《How I became op.》Meeting the Queen


"sigh" Adam sighs as he climbs out the gravity chamber with a weighted vest that weighs about 2 tons, the vest is made out of a special mineral called adamantine. This mineral is only sought after by warriors of the diamond rank so that they can train with it to make them stronger. They like adamantine because it is incredibly flexible while still being immensely heavy, though for it to weigh 2 tons the vest is a bit bulky but not as much as a usual vest would look like. Adam looked towards the level of gravity that was listed on the machine. " 557 incredible I was able to reach this level of strength already, but I need to keep working hard towards protecting the human race."

Adam peels the vest off of his body if anyone saw him they would have thought he was at least 5 years old. He was covered from head to toe with muscles, though he didn't look like a bodybuilder it was just that you can tell from how sharp his muscles are. They were condensed and filled with magic ( this technique was invented 5 years after the apocalypse). He walks over towards his clothes and a bag that holds a few essentials like his clothes and a few things that would help when he is freshening up. " I should hurry up and get ready to go home my party should be in 2 hours". Adam was turning one this year today and his parents wanted to celebrate. ( Even though I said I don't need a birthday party.)"sigh Whatever I'm a bit excited to celebrate my party too."

Chris made sure that all the people that were attending the birthday party were trusted and knew how to keep a secret. Adam proceeded to walk towards the shower within the facility, turns the knob, and gets hit with warm water." (Hmmm it seems that I'm close to breaking through to the champion rank I should follow up with a bit of training after my party.) Adam finishes his shower and pulls out his spare clothes from his bag and puts them on. He puts the finishing touches on his bowtie and looks at the many mirrors inside of the gym. ( I look like an esteemed young master good.) " Okay, I've finished my look time to head home."


Adam exits his father's gym and heads home while on his way home he runs into a bunch of women in robes that are a bit tattered. ( this a little weird I've never seen these people before?) Adam walks passed them and is shocked to find that one of them is at the peak of champion rank and is about to rank up. The person in question looks at Adam and notices that he is checking out her ki level. Though she keeps moving forward, probably because he is just a kid. ( shit she scared the fuck out of me I thought I was done for. Hopefully, she didn't check my ki.) Adam keeps up a poker face up and walks for a bit and finds himself in front of his house. (though that was a bit weird what is a being of that ki level doing in the kingdom most just go to mountains to train and whatnot.)

While Adam is still trying to wrap his head around the fact that a group of strong women is currently roaming around the city. He opens the door and finds a bunch of decorations all over the house and sees a bunch of big letters saying happy birthday Adam. " Mom Dad I'm home." " Oh, honey your here let me see if you dressed yourself up as I told you." She gives Adam a huge once over to make sure that it is picture-perfect and is presentable. " Oh, I see that you been packing on muscle nicely." " Mom!" " Come now Adam you know I'm just teasing you. Go and tell your father to get downstairs the guest arrive in 15 minutes."

Adam goes up the stairs this time much more easily than before. " dammit why is it so hard to tie this thing." Adam slaps his forehead and walks into the room. " Still struggling with the tie dad?" " Yeah yeah just help your old man out." Adam helps his dad with his tie while smiling. " thanks for the vest dad it was a nice gift." "I thought that you might have been mad and asked for a toy? You aren't like a normal child." " Well, what did you expect you raised me."


" Hmmm, I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment." " Both." As the conversation continued like this Adam finished up the tie for Chris and they headed downstairs. " Adam I just wanted to let you know that all of the people attending the party are people that are coming to your party are trusted and will bring their kids so treat your guest well okay." "I got it dad thanks for the heads up." They reach the bottom and see Lydia about to answer the door. " Ah you guys are finally here I didn't think you would make it in time." She opens the door and they can see a bunch of women at the door. The first to come in is the Queen of the kingdom( Didn't know that the Queen was going to be at my birthday?)

" Lydia how are you doing." "I'm doing just fine, how are you doing my Queen?" " Great, especially since I was able to make it to Adams's birthday party. Speaking of Adam where is he?" "right here, Adam introduce yourself." Adam walks towards the Queen until he is close to her and bows slightly, as he does this the Queens' face is full of surprise. " Wait didn't Adam just turn one year old this year?" Adam answers her with a clear voice. " Yes, my Queen but I have a large amount of dragon blood inside of my body which accelerates my growth." "I've never heard of this before how much is in your blood?" " I have no idea I would need to go on a pilgrimage to the church to tell you how much of my blood is part dragon." " I see that short-sighted of me to ask when you haven't gone yet. Adam, you are extremely interesting, do you mind if I check your ki and your body?" Adam looks towards his parents for an answer, his dad gives him a look of I don't know what to do. While his mother gives him a thumbs up. " Yes, my Queen you may." Though Adam said it with a shaky voice he said it while looking directly at the Queen.

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