《Strongest Tree》Chapter 13


A few hours later someone knock on their newly purchased house while Kence sigh deeply. It seems like the Generals cannot wait anymore to know about his intention

King walk to the door and opened it to see who was knocking and he saw a woman that has a built like those gym hardcore women

The woman was wearing a fitted sando and a military pants, King felt that this woman was not be trifled with. Although the woman's aura was inferior to the mid-stage Kence it was not much. It looks like the woman already has one foot on the mid-stage

"You are?" King asked while his forehead was knitted in confusion. They just got in this city a few hours ago and was only acquainted to a few people so what does this woman wants with them?

It was at this time that Kence went on the door too to see who their visitor is. Judging from the woman's aura that was far superior than ordinary supernaturals Kence figured out that even if this woman was not one of the Generals she would at least be a Vice-General

Also sensing the aura from Kence that was even more superior to hers and the other Generals, the woman knew that this man was their leader

In a straightforward manner the woman asked "You are the leader of these Mystics right?"

"That's right" Kence nodded in confirmation

"I am Mary, one of the Generals in this city. I want to spar with you!" The woman was brimming with fighting spirit

Out of all the Generals she was the most battle freak of them all

Kence and everyone was taken aback. He thought that either this General will invite him to be his subordinate or threaten him to surrender to her. However this woman actually asked for a sparring match!

Could it be that she wants to see how powerful I am before making a move? Well, whatever this was a good chance to learn how powerful other Mystics are and will also become a display of power so the Generals will think hard before making a move on me

"Okay, I agree"

"Great! Don't come crying to me when you lose!" The woman grinned

"I could say the same to you" Kence chuckled

"Follow me, we have a training area in this city" Kence nodded

They all follow the muscular women into an open field. When the people training saw the General they immediately stopped what they are doing and hurriedly greeted her which she didn't bother greeting back

All the people were curious to who the people following the General are but seeing some inhuman features on them they came into conclusion that these people are Bloodline Holders. All Mystics have power a few times higher than the normal supernatural that is why they also greeted Kence and the other and they only nod their head as a response

"Give us some open space, we will spar here" the people in the training area hurriedly dispersed to provide enough space for the duel

They were all excited in the coming battle, two think that they would be able to watch two Mystics in a duel. Perhaps, they may gain something from this fight that can make them stronger


A large space was left available in the training area where only Kence and Mary was standing face to face with each other

A supernatural went to Mary and handed her a hammer, this hammer was so heavy that even a supernatural was having a hard time carrying it around. However, when it was in Mary's hand she wield it as if it's just some light feather. This demonstrated how powerful her physique is!

"This is my weapon, are you not going to use any?" Out of all the Mystical Occupation the one who needed weapon the most was the Cultivators unlike the others who only use their skill to attack. After all, aside from their a bit stronger physical body than normal supernaturals their main fire power came from their Magic, Rune and Innate Skills

"I don't use weapons"

Mary nodded, the same man who gave the hammer to Mary was standing between them a few meters away from them holding a whistle

The man whistled, signalling that the duel has now started

Kence Immediately used his Innate Skill

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Barrage!]" Tens of glowing leaves appeared and surround Kence, these leaves came from his original tree body that he infused with his energy

Actually, Kence already secretly started activating this skill even before the match started as he needed a few seconds to control these large amount of leaves however he was sure that his opponent will not give him a few seconds

Just like he predicted the General after hearing the whistle quickly launched herself to him. Fortunately, he has his leaves

The leaves flew and aimed at the General, normal supernaturals would have a hard time dodging his leaf attack but this woman's physical strength was just too great as even with tens of leaves charging at her she still managed to dodge it and was even slowly shortening the distance between them

Kence tried his best to make his leaves faster than before, the leaves speed increased quite a bit but he still wasn't able to land a solid blow aside from a few leaves that managed to slightly hit the General but all it managed to do was make a shallow few centimeters cut on her body

Clearly, even this woman's defense was terrifying. This is a Cultivator! Their body is their greatest asset!

Kence thought that with his leaves he can stop the General's advance but to his disappointment the General managed to get close to him and this caught him off guard

"[Battle Skill: Heavy Hammer!]" Mary's already heavy hammer was infused by her energy causing its weight to be even heavier and even Mary's muscles were bulging, clearly this weight was too much for even her

Although the hammer become heavier her speed did not decrease as she decided to use more energy to infused on her arm and legs

She leapt from ground and with the combination of the hammer's weight and gravity, if this hammer hit Kence there is almost a 100% chance that he will die

Without a choice, Kence kick the ground and used his ability to levitate in the air as his clone body was made from his soul. Just like how a ghost can float, he too can do it!


Thanks to him kicking the ground, his body floated diagonally barely dodging the hammer skill


The hammer slammed on the ground and a few inches deep crater was formed, Kence felt a cold sweat on his body. If he were even a second late that hammer will hit him and reduce him into a pile of mangled pile of flesh

Even the people watching jaws' become wide open, no one of them doubt that this skill was truelly a killing move!

They felt their blood boil as they quietly waited for the next scene

In just a few seconds paused, Mary actually launch herself in the air to hit Kence using her hammer

Thankfully Kence learned from his previous mistake, since he cannot hit Mary with his leaves he just surrounded himself with leaves that circled all over his body

This way, if Mary wants to get close to him she needs to ready herself from getting pierced by his leaves

As expected, the General stop in mid-air and landed on the ground "you are clever, but that's not enough!" She sneered

The general leapt from the ground again but this time her whole body was covered with his energy even when the leaves hit her it only managed use up the energy not harming her at all

However, Kence already anticipated this. His trick was a simple one, if one even think for a bit they too would come up with this solution. What he was really aiming for was for the General to get close to him in mid-air

Kence smirked which gave the General a bad premonition "[Innate Skill: Absorb!]" His slender white armed transformed into a root with sharp end that flew to strike Mary

Mary was caught off guard, as she was in mid-air she cannot use the ground to move properly and propel herself

She gritted her teeth, even if she is going to lose she will take down Kence too

Using all of her energy, Mary threw her hammer towards Kence. Not caring if the man will survive her final desperate attack

Not even in his wildest dream that Kence would think that this woman was willing to get hit by his attack as long as he too lose this battle. Heck! There is a high chance that he will die in this attack but this woman didn't care at all

Thankfully, he still has his trump card. This is his ability to transform any part of his body into wood. Even if the wood shattered with enough energy it would regenerate and can be tranformed back!

Seeing that the hammer was about to hit his abdomen he transformed his chest down to his feet into a wood, only leaving his neck and head the same

The hammer that was infused with Mary's remaining energy shattered his abdomen and the parts below, pieces of woods flew everywhere

Everyone was shock that the powerful Mystic actually only has his upper body intact

A pity that a powerful Mystic was about to die

Soon, another shocking thing happened, the remaining transformed wood on Kence's body regenerated at the speed visible to the naked eye

Everyone cannot believe what they are seeing, after the wood fully regenerated Kence's wood body transformed back into its original form

At this time, Kence root struck Mary on her stomach. Mary felt that the her life force was being sucked away and it only stop when the amount of lfe force was about to endanger her life

Kence didn't want to kill this Mary, in this apocalypse strong people are needed to let humanity survive. As long as he didn't have a grudge with someone he won't necessarily kill that person as this person can kill more fallens

Killing fallens means that the amount of danger in this apocalypse will lessen!

Maybe because Mary was stronger than the mage he absorbed and Mary was still alive but although he didn't suck her dry the nutrients that he absorbed was even more than when he absorb the mage!

He even think how nice it is if he can always absorb energy from other people

At this time, as her energy was used up and her life forced was sucked Mary didn't even have the energy to stand up. She can only sit on the floor with pale face. She never felt death this close before! If Kence didn't show mercy she would surely die!

Even if she die no one will blame Kence as her use of her Battle Skill and the last desperate attack are all enough to kill Kence if he didn't have enough ability

She felt grateful for Kence, even though it doesn't matter to her if she die she still wish to fight even more powerful opponents!

She cast Kence a grateful look and without even needing to say it out loud they know what the other wants to say

Suddenly, sound of applause resounded on the whole training area. These people never saw this kind of fight before! It was too thrilling! They even learned things like one should not let their guard down even if they feel like there is a 100% chance of defeating their opponent. Just look at Kence, even though he was sure that his skill will hit the enemy although he didn't anticipated her move but still he never lowered his guard! This gave him the chance to use his skill to maintain his life

"Wow! So handsome and powerful!" It was at this time that a woman's seductive voice was heard by everyone

They all turned their heads towards a woman wearing almost nothing. This woman has a pair of black wings on her back and a tail with a heart shape end on it

The woman was smiling towards Kence with her eyes twinkling

This woman was also one of the General

Lillith the Succubus!

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