《Ghost World Academia》....



(I wake up with a yawn due to the morning sunshine that reflects through the curtain onto my eyes.)

“Ryuga! Wake up, sweety.”

(The person calling me is my mother, Kaori Aragi. She is most probably calling me for breakfast but I seriously don’t feel like having breakfast.)

“I am awake mother. I will come downstairs once I am done changing.”

The boy who has a well-built body and black hair walks inside the bathroom. He stands in front of the mirror brushing his teeth.

After brushing his teeth, the boy takes a bath in his own bathroom and changes into his uniform. Soon he makes his way down to the living room where the dining table is.

(My name is Ryuga Aragi, age 16, I just graduated from Middle-School about 2 months ago and now I am in the first year of my high-school. My mother’s name is Kaori Aragi and my balding father is Hiro Aragi. He is sitting next to the dining table.

My mother is a normal housewife who takes care of our house while my father is a police officer. He is a normal police officer in this abnormal world.)

Ryuga pays attention to the news broadcast. It said about some kind of conflict between Ghosts and the Illuminati that will soon be taking place.

(Ghosts are supercool superheroes whom I have admired since I was a kid. I always wanted to be a superhero, since I was a kid. Now, I got a chance to attend one of the greatest academy in the world.

Ghost World Academy, the academy where everyone is prepping to be the best Ghost in the world and I won’t lose to them.)

“Alright honey, see you later. You better take care of yourself.” Kaori happily escorts Hiro to the house’s exit.

Kaori sits next to Ryuga, “How are things going on between you and Mayumi?” Kaori asks Ryuga. “Well, things are good and since Uncle Yasaharu accepted me, things have been smoother than ever.” Ryuga gave Kaori a calm smile. “Good, good, just as I expected things to be.” Kaori says to Ryuga. “Just like you said mother, things will work out if I had the courage to speak my feelings to her.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Yes, yes, I am your mother you know.” Kaori says with a smile.


Ryuga looks back at Kaori and smiles, “Yeah a cute mother who has a balding husband.” “Is that so?” Suddenly, a slipper appears out of nowhere and hits Ryuga in the face, “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! THAT HURT!” Ryuga falls on the ground. “Hmph! That’s what you get for insulting the only man I love.” Kaori pouts and looks away from Ryuga. That’s when Ryuga realized, “I shouldn’t joke about my father in front of my father...I don’t want another flying slipper in my face.”

Kaori smiles at Ryuga, “You are the only boy that I love too, little Ryuga.” That brings a smile to Ryuga’s face, “I love you too, mother.”

With that, the little heart-warming conversation between Kaori and Ryuga comes to an end. Ryuga leaves for the first day in a new high school. “See ya later, mother.” “See you later, sweety.”

“State your name!” A voice so deep that can make someone shit their own pants commands Ryuga to say his name. “Aragi Ryuga.” Ryuga obeys and states his name. “Aragi Ryuga, age 16, year first, the reason for joining our academy because no other high-schools accepted your application, voice recognized, now I shall pull you in the dimension between two worlds.” The voice goes on and on.

A Black Hand appears out of the tunnel and pulls Ryuga right inside the tunnel. This gives Ryuga a whole new meaning of a roller-coaster ride but even when this Black Hand was pulling Ryuga inside, Ryuga was as calm as the sea. It was like he didn’t have any expressions to express his feelings on this event.

The Black Hand drops him in front of a huge gate, “Your ride is completed! I shall now leave.” The Black Hand goes inside the huge gate.

(I want to be the best Ghost in the whole wide world. If possible, I want to work beside our City’s number 1 Ghost Bleeds whose daughter I am dating. My name is Ryuga Aragi and I am here to be the best Ghost possible.)


“I…Want…To be the best Ghost…”

“Is that…What I seriously what I want?”

“Whom am I even talking to?”




“Ryuga! Wake up, dude! It’s already past 5!”

Ryuga wakes up and looks at Kirio who is trying to wake him up. He yawns.

“Morning, Ryuga.”

Mayumi who is sitting next to Ryuga said to him with a smile.

“Dude, you gotta like stop sleeping at school at stuff.”

Kirio who is standing in front of Ryuga, says to Ryuga.

“I am sorry, it’s just, I felt like I was really tired.”

Ryuga says to Kirio.

“You even kept poor Mayumi waiting for you.”

Kirio sighs.

Ryuga looks at Mayumi who is smiling and waiting for him.

“I am s-sorry, Mayumi. I didn’t mean to.....“

Mayumi chuckles,

“It’s alright Ryuga. I mean, if it’s for you, I wait even after you die.”

Ryuga and Kirio both felt a weird sense of humor which gave them a chill spine.

They nervously chuckled and Ryuga said,

“She said a little too much.”

Kirio agreed with him.

“Anyways, let’s get the train then. We need to go back home after all.”

Kirio says.

Ryuga nods, “Yeah, let’s go.”

Ryuga, Kirio, Mayumi, Maria, and Yoshiro are in the dining room. Kirio had invited Ryuga and Mayumi to his place to have food.

“It is good to have you all here. Since it’s my birthday, I decided to invite my few friends over.”

Kirio says with a smile.

“So, let’s enjoy!”

With that Kirio smiled and everyone looked quite excited to enjoy the night at Kirio’s house.

They all partied, the two adults in the room Maria and Yoshiro drank alcohol while Ryuga, Kirio, and Mayumi drank normal juice.

After the party was over, Ryuga and Kirio were doing dishes.

“Hey, it’s nice to have a friend like you Ryuga. Always helping me, in all the ways possible. You know, I actually admire you.”

Kirio says to Ryuga.

“It’s kinda unbelievable how you handle situations without having limiters. Like, you are truly exceptional.”

Kirio says with a smile.

“You are exaggerating Kirio. All I do is provide advice. In actual combat, I am just as useless as a gun with no bullet.”

Ryuga says.

“Hey, a gun can hit hard if you use enough force.”

Kirio says with a smile.

Ryuga chuckles and keeps his smile.

“I will go check up on Yoshiro, big sis Maria, and Mayumi.”

Ryuga says.

“Yeah, you go do that.”

Kirio says to Ryuga.

Ryuga walked to the living room where everyone was. He opened the door to the living room.

As soon as he opens the door to the living room, he finds Mayumi and Yoshiro kissing each other which puts him in shock.

He also finds Maria sleeping on the desk.

“Sorry Ryuga, she’s mine. I have made her mine just like how I made Maria mine right in front of your eyes.”

“I had to ask myself”

“Why am I here?”

“Why is she here?”

“Why is that bastard still alive?”

“Whom Am I?”

“If I am Aragi Ryuga, why was my life so normal up until now?”

“But, before I could completely recover myself…”




“Ryuga! Wake up, dude! It’s already past 5!”

“I was back in the same room as Mayumi And Kirio.”

“Morning, Ryuga.”

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