Knowing you, yes, you would.”

The woman with braided hair says.

“What about our leader? What is she planning to do when I am away?”

Slips asks the braided woman.

“Just as usual, sleep.”

The braided woman looks at a petite girl who is sleeping on a couch.

“All I want to know is when am I getting my dibs on that Aragi guy?”

A boy is who seems to be sitting on a chair that is facing the other way asks.

“You will get your turn, Yuu. We have to make him stronger first then break him. That is our mission.”

Ryan walks in the middle of everyone.

“Is that so?”

The boy sitting on the chair seems to be smiling viciously.

“Where are Greed and Envy? They don’t seem to be here.”

Ryan asks the people in the room.

“You know I have a name, you don’t need to call me Greed.”

A woman with a familiar voice enters the abandoned mansion.

“That’s your codename, Eina.”

Ryan calls out the woman who entered.

“Yeah, I know, I know. Where is our jealous little lover then?”

Eina asks Ryan.

“It seems that she might not come.”

The petite girl yawns and wakes back up.

“I see.”

Ryan sighs.

“Anyways, why did you call us here, Ryan?”

Eina asks Ryan.

“It’s pretty much so that I can share details on how to break and bring in Aragi Ryuga.”


Ryan smirks.

(There are only planks ahead of me. Say I get past those planks, there are those 3 swinging axes I need to worry about as well. I have so far gone through 132 scenarios where I try to get past those things. It’s always either I go down or I leave it to chance. There doesn’t seem to be a safe path.)

“Thinking will only get me so far, I will just have to take a risky pathway and leave rest to luck.”

Ryuga takes a deep breath activating his pure chi.

He makes a leap of faith onto the plank.

The plank starts to tilt downwards.

Ryuga makes a quick run to the other side and makes another jump to the other plank.

He rolls and lands on the other plank, which also tilts towards him.

He continues to make the same jump for the third time.

Ryuga realizes that the next jump is all dependent on his luck since there are swinging axes between him and the next platform.

“Now would be the best time for me to be lucky than ever.”

Ryuga takes a leap of faith once again as he gets past the 3 swinging axes that he barely escapes.

Ryuga deactivates his pure chi and looks like he is exhausted.

He constantly huffs and puffs as he lays down on the ground.

“Man *Pant* I am… *Pant* I am never doing that ever again. *Pant*”

Ryuga gets back up as he looks at the first in his grasp.

He takes the first key and that teleports him back to the real world.

“What the-“

He comes out of the television where he sees that no one is watching him.

“I guess I did turn the show boring for a while.”


Ryuga walks out of the small house once again.

He finds out that it’s nighttime.

There is heavy growling inside Ryuga’s stomach.

Ryuga sighs,

“I am hungry.”

Ryuga says.

“Yo kid, wassup!”

The buff man who he met earlier walks up to him.

“Oh hey, you are that guy I met earlier.”

Ryuga points at him.

“Yeah, that’s me.”

The buff man says to Ryuga.

“Where’s Miss Myra?”

Ryuga asks the buff man.

“Myra? She said she needed to do something important. She will back in like a few hours or something.”

The buff man said.

“I see…”

Ryuga sighs.

Ryuga’s stomach growls.


The buff man asks.

Ryuga gives a nervous smile.


Ryuga says.

“My name is Ecio. I am a traveler who travels all around the world and works for different people with different jobs to get a different experience.”

Ecio says as Ryuga eats some pig meat.

"I guess...You met a chef as well since your food is really good."

Ryuga says.

"I did. He made some of the best dishes in the world."

Ecio says with a smile.

“Oh right, my name is Aragi Ryuga. As you know, I am here to train.”

Ryuga says.

“Did you clear the first of those five obstacles?”

Ecio asks Ryuga.

Ryuga nods,

“Yeah, it was an easy one. It was easy but really exhausting.”

Ryuga sighs.

“Now that’s something I don’t hear every day. Someone calling Myra’s obstacles easy.”

Ecio laughs.

“Which one was it?”

Ecio asks.

“It was the platformer. They said it was the third most difficult game or something.”

Ryuga answers.

“I see…”

Ecio nods.

“You seem to know a lot about Miss Myra’s abilities.”

Ryuga says.

“Of course I do. After all-“

Ryuga interrupts Ecio.

“You like her?”

Ryuga asks Ecio.

“Of course I do. But she would never accept it, so it’s whatever.”

Ecio says as he shrugs his shoulders.

“Don’t tell her about it.”

Ecio says with a nervous smile.

“I see.”

Ryuga keeps the plate down after finishing the food on his plate.

Ryuga gets up,

“I won’t tell her, don’t worry.”

Ryuga says.

“But until she’s gone, can you train me in hand-to-hand fighting.”

Ryuga says to Ecio.


Ecio looks confused. He understands just after what Ryuga is planning.

“You want to prepare for the upcoming challenges. I see.”

Ecio smirks.

“You should know, I won’t be as lenient as Myra.”

Ecio says.

“Does it look like I want you to be lenient?”

Ryuga asks Ecio.

“Of course you don’t. So, I guess I will train you whenever she’s gone. But, I won’t be responsible for anything that happens to you.”

Ecio says to Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“So, let’s begin our training right now!”

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