《Strongest Tree》Chapter 15


The last General the "Bloody Mary" entered the stage. With her heavy hammer she smashed every fallens that come in her way. Although she doesn't have any AoE skills that the other Generals have with her speed being faster than the other Generals her killing rate was only a bit lower than them

But this is not what shocked everyone, instead it's her aura! Her aura was powerful than the other Generals that it shocled everyone

The Rune Master General Gerald eyes lit up

"Good! good! she broke through!" Gerald instead of being jealous was instead happy. With a mid-stage Mystic in their ranks less people will die!

If there is someone jealous here that would be the Mage General. His face constricted in jealousy

"Bastard! Burn to death!" His attack become even more fearsome and aggressive as claws of fire and small sparks of fire was being made with almost no pause

Every fallens that come in contact with these flames were burned to death

A smile appeared in Mary's face, she broke through to the mid-stage which made her happy and now she can fight a lot of fallens!

She really is a battle freak, even when blood splashed on her clothes or body all she can feel is the thrill of fighting with all you've got as her smiled become wider and wider

Her hammer smashed into a fallen but ten more fallens attacked her simultaneously but she jumped in the air too high that all the fallens claws only managed to hit the air

With her falling speed an unlucky fallen did not have the time to react and was directly smashed into pulp of bloods and flesh

"Let's go team, time to increase our strength!" Kence smiled at his teammates which has smiles on their faces too

"But let me remind you, don't give your 100%. If something unexpected happen we will immediately retreat! Do not sacrifice your life!" They all nodded, after all these people they are protecting was not in any way related to them. The only reason they are participating in this war was to increase their strenght while also lessening the number of fallens!

Before, as the numbers of fallens are too low they need to spend a lot of time to hunt some but now a golden opportunity was presented in front of then

With ten thousand fallens even if they only managed to kill a few hundreds of them it will significantly boost their strenght and might even be able to push them into the mid-stage

King's arms tranformed into roots with a few sharp ends on it that struck all the fallens in his way. All the fallens energy and life force was immediately sucked away and was used to replenish the energy that he used and the surplus was added to his cultivation base

It was not hard to broke through in the first three stages of [Supernatural Rank] one only needs to gather and absorbed enough energy to break through!

As King's roots was 2.5 meters in length the area 2.5 meters around him was completely devoid of any fallens. This made the other supernaturals to be jealous to death


With this kind of skill in their arsenal why would they even worry about surviving this war?

Calter entered the battlefield too, around him five light green bullets formed that immediately attacked the fallens as soon as it was formed

While his arms was also tranformed into roots that absorbed the fallens. However, unlike his father's roots that has many sharp ends on it that can absorb more fallens his only has a single sharp end to it. However, with the help of his Magic Bullets it made him to be able to kill many fallens too

This made the other supernatural to blush in shame. An eight year old kid was actually far stronger and courageous that them!

Cesar did not let himself be outshine by the father and son duo. Although his killing speed was lower than them his team fighting skills were better than them!

He decided to join a group of five supernaturals and with the use of his binding Runes these five only job was to directly kill the fallens. Only one of his arms were transformed into a root as he need his other arm to get blood and used the Blood to draw Runes

Thankfully, because of his earlier preparation he has a bag full of paper that has his Rune Engravings on it. This further increased his supportive ability as he also helped the other supernaturals

"[Magic Skill: Metal Claw]" one of Cesar's temporary teammate activated his skill. The man's hands tranformed into metal claws that ripped the head of a fallen that was binded by Cesar

The man was not disturbed by the gory scene, clearly this man has a lot of battle experience with him. A veteran!

Unfortunately, something happened that caught everyone off guard

A gray cloud of fog was shot to his direction. The unlucky supernatural was hit directly by this fog

His body started to become gray in color and the intelligence in his eyes that are present on every human vanished and was replaced by crazy bloodthirstiness that can be seen in every fallens

Without them knowing how, this man become a fallen that joined the team of the fallen horde and attack the humans!

If he only become a fallen that was barely acceptable however his power as a supernatural was retained! Even his Metal Claw aside from changing into gray color retained its strength!

Caught off guard the tranformed fallen's claw pierced another one of Cesar's temporary teammate in her heart! No one can survive this. With disbelief and despair on her eyes that woman fell to the ground devoid of life

The last though she had was 'why?' When the apocalypse started she met this man and they fought with fallens together thus safely arriving in this city and becoming part of the army

They developed feelings for each other and become a couple but who would have thought that she will die in the hands of someone who previously protected her and fought with her?

This kind of scenario happened everywhere on the battlefield field

They saw ten fallens with color grayer than the other fallens spewing out this cloud of gray fog with five fallens that has body type bigger than normal fallens acting as their guard


Seeing this, they were reminded of what era they are living now

This is the apocalypse era!

They become calm and confident when they gained power to fight fallens and with their enemy's number being less than theirs they treat this apocalypse easily

But now they are reminded by the cruelty of this world

No matter if it is their family, friends, lovers as long as they transformed into fallens no matter what your relationship with them they won't hesitate to kill you!

Chaos appeared everywhere, it was one thing dying while fighting but it was another matter if you transformed into one of the things that you wished to kill

Many of these supernaturals did not fled because of their hatred for fallens! These fallens killed someone important to them before amd now there is a chance that they too would become the thing they hated the most how can they be calm?!

Soon, some of the supernaturals tried to fled

The Cultivator General was angered with this, she grab one of the deserters and used her hammer to smashed the unlucky deserter to death

"All deserters will die!" If this was before, her threat would become very effective but now seeing the fallen's capabilities they are willing to risk their lives to get away

After all the battlefield is wide, the General can't possibly kill all deserters and they might become one of the lucky ones that will survive!

"Bastards!" Mary gritted her teeth in anger but she cannot do anything

"Those fallens absolutely must die!" If the situation continued like this they would be wiped out!

The other Generals and Kence's team has the same thought. Kence's team cannot stop for now until all of them broke through to the mid-stage!

"King, Calter, Cesar help me kill those fallens!"

As they already understand the situation aside from Calter. After all he is still just a kid even if he was matured than from people at his age he was still just an eight year old!

Nonetheless, he still followed them

"Son, you must absolutely not get too far away from me those fallens are dangerous!" Calter nodded as even without his father saying this he wants to be close to his father so that he too can protect him!

Tens of leaves surrounded Kence and he run towards the special fallens. A lot of normal fallens tried to stopped him but he used his floating ability to bypass their defense

Soon, he come in range of those special fallens and used his leaves to kill

But it was at this time that one of the guard fallens a bit more than two meters in height with muscular body blocked in front of the special fallen

The leaves although successful hit the fallen's body only half of the leaves' body managed to penetrate the fallen's defense

With fallens not knowing pain this attack was not very effective

The other generals and vice-generals also managed to reach the specials fallens range

"To think these fallens can also become stronger and they even evolved into this level! This is dangerous for mankind. Let us kill them!" The Rune General's face was shrouded with gloom while the other Generals also has ugly expression on their faces

They thought that with few casualties they have a 100% chance of winning this war but who would have thought that evolved fallens will appear? This made their chance to at least become 50/50 as judging that the aura of these fallens they are the same with Mary and Kence who broke through to the mid-stage!

King and the others also reached Kence and the others, seeing them the Generals at least somewhat gained some confidence with more Mystics joining their ranks

"We must kill those fallens immediately" the Succubus General sighed

"She is right, let's split up and fight together" the only thing the Rune General want now is to end this war as soon as possible to lower casualties

"How about this, me and Mary will fight one each while the other Generals and Vice-General together with my team of Mystics will team up to fight the other three"

The Generals and Vice-Generals felt that this was plausible as Kence and Mary are in the mid-stage, the same with the evolved fallens they can certainly fight toe to toe with the fallens

Kence and Mary will fight each evolved fallen

The Mage General and Vice General with the Vice-General of Rune will fight another one

The Rune General will fight with the Succubus General and Vice-General

Lastly, King and Calter will fight another one

While Cesar on the other hand will support all the teams but will put priority to King's team

"Everyone! We will fight the evolved fallens! Kill the normals ones!" After the Rune General shouted they all launched theirselves towards the evolved fallens while the supernaturals fight the normals fallens for them to not interfere to the fight that will decided the outcome of this war

"Taste my fire!!"

The Mage General conjured seven claws of fire. For him this was his chance to prove that he was the most powerful and superior than everyone here!

The claws of fire successfuly hit the evolved fallen, however this fallen's defense was truelly astonishing. Although the fire managed to scorch the fallen's body it was not enough to give it a serious injury

"What?!" Seeing this the Mage was shocked, earlier he saw Kence attacking the fallen but only managed to pierce its skin and muscles. He thought that this was due to Kence being weak and he looked down on him but to think that it was not because Kence was weak but this fallen's defense was truelly astonishing!

This was a big blow to his confidence, his fiery temper was ignited more and he used his Magic Skills without caring about the energy usage

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