《How I became op.》CLOSE ONE (EDITED)
after spending the whole night cultivating Adam had opened his eyes from his intense training although a bit tired he looked fine. And it had seemed he had made some significant gains because his body was quite a bit bigger than last night despite it being his second day since rebirth. As Adam stood up his body made a bunch of cracking noises. "Man I'm so tired I guess my body is gonna have to get used to meditating instead of sleeping ."
This time instead of gargles actual English came out of his mouth, which had surprised Adam completely, although this was to be expected because of him cultivating all night it had strengthened his body immensely. Think of it like this as he is meditating chi move through his body to his dantan while it is doing that it strengthens his skin, blood, bones, eyes and so forth. If Adam gets to a certain level no one could hurt him even if he was sleeping. "hmmm seems I could only make it to seed 3 last night."
If anyone had heard him say that they would have coughed up a mouth full of blood and have cursed at Adam for saying such words. The fact that he had even made it to seed 3 last night was terrifying it would take a normal person at least 2 years to make it to this level, to hear him say such things would throw anyone into a fit of rage. "Growwwwwwwwwwl" "Oh man, I'm so hungry gonna have to yell for mom again mom.waaaaaawwww." ( Man, it sucks that I can't just use regular English."Oh, it seems like little Adam is ready to start the day? Are you hungry hmmm."
Lydia proceeded to pick up Adam and do the same routine as yesterday. After feeding was done Adam was placed outside of his crib so he could play around while she watched him. That is when she noticed that Adam was quite a bit bigger then he was yesterday. " Hey Chris could you come downstairs, I want you to check out Adam I think he grew a bit since yesterday."
"Lydia that is impossible." Chris comes from upstairs and looks at Adam and stops for a minute. "Hold on how did he get so big already."(Did they find out already shit I probably shouldn't have been so eager to train.) "No way could it be?"At that very moment, Adam broke out into a cold sweat hoping his secret cultivation session last night wouldn't be found out. "Naw but Adam shouldn't have enough dragon blood in him to has the passive dragon skill." "Well, maybe Adam got lucky and has enough we should have him evaluated when we make our pilgrimage to the church." "Hmmm, but we should wait until he is 3 years old a pilgrimage can be a very taxing journey especially for a baby. Besides that is when everyone is getting their child evaluated by the status plate."
"Hear that Adam we are gonna check and see if you are an inheritor of the sacred dragon blood in 3 years." ( Yeeeeees I wasn't found out I don't even know how they would react if they found out that I knew how to meditate already.) "For now, I should just stick to my plan and train Adam when he is one year old, from the training I could see if he has dragons blood because the inheritors have an incredible amount of strength."
"I don't know if I want you to train Adam when I see you train the kids that go to the army I feel like you go too far. Some of those kids leave with a lot of bruises and some can't even walk after they are done training with you." " But I have to Lydia I won't let my child be weak and susceptible to bullying, and you should know that the weak are stepped on while the strong survive." "I know I just want what is best for him." "Don't worry honey I won't push him as hard as my soldiers I will take his age into consideration." "Okay but if Adam says he doesn't want to train anymore you can't force him to do it." "Of course Honey."
(did my dad just lie through his fucking teeth!)
Adam says this through his mind while he thinks about how hard it was to survive the training with his dad, and the number of times he wanted to quit. (My dad didn't become Sergent by being a slouch dude would destroy his body only to recover and do it all over again. And he always had a way of making me push past my limits while telling me ' it's good for you'. Though I pushed through so I wouldn't be stepped on like the weak, though in the end, it wasn't enough I wasn't enough[ this is for those of you wondering why his skill with the sword is so high].) Thinking about this had brought Adam into a kind of depressed state, but immediately after he broke out of it knowing that with his skills he could change his fate. No not just his fate but the fate of the world and all the people he loved.
Growl. ( dammit stomach why do you have to ruin my inner monologue it was just getting good.) "Oh, it seems like all of that moving around has made Adam hungry." "Well, I have to go train the soldiers, see you."As Chris gets ready to leave he kisses his wife, and kisses Adam on his head. "Adam, I know that you will do great things. (And survive my training hopefully, or your mom will kill me.)"
With that Chris leaves and Adam does his routine feeding, Lydia puts him in her bed with her because she was still tired from giving birth. As sleep takes over her she holds Adam while drifting to sleep, that is when Adam makes his moves and escapes so he can test his skills. "Finally, I can check my stats it has been killing me ever since I was done meditating, stat sheet."
Adam opens the status sheet with the magical incantation, this spell wouldn't be created until 5 years from now. That is why they would have to go all the way to the church just to check out Adam's skills.
Adam level(0)Titles: Returnee, VOID WALKER, Inheriter of the great flame, hero.
strength 66, Endurance 66, Speed 16, luck 100
charm 410, intelligence 25, wisdom 25, Agility 16.
(a) shoot I'm pretty strong but what is this void walker title.
The minute Adam had thought about the title it popped up on his screen in front of him.
This is a title given to the people that have walked through the void and have escaped with their memories and soul intact. A title one can attain when helped by the divine in order for them to change a future that would destroy the very balance of life itself. With it also comes the ability to control the void to a scary degree, be careful when you use this ability though because they say when you look into the void the void looks back.
"hmmm, I guess that it is talking about how I reincarnated after I died, I thought that it would be called the afterlife. So I have been brought back to change the future, this reminds me of the story of the king that came back from the future to help his kingdom grow. I guess he was brought back to aswell, I wonder if I'll be able to contact this person in the future. Also, I think it was weird when it said to be careful of my ability, that tells me that the ability might be too much for me. Like when someone can detonate air with an explosion which could destroy themselfes just as much as it could their enemies if they aren't careful."
From all this, Adam figured that since it was warning him this much the ability could be incredibly strong, at the start he only glanced over it because he didn't know what controlling the void meant. His only experience with the void was when he was dead, even then it was a brief moment of darkness. How could Adam understand that with this ability alone he could become so strong and versatile that it would be disgusting to look at.
(a) Well since it has been so hyped up let's see what this void walker skill is all about.
Adam went ahead and flexed his hand as if he was about to use the force to choke someone out. That is when a sphere of darkness appeared within his hand, Adam stared at it wondering what would happen if he threw it at something. He decided not to otherwise he might destroy the house, with this in mind he walked to the kitchen and ultimately made to the back yard. As he walked he looked at the kitchen, the marbled counter, nice kitchen material made out of dwarven metal, by no means were his parents broke. They were the strongest people in the city currently, they were both hunters that were over level 250. Both of them are part of the very pinnacle of strength that the human race has to offer against any that would try to eradicate them. Adam was level 500 when he had died at the hands of the monsters that had broken through the cracks. That is what the tears in space were called because the had looked like someone had broken the very fabric of space. With this thought, Adam had a flashback of the day he died, Adam looked like a middle-aged man his black hair in a crew cut like usual, he didn't like when it impeded his ability to fight so he decided to get rid of it.
(a) Dammit, every day we are pushed back I'm tired of running from these monsters they have taken so much from me that I struggle to find the will to live.
As Adam says this he is looking outside a building protected by ward magic to keep most monsters away, but it doesn't work on monsters that have a high amount of intelligence. Those monsters usually stay at their base of operations making orders to the monsters with less intelligence, not only do they have intelligence on par with humans they also have an incredible level of strength and durability.
(a) Just one of those intelligent monsters could eradicate us it is like no matter how hard I train I can't keep up with them.
As Adam says this someone holds him from the back.
(?????) Adam, please don't say that you can't give up your the strongest out of all of us.
(a) I know, but it is so disheartening knowing that I train so hard only to come short every time, Elyse how long do we have until we need to move again.
(Elyse) Fear, not my love we have at least 2 months until more monsters start coming to our general direction.
Elyse could sense how many monsters were in her surroundings, this ability had saved everyone's life at least a thousand times. At that moment someone had come and interrupted Adam and Elyse.
(??????) Yo boss we have a bit of a problem Tom is acting funny again, I came to warn you I don't know what he has in store but it can't be good knowing him.
(a) Appreciate you, Eddie, at least I know that you will always stay loyal, thanks for the heads up.
(Eddie) No problem Adam you know I'll be by your side till the end.
With that Eddie left knowing that Elyse and Adam were having a moment, even though he was too no one was left unaffected by the outbreak of monsters from the cracks. Especially since recently they had to run away from an intelligent monster a month ago. It had beat Adam so badly and it had affected them a lot because as Elyse said he was the strongest. Even then Eddie would stand next to Adam no matter what since he had saved his family, even though Adam told him he didn't have to. As this was happening no one noticed Tom as he stayed in the shadows monitoring everything smiling while waiting for his moment to strike. If one were to watch closely they could see a walkie talkie in his hand as he talked to someone, their talk would send chills down anyone's spine.
- In Serial27 Chapters
Fly in Fantasy
He was one of the 75. They either survive, or die. The hilarious product after a fly stupid enough laid her eggs inside a dragon's corpse.
8 180 - In Serial10 Chapters
Changement : Version Pile [French]
Notice: This story is in French, not in english, mainly because of my poor english. I may translate it later if I get better, and hopefully I will. _ Les cris de souffrance résonnent dans ses oreilles, dans sa tête et dans son coeur. Cette dernière image, ces derniers instants, ces morts incompréhensible, rien ne sera plus jamais pareil pour Nils Nocquat. Il sombre, et dans les ténèbres, découvre la fache cachée de son monde. Qui est coupable? Démon, Ange et autres Sonen, tous se renvoient la faute, et maintenant, Nils Change, il doit faire un choix. Indécis, il lance une pièce. Pile. Il a choisi son camp. Il deviendra un Démon, le meilleur ou le pire de tous, ce n'est qu'une question de point de vue. - Author's note: this story is a concept. During the first chapter, the main character is faced with a major decision, which will change his life forever, and, not knowing what to do, he decide to play heads or tails, and let fate choose for him. And so there will be two versions of this story, one for each of the result, and their consequences for the main character, as well as all those around him. Here, he got tails. Note de l'auteur: Comme dit plus haut, cette histoire sera en français, car je ne suis pas assez bon en anglais. De plus, cette histoire est un concept un peu particulier, le personnage principal va se retrouver face à un choix décisif qui va changer sa vie pour toujours, et, ne savant pas que faire, il va jouer à pile-ou-face, en laissant le destin décider pour lui. Il y a donc deux versions de cette histoire, une pour chacun des résultats de son lancer. Lien de l'autre version : https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/28318/changement-version-face-french Je vous encourage à ne pas lire les deux versions, ou en tout cas, à ne pas les lire en même temps. Elle sont assez peu similaires, mais des choses vont, logiquement, être répétées, et les confusions risquent d'être rapides, surtout au début des histoires. Dans tout les cas, ces deux histoires vont s'éloigner assez rapidement, tout en restant intrinsèquement liées par leurs personnage principal. Libre à vous de choisir la version qui vous plaît le plus, sachant que vous n'aurez pas besoin de lire les deux pour comprendre toutes les intrigues, elles sont absolument indépendantes l'une de l'autre. Le seul chapitre identique dans les deux versions est le prologue. C'est la deuxième fois maintenant que je publie quelque chose que j'ai écrit, mais ça ne me rends pas meilleur en terme d'orthographe et de grammaire, donc si vous relevez une erreur, où même si vous remarquez des incohérences, n'hésitez surtout pas à me le faire remarquer. Toute critique, qu'elle soit positive ou négative, est appréciée. En terme de rythme de publication, je pense sortir un chapitre par semaine dans chacune des deux histoires.
8 127 - In Serial7 Chapters
High Tides to Low Clouds (ft. Miss Catherine)
A collection of short stories with differing topics and subject matter, set in a contemporary world with the usual here and the much stranger there. Each story is loaded with their own personality and tale to tell where. Between the highest tides to the lowest clouds, you never know what to expect from the next. You will also follow Miss Catherine. A bartender working at a bar known as "The First Base". What will she deal with?
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A Different kind of Hero (Marvel)
With his wish, he was set free from his hell-like world, now on another world follow Alexander on his quest to reclaim normality.. or some of it sigh.... who am I kidding! his in marvel universe for god sake where is normality in that! Just to let you know I don't own Marvel
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Azure Chronicles
After a catastrophe on the night of the Azure Moon, crystals and gems known as Azure Gems started to appear all around the globe. These gems have been highly sort after over the many millennia for their immense power. However, in recent years, people have become wary of owning or even being near one of these gems. This is due to the actions of a group of infamous thieves that have made it their sole mission to collect all the Azure Gems. These three thieves are known as the Phantom of Omen, the Reaper of Judgment and the Spectre of Insight.
8 74 - In Serial64 Chapters
This story was previously known as "The Awakening".~*~"One... two... three... one... two... three... a million... is that number right?" A figure less voice echoed."Hello? Who's there?" Caliope asked, focusing on that voice."One... two... who? A million... a billion... no, it's more... a legion..."Silence. She had seen too many horror movies and heard too many stories about that single word to overpass its meaning. The voice went quiet, yet she was still unable to see where it came from. She rubbed her eyes and all she could see around her was a thick path in a jungle-like scene. She didn't remember how she got there, but she knew it was for something important. Her eyes focused on the far end of the path and all she could see were more trees. She turned to the opposite side and found just the same."One... two... billions... but always back at one..." the voice resumed it's counting."Where are you? Who are you?"~*~-Her name is Caliope, and when she was a young girl, she never believed in happy endings. For her, there was nothing more than what you see in front of you. All she needed was her best friend Vanessa.Her background is very simple; a foster child with foster parents that were everything but warm and caring. Regardless of that, she became a smart and responsible young woman, ready for whatever came her way. At least that is what she thought.Her new job interview changed her life. It changed everything she ever believed in, and what she thought it was real. Her new boss is an amazing woman who has a son, something different from what he is made out to be.As she discovers the hidden truth about her boss and her son, she has to prepare herself for a whole new world that will unfold to her.~*~Intro collaboration with my loyal reader @GabrielleCardenOriginal Picture from the cover made by Marcus J. Ranum~*~This story has erotic scenes, religious perspectives, and judgment. Be warned and read at your own risk.
8 188