《Strongest Tree》Chapter 16


The other Generals and Kence's team also started fighting the evolved fallens however they were still at disadvantage

The evolved fallens are already one small stage higher than them but even though the other supernaturals tried their best to not let the normal fallens interfere some fallens still managed to distract the people that are fighting the evolved fallens

It made them missed a lot of chances in killing

The evolved fallen that Kence was fighting growled angrily and charged at him. He didn't dare block this attack so he floated in the air, making the fallen's attack miss

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Barrage!]" He seized this chance to conjure another tens of leaves to attack, the fallen crossed its arm in front of him and only half of the leaf's body penetrated its defense

If leaves won't work then.. "[Innate Skill: Absorb!]" Kence's arm transformed into a root that strike the evolved fallen, it hit the fallens arm but unlike the other fallens he absorbed this time the rate of absorption was painfully slow

The fallen grabbed the root and crushed it on its palm. Thankfully, Kence won't feel any pain even his root werre destroyed

Kence decided to slowly accumulate damage on the evolved fallens to slowly kill it but it was at this time that a ball of air flew to him

This was an attack coming from one of the transformed fallens who before transforming has the ability to make wind balls

"Tch!" Kence was irritated, he was already having a hard time fighting this evolved fallen but another one was distracting him

Cesar the support saw this, he throwed one of his papers with Runes to the transformed fallen. The Rune hit the fallen, the Rune lit up and vines wrapped around the fallen's body binding it and causing it to be unable to interfere in Kence's fight

Kence's root regenerated and went back to attack the evolved fallen's body too, just like before only after absorbing a bit of its energy the fallen destroyed the root with its bare hand

The evolved fallen jumped towards Kence as its hand with sharp nails wants to rip Kence in peaces

Kence has leaves circling around his body and after the fallen get close to him small cuts appeared on its body. Unfortunately, fallens does not know what pain or injury is

Kence tranformed his arms into wood and crossed it around his body

The fallen's nail penetrated his wood body and the impact caused his body to slam on the ground

This evolved fallen's strength was really far stronger than normal fallens!

As Kence was slam coincidentally towards the normal fallens, the fallens surrounded him wants to cruelly kill and eat him

"The evolved fallen can harm me but you cant!" Kence's feet growed multiple thin roots that he used to absorb the energy and life force of the fallens

The energy he got immediately replenished some of the energy he used

He floated in the air again and flew towards the evolved fallen

He used his root arm to slam the evolved fallen and the root immediately shattered but it was quickly regenerated and pierced the body of the fallen again while his other arm conjured leaves that attacked the fallen too


As the fallen's body was out of balance because of the root smashing him it was not able to block the leaves and root with its arm

The fallen's body's defense was bit inferior than it arms causing the leaves and root to leave a bit more damage

Since Kence can levitate and can transform his body into wood he does not fear much the attack of the evolved fallens and with normal fallens surrounding them energy expenditure was not something he cared about

However it was not the same for others

Mary used her hammer to smashed the evolved fallen, unfortunately the energy inside the fallen's body protected its body from inside and out!

The fallen threw a punch at her and she used her hammer to block this attack but the impact still affected her arm causing her to not being able to wield her hammer properly

The fallen attack again and with harm still feeling the impact she cannot block properly and can only block

She barely dodged the fallen's attack but it still managed to left some scratch on her face

Blood leaked but it only added to the blood that was already on her face

As her arm's recovered she use her skill

"[Battle Skill: Heavy Hammer!]" She leapt on the air as her hammer was surrounded by her energy causing it to emit intense light

With the help of gravity and the hammer's weight her speed reached an astonishing degree that hit the fallen on its arm

The fallen's arm deformed but this kind of fatal damage was nothing to a fallen! Even if their arms are barely hanging in their body as they cannot feel pain they can still use their arm as effectively as before

"[Magic Skill: Energy Slash!] From General Gerald's sword a crescent shape energy attacked the evolved fallen

This skill came from him amplifying his sword and body's strength while also amplifying his own energy together with the sword

He become a swordsman, unfortunately even if his body's strength was almost the same as a cultivator this strength was only artificially possess by his body!

He cannot control this kind of body strength as effectively as someone who naturally has the same body strength that is why he didn't dare attack the evolved fallen head on

He doesn't care if he die but if he die now the chance of humans losing this war would be high! This will cause a lot of humans to die

"[Innate Skill: Whip of Lust!]" A pink whip formed in Lilith's arm and she used it whip the evolved fallen

Whip of Lust, it is an Innate Skill that combined physical attack with mental attack. Anyone that was hit by this whip would feel their lust rising causing them to need to put a lot of effort in controlling their body

Too bad what she is fighting was a fallen who only has the desire to kill thus her whip only damaged the fallen physically

The Bloodline Holder Vice-General has the bloodline of Lighting Leopard, her speed can be on par with the mid-stage Cultivator General as one of her Innate Skill was the [Lighting Body]

Using this skill her body would be surrounded by lighting that will stimulate her body's nerves causing her movement speed and reaction speed to increase drastically


"[Innate Skill: Lightning Slash!] Her claws shot out lightning that flew towards the fallens

Three attacks landed on the fallen's body causing it to sustain an injury that is more severe than the mid-stage experts a bit. Sometimes quantity can beat quality!

Although Rank 1: mid-stage supernaturals are powerful than those in the early stage it was still just the difference of a small realm and not of a big realm!

"[Innate Skill: Absorb!]" King shouted as his arms transformed into roots

"[Magic Skill: Harden!] His whole body shined and gained a bit of metallic luster. This skill of his not only increases his defense but couple with his root that was strengthened by this skill. The root's power reached a greater heights!

When the root struck the fallen it pierced a bit more deeply than even Kence's root!

As Calter knew how fearsome the defense of these evolved fallens he didn't use normal Magic Bullet but instead used another skill

"[Magic Skill: Twin Bullets!]" These two bullets were larger than normal ones and it naturally has more power!

Drops of gray blood leaked out on the fallen when this attacked hit it as two small holes appeared on the fallen's body

"[Rune Magic: Vine Bind!]" Although Cesar's magic won't do much damage it was enough that he can bind this evolved fallen in a few seconds if he used five Binding Runes at the same time

A single Binding Rune's power was not enough to bind these kind of fallens but if he used a few of it he can bind them for quite some time

The father and son take this chance to bombard the fallen with their skill

A fallen shot earthen spikes toward them, they do not have a choice but to dodge this attack and their attack on the evolved fallen come into a halt

These earthen spikes came from a transformed fallen. Cesar sighed as he used three Binding Runes to bind the transformed fallens

Transformed fallens are also more powerful than normal ones thanks to their skill when they were still alive

Cesar also transformed one of his arm to absorb and kill this transformed fallen

The reason why most of the fallens interfering are transformed ones aside from their strenght is that most supernaturals cannot bear to attack and kill their former comrades, family, friends, lovers etc!

Even though they know that these fallens are not the people important to them they still cannot bear to do it as memories with these people flashed into their minds

The Mage General, Sun was continuously bombarding the evolved fallen with the help of his Vice-General and the Rune Vice-General

His Vice-General was a mage of wind element and he enhanced the fire of the General. While the Rune Vice General can use earth-type Runes that can somehow limit the movement of the evolved fallen

With his aggressive bombardment, soon almost all of his energy were used up and he was already having a hard time breathing. Although the fallen was heavily injured now it was sill not dead

Seeing the others only lightly injuring the fallen while he seriously injured it his superiority complex was aroused and even when breathing hard an insane smile appeared on his face

"This is not enough! I need to kill this fallen faster!" His eyes flashed with insane determination

The General's grimoire turned into another page with a sun picture and some incomprehensible words on it

His smiled widened and called the name of the Magic Skill

"[Ultimate Skill: Burning Sun!]" An intense heat wave traveled in the space. The other supernaturals cannot help but stop what they are doing and looked towards the space where a miniature sun suddenly appeared

Gerald was shocked and looked towards the Mage "No! Sun you can't!" If Sun was in his top condition he can barely activate his Ultimate Skill once without burning his life force

However, almost all of his energy was spent now and activating his skill would endanger his life!

Still with that insane smile on his face, Sun burned his life force as an energy source

"Die! HAHAHAHA! I am the best!" The miniature sun descended towards the evolved fallen as the light from the sun blinded everyone

They all closed and covered their eyes to withstand the blinding light, when the light vanished and they recovered their vision there they saw the first evolved fallen was finally killed!

The evolved fallen was scorched black and heavily fell down on the ground this gave hope to everyone

They can win! They can survive! They can kill these fallens!

As if remembering something they directed their gaze towards Sun

Sun was still smiling however his whole body was pale as if all of the blood on his body was drained and seeing blood leaking out from all over his body one might think that all of his blood was really drained

"I-I a-am cough! The first one to ki--" he didn't even managed to finish his words as like the evolved fallen he too fell down on the ground

The Vice-Generals immediately checked his condition, their faces become grim

"H-his breathing was becoming weak. H-he is dying!"

No one can believe that a powerful General was dying in front of them

Kence frowned, he didn't want this kind of people die. A type of people that does not care about their own condition as long as he will become the best. These kind of people will kill and kill fallens to be hailed as number one!

He gritted his teeth and without a choice decided to see if he can help preserve the life of this mage however he cannot leave now as he is still fighting an evolved fallen

"I think I don't have a choice but to..." he planned to only use this skill in a matter of life and death situation as this can be considered as his trump card but to make the world safer he decided to help the Mage. He doesn't need the gratitude of the Mage, what he need is this supernatural to continue killing fallens more now as he saw that fallens can also become stronger too!

"Tree Body come out!"

Behind Kence, his original tree body suddenly emerged out from air

The tree lightly shook the ground before its roots burrowed to the ground

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