《How I became op.》Time to save the Queen


"sup," Said a man that was so handsome that it hurt to look at him. "Wtf who are you?" Adam proceeded to stand within the darkness that he was in, this is his mindscape. "I've had to wait an entire year for you to finally sleep, even so, I chose well getting you to save the humans." Slowly the gears started to move inside of his head. " so you are the god that brought me back?" The guy standing in front of Adam had golden hair and orange eyes that were glowing and if you looked closer they had slits like a lizard. His physique was godly every part of his body looked as if it was made from a Greek statue. He had a chiseled chin that supermodels had and his height was at least 6'3. " You know it's not nice to stare? Whatever My name is Gregor I am the son of the Ancient dragon god!"

At that statement Adam's eyes bulged out. " wait, hold up how are you the ancient dragon god's son?" " Well I can’t really do anything inside of your mindscape that would show that I am the son of the ancient dragon god but you just have to believe me for now," Gregor said this while leaning forward hovering over Adam. " If you are what do you want from me?" " I came here to teach you a few things and to also tell what state your world is in and how you are going to start doing things from now on. What your doing right now is great and all Adam but what I'm going to teach you should make your power jump by a few levels and you won't have to spend every minute of the day training. Like honestly kid do you even have a life all you do is train eat and sleep that isn't a life anyone should be living." ( welp that kinda hurt) " Well, what do you suppose I do?" " With this simple trick, you can train all day without having to stress and sweat." Adam didn't know how to respond to what Gregor was saying and to add to the confusion he sounded like a guy trying to sell you something that wouldn't work.

" Why are you looking at me like that?" Gregory said as he had a look of indignation on his face because Adam was looking at him with a scrutinizing look. " How I have literally poured my soul into training and worked incredibly hard and even gave away sleep to be at the level that I am at right now. Now you just wanna tell me there is a better way?" " Hmmm if you think about it like that I can understand where your frustration is coming from, but worry not young one I shall show you the way." " mentally I'm 31." " and?" ( Fuck it) " Whatever how will I be able to train nonstop without having to out in as much work?" With that response the man grabbed his chin and said. " strait to the point I see well you should learn a skill that allows you to meditate nonstop even while sleeping and doing martial arts." Adam looked at the guy as if he was stupid. " no such skill exist I should know what kinda scam are you trying to pull?" " kid, would you stop looking at me like that and just hold still for a second? I swear youngsters these days are so impatient." Immediately the man had a serious face and pointed at Adam's head, a white light exited his finger and transferred something into Adam. " Fuck why does it hurt so much!" " No pain no gain my boi see you the next time you sleep! Also, this should help you with


Adam woke up with a start and felt a massive headache coming on. " Dammit, why do I have to go thru all of this bull shit. He's probably the reason my charm is ridiculously high fuck." Adam checks his skills to see if there was anything new.


A skill that constantly keeps me in a meditative state even when I'm in combat.

"Hmmm seems he was telling the truth, but that doesn't change the fact that I've never heard of this skill before?." Adam gates up and stretch a bit and get ready to start the day. (Man this a total game-changer I'm champ 1 now I didn't think that I would be able to reach this level so fast.) "Welp it's time to go I can already feel the Queen's power dropping immensely the king must have poisoned her by now. It might be a little weird but I should be alright if I keep my cloak on."

Adam immediately teleported towards the castle that was about a mile away. How did he teleport to the castle without ever having been to it? That's easy he had traced the Queen's ki/mana and teleported to her. After Adam was done moving through the void he ended up in a cell by a woman that was in chains and had green veins spreading out all over her body. " Who are you?" The Queen said with a rough voice as she tried to sit up." Adam took off his hood and looked at the Queen while she struggled to look up. " Oh, it's you Adam did they lock you up as well?" " No my Queen I'm here to save you." Adam walked closer to her and grabbed her hand and used his ki to check her vital signs and what kind of poison was running amok in her body.

(Fuck this is going to be annoying) "My Queen do you know what poison they used on you?" Adam asked her so that he doesn't give away the fact that he could tell what it was already. "They used Dragons decaying meridian, their goal is to weaken me and take my cultivation away. I don't know who is behind this but they had manipulated my husband promising power and a greater level of cultivation."(I was kinda hoping it was just the king was getting greedy but I guess nothing can ever be simple) "Okay hold still I’m going to manipulate the ki that is in your body that I can take the poison out. You might feel a little weird when I do this but this is just me moving your ki around.


Adam Hovered his hand over the Queens's chest and started to make her ki around and gathered the poison. (Jeez this is really easy) “Aaaahhh” The Queen started to shack a little bit and her face was getting really red. (Oh that is some nice mold on the wall) Adam tried his best to block out all of her moans. “Oooooh, Adam what is this feeling? Aaaaah” (Hm I wonder how long it’s been since someone cleaned this cell?) The Queen reached her hand towards, Adam.”Why do I feel this heat?” (Why does this have to be so sensual? Master was there truly no other way to get the poison out of someone’s body?)

Two more minutes passed by and Adam was done pulling all of the poison to on part of the body. He pulled out a needle and punctured a skin where the poison and it started to spill out. It was a black liquid, Adam then used his ki and manipulated the poison with it and got the rest then promptly put it into a corner of the cell. “I feel a lot better now Adam.” “Nice, let’s go help out the rest of our people and then get out of here.” Adam walked up to her cuffs and pulled on them and saw that his strength wasn’t doing anything. “How strong are these chains?” “They are able to hold people that are the peak of champion rank why do you ask?” “Oh cool that means I can break them.” “Oh okay wait what you just entered champ rank how are you going to break these chains?”

Adam didn’t answer her, he decided that action was going to speak louder than words during these types of situations. He placed his hands on the chain and thought it was about time he used his dragon transformation. Small amounts of scales appeared all over Adam’s body and his muscles expanded a bit.” Adam looked like an olympian as he pulled the chains apart with only the cuffs staying on the Queen's hands he would need the key for that.”Let’s go.” This was all Adam could say to the shocked face of Amelia as she just stared at him with surprise. “Oh yeah I almost forgot you probably can’t walk straight because of the poison my bad.

Adam picked her up and kicked down the door, which was just as strong as the cuffs. At this moment the Queen realized how monstrous Adam’s strength is. Adam ran fast he had to get everyone and make sure they were okay before the guards noticed that he was freeing all of them. He hit a bend and saw a guard down the high way,” Sorry for the inconvenience.” “Wait what?” Adam whispered this into Amelia’s ear before he tossed her into the air and kicked the guard in the back of his head. Just enough to knock her out, Adam caught Amelia and kept it moving.” Adam please give me a decent heads up next time.” “Sorry, I’m just rushing I’ll give you a better heads up next time.

Adam suddenly stopped in front of another cell and saw 3 women...

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