《How I became op.》Transformation


PLast chapter we saw our main character suddenly scream on his way home and passed out let’s see what made him do such a thing.

inside of adam’s mind


fuuuuuuuuuuuuu Adam clutches his chest as he screams in agony while floating in darkness of his mind.WTF is going on all I remember is going home with my mom and then a tremendous amount of pain suddenly came over me. While our hero tries to figure out how he ended up in this situation he suddenly feels a lot of wind. “Hmmm, what is going on I,be never had something like this happen in inside of my mind scape”. The mindscape is a landscape inside of your mind you could only start working on your mindscape when you had reached plat2 and you had to have a strong mind ability. While thinking about the mindscape what was making the air rush past our main character finally showed itself from the darkness.” Wtf, why is their a fucking dragon in my mind scape!” What made Adam say this was a dragon of huge proportions it’s whole body was the size of an entire city.” It seems one of my useless descendents have finally awaken their power about damn time.”the dragon had said this with a condescending tone.

to this our mc could only answer with confusion because he had never heard of this power or the fact that he had this power. ” What do you mean?” “Child have you never been told of the great me the ancient dragon of old, the one that gifted King Arthur with Excalibur.” To this Adam didn’t know what to say from the legend it said King Arthur killed the dragon not that the dragon gave him the sword. “ Ummmm I don,t know how to say this but the legends about you state that Arthur and Merlin killed you and got the sword Excalibur to defend humanity.” To this the dragon had a frown on his face and if you looked close you could see a fire burning inside of his eyes. Right after this the dragon was insulted in flames and shrunk until it was the size of an adult human, after the flames disappeared out came a female with scales covering her private parts. “Haaah, I guess arther wasn’t able to convince the humans that dragons were on their side.” As she says this she floats towards Adam while making a flame in her hand that was white with a ting of gold inside of it. “ whatever that is not what I’m here for, I need to hurry up and give you your inheritance.” As she is about to stick the flame inside Adam holds up his hand. “ wait hold on before you give me the inheritance could you tell me a few things please.”


The dragon looked at Adam with surprise and lowered. “ what do you want to know.” “How did the monsters disappear I was told they just disappear into thin air when they were on the cusp of making humanity extinct.” Adam decided to get some info about what is going on with the monsters that disappeared and how they can just go or come. “ A curious one I see if only more of humanity asked such questions like this they might not be as fucked as they are now. Anyway as most could possibly tell you arther did it but what they couldn’t tell you was how he did it. Arther threw everything away to save all of mankind he made a deal with an ancient being to make all or the monsters disappear but this came with a steal price. The cost was his life really arther did to much for those stupid humans me and Merlin told him not to but he wasn’t hearing it.”

flash back


“ Arthur don’t do it those worthless human aren’t worth your life please don’t do this! Listen to me please please arther don’t!” Audria the ancient dragon of legend did this to arther while looking extremely angry while tears threatened to break through and flood her face. “Audra you know me I can’t just stand by and let my entire race go extinct I have to do something otherwise everything and everyone I love will disappear including you.” Auther said this while looking at Audria with a slightly sad face, truly arther was majestic his golden hair glowed beautifully in the the sun and his eyes shine with a kingly aura. As he said this he moved forward at a speed that was thought impossible for the human race. Where Arthur would go no one could tell you but after that day all monsters would disappear.




This is not what Adam expected to hear when he asked this question, at least people could come up with the fact that Arthur sacrificed but not in such detail. “So that’s what happened to Arthur will the monsters appear again in the future? “ if I remember correctly I have about fourteen years before the monsters descend upon humanity through the crack.

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