《How I became op.》Testing Out Strength, And A Bit Of Fun.


Adam finally came back from his flashback with cloudy eyes and a huge amount of rage, he subconsciously summoned his soul bound weapon. It still had a reddish aura but it wasn't as red as it was before he died. For instance, the red right now looks as if its blood but diluted while when he had gone insane it was exactly like blood. Adam was going through a lot at of emotions at this point in time, losing everything in one day can really mess someone up."(Whew) I should really stop focusing on the past I neede to focus on my training". with this said, Adam proceeded to go through all of his training exercises for the sword. Adam really was progressing incredibly Quickly for someone of his age, he was moving the blade as if it was always in his hands.

Adam trained for 2 hours straight, it was also a stress release for him after remembering what had happened."Time to see what void is all about, sorry mom and dad if I fuck up our back yard". Void hovered over his hand as he concentrated, suddenly threw it towards a tree it then imploded with dark matter scratched the very space around it. that is when the thought came to Adam did the person how threw the world into chaos go back in time as well. This thought terrified Adam this pushed him to train even harder than ever before, truly if they also came back in time he might have to fight someone that also has some of the skills he got when he reincarnated."Seems I'm going to have to push past all of my limits". Adam was so caught up in this revelation that he forgot to asses the damage he had done to his backyard. What greeted his sight surprised him to his very core."What the fuck is this the fuck small fucking ball of void shredded everything". The tree he aimed at looked as if a black hole moved through it while pulling it the tree was uprooted while the top half was on the floor with jagged edges. Really void was overpowered as crap, the small ball would eat whatever came within its personal space." Hmmmmm I wonder can I also teleport with this skill because it doesn't exactly say what it can do". Adam showed an incredible level of concentration on his face as he imagined himself teleporting with the void. Suddenly Adam had disappeared and was in midair with a look of shock, then he proceeded to land on his ass."Fuck, well I guess that is a success but I'm going to have to practice with it to get a grip on where I want to go". Truly the applications of void were endless the only thing that held it back was Adam's imagination.

Adam had decided it was time to see how well he could control mana with his dragon blood coursing through his body. The people in Adam's world that had enough dragon's blood running through their veins were treated like gods just from how well they could control mana. Why do people have dragons blood running through their veins though, well that goes far back into the past when the world was also in chaos. It had monsters running around killing people, there were dragons and all other forms of monsters. A hero had broken through and killed a dragon which was a great achievement, dragons started at diamond stage 2 from birth and they would grow in power at an insane level from there.


The days of dragons are over though because they suddenly disappeared along with all of those other monsters no one knows what happened, they up and vanished."Hmmmmm I didn't use a lot of magic at all I never even learned any skills for the use of mana, but let's see if I can do it". Adam once again concentrated this time pulling on the abundant amount of mana inside of his body. He summoned an incredible amount of air that blew as if it was a category five hurricane. Adam didn't expect this he was so never proficient in the use of mana actually he was complete trash at using mana in his past life. Now Adam could see why people with a lot of dragons blood were treated as if they were royalty even if they came from a poor background.

Adam then enveloped himself with his wind magic and tried to lift himself slowly, which he failed horribly at first but ultimately he got the hang of it."OH YEEEEEAAAHHHH!!!!!!!". Adam was having so much fun flying around the back yard, then he heard someone moving in the house and tried to teleport to the ground. He landed face first and ate some dirt beside that though he was fine."(Lydia) Adam where did you go"."(a) goo gaga"."(Lydia) Aaaaw is my little man trying to go on an adventure". Thankfully she didn't see the tree which was absolutely obliterated, though there could have been more damage if Adam didn't hold back. (Lydia) "Let's go inside you must be hungry after mommy took her nap". Lydia took Adam inside while feeding him it was about 11 pm after Adam had done all of his training, and he was starving. (Lydia)"Calm down Adam mommy isn't going to run away".

After Adam had his fill Lydia placed him down and made sure he was comfortable, she read him a story. (Lydia)"Once upon a time, there was a boy named Auther and he was the son of a king. One day the kingdom was in peril and only one person could save the world and that was the young prince Auther. Though at this time he didn't have the will or the courage to fight, see Auther was a coward at the start but ultimately realized that he would have to stand up for his people. This was understood by Auther when his father was murdered and he had to rule the kingdom in his father's place. He alone wasn't enough though he would need to seek the help of a good friend by the name of Merlin. together they found the blade that only the true king could wield, Merlin helped Auther beat the guardian of the blade which was a terrifying dragon. The dragon had the strength of champ2 stage3, but with their combined might they bested the beast and got the blade. Once the blade was in Auther's possession it started to light up with a blue aura, legend told that it could increase the power of the wielder's swordsmanship by many folds. One would think that these were temporary but no the gains were permanent and from there on their swordsmanship would only get better. Truly a blade fit for a king of our era, and from that day forward Auther would carve his name throughout the world besting anyone that aimed for his crown. He was also a just king bringing humanity into a new era of technology and making sure everyone was fed. Though Auther couldn't stop the repeated wars that humanity had against monsters and when most of the human army had died and hope was lost a miracle happened. The monsters just vanished no one knows where they went but a rumor had made the rounds that the king Auther had sacrificed his life to get rid of them because when he died they disappeared. Well really that was a funny time in history but whatever it was humanity thrives to this day because of it. Though because most of the human army died women outnumber men by 1 to 10, that just means my little Adam will have more suiters in the future isn't that right my little handsome man"?


As Lydia said this she proceeded to pinch Adam's cheeks, though he tried to get away it was futile his mother had a death grip on him."(Lydia) get a good rest Adam mommy's going to show you off to her friend tomorrow so you have to wake up bright early". As she said this Adam was anxious to start his meditation so he went and closed his eyes and pretended to go to sleep. He heard a click sound and proceeded to begin meditating as if there was no tomorrow.

The next day--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Aaaaaah". Adam had finished his meditating, groaning as he got up into a sitting position on his bed. Not a minute even a minute later Adam's mother came through the door and picked up Adam." Are you ready Adam it's time to meet mommies friends"?"(Noooooooooo!) Though Adam would rather not he is but a child he couldn't just say no.

Lydia And Adam had just left the house, Lydia had dressed her son in the latest fashion for babies but it was for 1 year old's since Adam was growing at a much faster rate than regular babies. As they left the house Adam could see his hometown that he hadn't seen in so long it almost brought a tear to his eye. His house was a 2 story building and also really wide all of the houses around were a good distance away. They were at the outskirts of the town right by the wall that surrounded their big city, the walls were about 40 meters tall so it was 4 stories high. The color of all of the houses are usually brown or red Adam's house happened to be brown. As Lydia was bringing him to her friend's they passed a bunch of kids on their way there." hey Cara are you and your friends going to go train again today"." yes mam". As the little Cara said this you could see the admiration she had towards Adam's mother, Lydia was a very strong woman that has been training her martial arts to the very max. Adam's mother was at Diamond2 Stage 3 while his dad Chris was at plat 3 stage 5 trying to break into diamond currently." But it is too early for your usual training are you guys doing something special today"." Yeah, we are currently doing special training because we are getting ready to go to the seed level"." good job to you kids I wish you luck in achieving your goals"." Thank you!". Once my mom said this all of the kids got hyped and started to run to their class. Really my mom was too big of a person to just talk to kids like this but that is why she is so loveable because she doesn't let her status get to her head." We're almost there Adam".

We could see a house coming up it was red and had decorations on it, it was covered in flowers and had a really nice smell to it. My mom knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately." Oh my god, he looks so handsome is this the baby that you had Lydia... hmmm he is a bit big though"." yeah christy this is Adam I had him 3 days ago we think the reason that he is so big is that he has dragon blood inside of him"." but how you and Chris don't have that much purity inside of your blood"."I don't know Christy it must be a miracle or something he is gonna grow up to be big and strong, isn't that right Adam"." gaga"."Lydia can I hold him please"." Sure Christy just make-sure to careful with him". As I was given to Christy I looked her over she didn't look half bad her breast size was a DD cup and her dress just clung to those oversized melons. ( fuck I shouldn't be leering at my mom's friend like that)." I think Adam was staring at my breast is he hungry"?

(Honestly Christy it is your fault for having such big jugs, like really how is a man going to resist that huh). While Adam was making up a stupid excuse in his head about how it is her fault Christy proceeded to lift up her shirt." here you go, Adam Cara is a bit old to be drinking milk but you aren't so it should be fine".(WTF...should I go for it). While thinking this Adam looked at his mom as if looking for approval. As Adam gave his mother this look he felt as if he and his mother connected for the first time since his birth into this world as she gave him a thumbs up. Right after Adam sucked on Christy's titties as if there was no tomorrow he really pulled off the hungry look well. Though he might have wanted to go easy on her the poor woman, she kept moaning as if she were currently in bed with her beloved.

After all, was said and done Adam was in his mother's hands while Christy had completely flushed while she kept fidgeting in her seat while she would glance at Adam from time to time." Well, that was certainly different than when I would feed Cara does he do this every time Lydia"." Not yet, I guess he really likes you, Christy". While their conversation would continue on the line like this Adam was currently berating himself for his lack of ability to hold his lust back. ( Why did I act like that, it's like I had no sense of self-restraint)." Well let's get to what I came here for, Christy do you have the school books that I asked for Adam's tutor should be here in a couple of months"." Here you go, Lydia, the intermediate guide to math, English language arts, ETC that should be it."

With that Lydia and Adam left it was about 1 pm by the time they left Christy's house, while they were on their way home Adam felt a sudden change in himself. "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!". Adam screamed at the top of his lungs, little did he know that there were going to be major changes that not even he could foresee.

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