《How I became op.》Sowwy U,WU,


So what’s going on guys I know it’s been a *Auther checks how long he has n

been gone* well fuck it’s been 4 months huh well that ends today I’m back guys and more then ready to give you guy shit content then ever before. To be honest I never meant to leave this story for as long as I did but I did and for that I’m truly sorry.I’m not gonna make any half baked excuse there were times when I would just look at the story and never touch it so I can’t say shit. For those of you that want to stay and read shit content I applaud and thank you. Also if you want to leave that is fine as well you owe me nothing and I’ve been gone for four months so you have no obligation to stay. Well with all of this out of the way let’s get back to the story, and if I remember correctly there should a juice transformation coming up can’t wait for that. I’ll crank that out tomorrow morning hope you guys enjoy it.

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