《Strongest Tree》Chapter 14


The woman's presence brought a thin layer of pink fog to the surrounding. Any men and even women when surrounded by this fog felt a tingling sensation in their lower area. This fog was actually able to arouse their lust!

Even Kence was not spared to this, he immediately use his energy to expel the fog that was absorbed by his body

Seeing this the succubus pouted, he can actually expel her fog easily!

"Don't dare use that fog on me again" Kence glared at the woman, it's not that terrifying if the enemy has strong attack fire power. However, enemies who can control your emotion was the most fearsome! They don't even need to do much, this woman only needed to release her fog and all men who cannot resist would become a slave to their lust and will be willing to do whatever she ask them to do!

The woman was taken aback by Kence's attitude, even the other Generals was still a bit affected by her fog and they never treated her harshly

Nonetheless, she only thinks that Kence was playing hard to get. Even if she didn't have her ability as a succubus her physical appearance was still one of the best

Walking close to Kence, she wore and wronged face and said "Little Brother, why are you being so mean to me?

Kence frowned at this woman, he ignored her and walk to King and the others

"Let's go"' he simply said and walked away while his teammates followed him. The other people on the other hand was dumbfounded, he can actually resist Lilith

They thought that Lilith would be angry at this, but she didn't. She actually smirked. All the men he had was too easy for her to get and that makes it boring but Kence gave her a sense of challenge that she is determined to conquer

Suddenly, a supernatural run to the training area with bullets of sweat around him. This man wore a fearful look on his face that made other wonder of what is wrong with him

"Generals! There are fallens marching towards our city!" He didn't even try to catch his breath first before speaking and immediately reported to the Generals

Lilith frowned and asked "It's just some fallens, we were attack by fallens for a few times now what's new to that?"

"That is the case before general but the fallens making their way on our city numbered in ten thousand!"

His words was like a sound of lightning that terrified everyone. Although ten thousand fallens will not destroy their city but it will be a hard blow to them!

Even Lilith was astonished "how was that possible?! Only 20% of the world's population were turned into fallens and humans already killed many of them!" This was the truth, if not for the technology and modern weaponry becoming useless and some of the cities and villages becoming wiped out the government will be able to to hold their reign over the people!

"I don't know what happened too General but this is the truth and they are estimated to reach our city in a few hours time!"

The Cultivator General having a rest for a few minutes now has enough strenght to at least stand. This was only natural as Cultivators has the strongest body! Their vitality will shock everyone

"If that is the truth then we don't have a choice, report this to the other Generals and tell all the supernaturals to get ready for the battle!"


"All deserters would be killed!" Hearing this, everyone shivered in fear. If the Cultivator General say that she will kill deserters she would really do this and personally at that!

Even Lilith although was playful take this situation seriously and went to gather her army

"Kence, I hope you can help us in this battle. With your strength we will be able to lessen the casualties"

"Don't worry, I will help" Kence knew that if this city was taken down there would be less people to fight this apocalypse which will make the world more dangerous

Also, this was a good chance to increase his and his team's strength. With their skill [Absorb] it will replenish their energy as long as there are enough nutrients and will also boost their cultivation base

He might even advance to the next stage if he managed to kill and absorbed enough fallens

Mary nodded approvingly "that's good" then she went to her villa to inform her supernatural army and her army quickly readied theirselves

She went to her room and opened a drawer, inside the drawer was a jar. This jar was filled with Blood red beans. This beans are what fallens contained on their head, these are Blood Beans and she actually has a jar full of it!

"Although it is risky but I don't have a choice" she gritted her teeth and put a few Blood Beans on her mouth

Soon, pain filled her head as the remnant negative energy from the Blood Beans assaulted her soul

While her energy was being replenish in a rocket's speed


Kence and the others are now inside their house

"Cesar, draw runes on papers. Don't worry about the energy cost I will replenish it"

Cesar nodded, he get some paper and bit his tongue to draw his blood that is needed in making runes

Kence released his energy and activated his [Photosynthesis] skill. Just like how he turned them into Bloodline holders he surround Cesar with energy but this time he made sure that only his physical body will absorb this energy and not his soul

Cesar feeling that the energy he used in drawing runes was being replenished, he quickly draw more blood to use as the material in making runes


The other generals made their preparation too, they gave out Blood Beans to people who has enough confidence that they can safely absorbed the energy inside

Even if Blood Beans are precious they desperately need to improve their strenght now! If this city fall then from being the Generals and Lords of this city they don't have a choice but to go to bigger cities and re-established theirselves

Unfortunately, that will demote their status as Lords into mere subordinates or third-rate power in other cities

The armies gathered on the side of the city that does not have walls yet. Even though the fallens have physique more powerful than normal human they still cannot break a wall made of concrete!

If only the city was fully surrounded by walls then the only thing they need to do was to go on top of the walls and make the long range attackers attack while letting them rest if their energy run out. In that case, while the fallens will attack the walls in futile the humans can just shot them down one by one

The area that has no walls yet range in a half kilometer, big enough to let the fallens attack with all they have


The Generals each have one vice-general this made the Mystics in the city numbered in eight aside from Kence's team

While the Generals' army each has 200 in them, 800 in total. The normal supernaturals on the other hand numbered in about two-thousands

This city was just a small one with population of ten thousand however they only have almost 3 thousands of supernaturals in them. Each of them need to kill at least three fallens to win this war

The Generals are in front of their army, this was to give their army morals. The powerful Generals are personally in the front lines, how can they not take victory in this war?

The ten thousand horde of fallens slowly entered their sight. The sheer number of fallens made the army hold their breath in fear and they began to wonder if they can win this war

It was at this time that they saw a group of four people with some inhuman features, instead of being shock and feel fear they are delighted!

Bloodline Holders! And there are four of them! This will boost their chance of winning and lessen casualties!

A group of ten supernaturals walk towards the front of the army and they throw some seeds on the ground. They close their eyes and channelled their energy on the ground where the seeds are

The seed growned in a speed visible to the eyes, they turned into some vines that are sticking out on the ground. This trap may not be effective to humans but this trap are effective on fallens!

Fallens are mindless monster and with the ground having these vines some of them will trip while the fallens behind them will trample on them. Thus, killing fallens with only a little bit of effort and energy!

Seeing this Kence felt inspired, he knew that he can imitate their skill and with him having high affinity towards plants as he is a Soul Tree he was sure that he can do better than them

Too bad, this was not the time to test his hypothesis as the fallens are already close to them and growing vines will just used up a lot of his energy

"Do you have more of those seeds? Can you give me some?" Although the supernaturals were confuse why this Mystic was asking for seeds they asked nothing and give Kence some seeds. Mystics are people they cannot offend!

While King and the others have some idea as to why their master asked for seeds

The Mage General looked towards Kence and his group displeased. He think about how audacious Kence is to have the guts stand besides the Generals as if they have the same status

Thankfully, he was smart enough to not make any troubles with Kence as they are currenly facing a war and with them being Mystics no one will make things difficult with Kence and the others even if they stand beside the Generals as they have the right to!

Soon, the first batch of the fallens arrived and tripped on the vines on the ground. As expected the other fallens behind them trampled on the fallens who tripped thus killing them

A horn sound resounded on the whole battle field

"ATTACK!" The generals gave their order and run towards the fallens to confront them

A bloody war has started, a war that they cannot lose as their family are behind them!

The Mage General was the first to attack, "[Fire Magic: Fire Claws!]" Five claws of fire formed in front of him and attacked the fallens, all the fallens who were hit find their body burnig before falling on the ground as dead as they can be

"[Fire Magic: Fire Shower!!] After using a Magic this General immediately used another one! This is his talent! Even other Mages need some time to activate a new spell but he was faster than them in using Magic

This is the reason why the Mage General was called "Burning Sun of the Battlefield" as his name is Sun, a good name to fit his Fire Magic

Two inches sparks of fire numbering in a few tens were formed and flew down to the fallens, although this skill will take more time to kill fallens it was energy cost friendly and will kill many of them at the same time!

"He is really too impatient" the Rune General sighed "Madam Lilith please do activate your skill now"

Without her usual playfulness, the Succubus General looked fearsome. She nodded and pink fogs was emitted from her body that was absorbed by the army's body "[Innate Skill: Fog Stimulus!]" This is the name of her fog skill

This skill can greatly stimulate the lust of anyone but depending on how the user use it it can also stimulate other emotions. She can use her fog to stimulate the army's battle spirit. This will enable them to fight better than they can normally can. This skill of hers was a valuable AoE buff!

The succubus flew towards the fallens, she struck a fallens head with her tail while grabbing another two fallens. Grabbing the fallens she flew high in the sky and release her hold on the fallen causing it to crashed the fallens below. She do this for a few times and sometimes just killing fallens using her tail. This is the reason why she is called "Lilith The Dancing Succubus" as she looks like a succubus flying on the whole battlefield

The army felt like they are born for this, born to battle! They let out excited shouts and attack the coming fallens

"I hope most of us will survive" the Rune General sighed. A few Runes that was drawn on his body was activated. His body and sword's power amplify a few times. In this state his body was almost as powerful as a Cultivator this skill of his is the "[Rune Magic: Amplify!]"

Another Rune lit up on his body and sword "[Rune Magic: Enhance Energy!] The amount of energy on his body skyrocketed while his sword was also infused with energy even if he didn't use the energy on his body

These skill of his won him the title "Cheating Rune Master" with enough preparation he can have an almost infinite energy

He can use the energy that he got from Energy Enhancement Rune to make more of this Rune. Isn't this just cheating? He can have a never exhausting amount of energy if he wants to!

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