《How I became op.》The beginning chapter 1


after a lot of second-guessing, and multiple mental breakdowns Adam was finally able to piece together what had happened to him. He had been reincarnated back into the past with all of his skills and memory."hold on how did I go back in time with all of my skills and memories." Suddenly a voice enters his mind. "how about you STFU and stop looking a gift horse in the mouth." It left him with a huge headache. "WTF did I just hear?" silence..............

"whatever, let me check my skills."

I don't know how to do the stat sheet so pls type in the comments to help me out with figuring out how the creat the sheet.


×DRAGONS BLOOD-allows the person to manipulate mana at an insane level without any practice beforehand, the person also heals at an insane rate, and it allows the person to see a person mana without the need for an active skill to be active. the constitution of a dragon you start with 50 in the str stat.


this skill is only possible if you have more than one soul, you currently have 2. This skill allows you to break through your limits and tap into strength from your soul. It essentially means you get double experience from everything you kill. Like say for instance you kill a monster you would absorb their soul, and since you have 2 you have double the absorption rate. Also, all of your states are double because you were reincarnated back into your own body. And you can learn and level up your skills 2 times faster because...you guessed you have 2 souls. You are also. less susceptible to attacks to the soul, but since you.haven't trained on any soul skills you. can still be fucked up by attacks towards your soul.


"hmmmmmm... Ummm I didn't have this skill before but I heard only the creatures of the undead could have more than one soul. And even then the souls most of the time are forced together and one devours the other. I can feel within me 2 souls meshing together incredibly well more so than compatible souls. It might be because both of the souls residing inside my body are the same, so that is why one isn't trying to dominate the other." As Adam thought about his souls he just now started to think about how disgusting his skills are.

"wow with just these skills alone I could be a disgustingly powerful individual. The dragons blood skill shouldn't have activated for me I guess having 2 souls was able to increase the purity of the dragon blood inside of me. My parents only have a little bit of dragons blood inside of them, and if I'm correct you need at least a 50% purity rating which is extremely rare, only one in 5 million people with having this level of purity. Even then that would have to be a lot of selective breeding to even retain that much purity."


this is a skill that is earned through pure determination and will. you are protected from mental attacks of any kind as long as their mental fortitude is weaker than yours.


this is a skill you get when you at the pinnacle of beau......ummm I meant pinnacle of rugged handsomeness

this skill grants 400 to charm or char.

(a)you damn right skill I'm not beautiful I'm ruggedly handsome.


someone that has walked through the void and came out, this skill allows you to control void magic at a godly level.



×SWORD MASTERY rank (master)


how skilled you are with your blade, this extends from kitchen knives to legendary blades of legend.


your ability to manipulate the magic around you, and do with it as you see fit like a tyrant.

×BEAST TAMER rank (apprentice)

allows you tame beast as long as they are lower than your level by at least 10lvl's.

×MEDITATION rank (god)

this allows one to see within themselves and meditate to gain more mana and chi. chi is different mana in the sense chi helps with your body a lot more while.mana is more for external use even though both could be used for internal and external.

(a)Man all of that info dump reading has me beat I will allow myself a nap for today, but tomorrow I need to start my training so I can stop what happens in the future. I can't lose everyone I love like I did before I won't let it happen.

soon Adam felt as if his eyelids were getting heavy but then he had already decided to waste no more time and train. Although the first thing he needed some food, he had tried his best to abstain from using his mom's boobs but he couldn't he was starving. (sorry mom.) " Waaaaaa." A little bit later. "Awww is my little man-hungry?" She picked up Adam and proceeded to remove her shirt lifted Adam toward her breast. "whatever I can't have any reservations now I have to eat or I'll starve. " So with this, our hero finally was defeated by hungry. It was late in the day by the time Adam was done eating so his mom placed him inside his crib.

"Okay time to meditate, gotta hit the floor running instead of stalling.

with this thought process, Adam decided to meditate every night instead of sleeping, though meditating refreshes you just like sleep. sat down by his bed in a lotus sitting position and had his hands close to his center. Then he activated his meditation skill, immediately Adam noticed the absurd amount of mana and ki that he was absorbing. " "In the name of the great gods, I'm absorbing this stuff at such a fast rate a skill being at god level is insane. I guess this is attributed to the fact that I have 2 souls this is insane. I'm absorbing mana and chi over 50 times faster than those so-called "geniuses"."

2 hours later Adam had already formed a good foundation for his dantan. He then went ahead and formed it, and was surprised by what happened next. His dantan had an incredible level of purity it was insane. "I don't even know how strong I'll be in the future."

With his new life and skills that could rival the powers of the gods, Adam kept moving forward towards the future hoping that all these skills can help him change the future.

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