《How I became op.》Well this is a bit awkward


The queen picked up Adam and check his ki level and his mana veins. " my, it seems that I have come across quite an interesting child, to already be this close to champ rank is amazing and your mana veins allow you to chant spells almost instantly. I wish I could keep you to myself but it would seem that I have to go, and there is a line of women waiting to meet you. Well see each other again I'm sure of it, and if you ever need anything just come up to the castle gates. All you have to do is state your name and the guards should understand. Oh, and I have seemed to have forgotten to tell you my name. My name is Amelia."

(The Queen is an interesting person she never quite acted like a normal person and was incredibly cunning. Though in a good way she has helped the human kingdom grow and doesn't look down on her subjects. She is the reason that my mother has the position that she does today, but she cannot change everyone's mind. The nobles hate the fact that our family is in such high standing, especially since my mother and father used to be commoners. I would get bullied a lot because of this, the training I received from my dad helped me get through that rough patch.

I can't believe that I was able to meet her in this life, hmmm I do believe that there will be a cope that is staged a week from now. I think the women that were in hoods might have something to do with it, but I can't be too sure I was only one year old when it happened. I was debating on whether I should save the Queen or not because I didn't want to put myself or my family in harm. Now it's looking like I should intervein the Queen could help with the reforms that I want to make inside of the kingdom.

Welp first order of business how do I get these people to calm down?) As the mc was contemplating this the commander of the Queen's army was currently pinching his cheeks. "Aren't you just the cutest thing ever?" The women were taking turns holding Adam and marveling at the amount of ki he had. None of them were pushovers all of them had an important role in the kingdom. Together there were about 5 women in total that had attended my party. All of them were friends of my mother and father. ( Fuck I need to make some friends.)


" So Adam when do your parents plan to bring you to the church to see your status?" " They had decided to check out my status a week from now do you plan to go and see my status." " Of course you have a monstrous level of ki, I want to know why that is." The lady currently talking to me is named diamond, she is a tough one and knows a lot of strategies for war.

The next is Zaza she comes from a different country that is far from here, her homeland is called Zarada it is named after the god that their people pray to. Zaza is a mercenary that is champ 2 division 3, though she had retired 2 years back she still looks incredibly young. Her skin is a nice shade of tan and the shape of her body is marvelous. Zaza had a lot of muscle on her body but that didn't take away from how feminine she looked it only added to it. The muscle on her body was supple and looked incredibly soft. Mercenary work did her body great, though every person on this planet looks great because of their cultivation, her beauty was in a league of its own. ( Jesus my lecherous mind spikes during weird times. I say in my mind as I try to wipe the drool away from my mouth.)

Next up we have Cynthia, she is a shy person and doesn't talk to a lot of people. Though when it gets down to the nitty-gritty she has your back. Her work is mainly in gathering intel and spying on enemies of the kingdom. Like for instance, she has mana powered drones that she uses to monitor certain people. ( what she doesn't know is that the king has access to all of her drones and is going to shut off certain ones during the takeover. Which reminds me that this is gonna suck I have to hurry up and become champ rank so that I can stand toe to toe with the giants of this world.)

Nadia happens to be the youngest out of all of the women here but that doesn't mean you should underestimate her. Right now her age is 18 and she has just entered the army, she comes from a noble background of knights that serve the king and Queen. Since she was 3 years old she has been training in the art of the sword from her father, his training was tough and most of the female knights wouldn't be able to stick with it. If I remember correctly she would one day lead a revolution to overthrow the king. ( Jesus now that I think about it there were a lot of things that happened while I was a kid.)


Maya is a woman that carries herself much like the Queen but is more reserved. She is a mage that owns from the mage guild and is the one that created it. Back then mages were looked down upon while warriors were glorified. The path that she has paved for other mages will forever be remembered. They even say that she was a disciple of merlin the great wizard of old. Though I never asked merlin in my past life I'll have to see for myself if she was truly a disciple of that man.

As the party went by Zaza and the rest of the girls had to leave early, I guess it's because they had something important that they had to do. " See you Adam hope you don't get too lonely without us." " I'll try" ( Hopefully you guys wait another year to see me) Adam sigh showing that he is tired from having to talk to so many people at once. " Man this is harder than training in the gravity chamber." As Adam states this he walks towards hie parents hugs them and tells them that he is gonna head to bed early. " I see all of those women made you tired Adam, seems to me that you have to train your mental stamina." m" What do you mean mom mentally I'm in tip-top shape, it's just the ladies were too energetic and kept asking me questions. Like what is my favorite food, or what do I do in my spare time. thought a party meant that I get to relax and have fun." " Okay, I get it, go ahead and get some rest." With that Adam takes his leave and reaches his room and begins to meditate."

After an hour of this Adam is covered in a black substance with a big ole smile on his face. " Finally I've made it to champ rank." After saying such outrageous things Adam headed into his bathroom and washes off of the gunk that has come through his pours. " Adam finishes up and heads towards his bed and thinks about a few things. ( So I have to make sure that I stop the coop save the Queen, and also make sure to get the Queen to change some of the rules. Not to hard right? Who am I kidding the women in the robe is Almost about to reach a level that surpasses champ if I fight her I don't know whether I'll win or lose. Man, I wish life was just a little bit fairer!)

Adam thought about it for a while and settled to not think about it too hard and to just try to avoid the scary lady. Adam was tired, more so than ever before. " hmmm maybe I was pushing it a little bit with meditating every night, let me get some rest for a change.

Adam shut his eyes and with his big blanket covering him not knowing that a being made him sleep that night. " Hey look at me, you little ingrate!" As Adam entered his inner mind he came face to face with the most handsome man he had ever seen in his life.

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