《How I became op.》Prologue


The story is going to be remade, the first remake is Adam, he will still be a highschooler. But I've decided to make him a resident of this new world, he has been living in this world for 30 years being raised on it and ultimately dies because of a monster. When he wakes up he finds himself within his parent's arms a newborn baby, I do plan to keep the same dialogue but I will change the way it was made so that it is less confusing to read. (hopefully) Adam's growth will be immense at the start because as the story states I want Adam to be op. though I may skip a few years so that we don't have to deal with age ain't nothing but a number bullshit. ( hopefully it doesn't go that far) Though there will still be a lot of moments where you guys are gonna be like hold on isn't he xxx and she is xxx. Also, most of you might be surprised by this but I'm mapping out how I want my story to go, and this shit is hard but kinda rewarding. Right now the mc is going through the training ark which should be done in like a chapter or two. At the end of it, our mc should be 2 years old. With that, we can grasp his age again(really I need a grasp on his age cause that shit is hard, I can see why pokemon made ash fucking ten his whole life). Well with that this should be a whole recap of the important stuff now to make a new chapter I should probably do this every ark so that new people can get a handle on the story maybe?

The start was where the synopsis was but I'll just write it here as well


"Aaaaah!!!!". Adam screamed as he felt as if he was being pulled apart by the darkness he had become a custom too. Next thing he knows the pain disappears and is replaced with a force that pulls him down. Suddenly a hand grabs him and drags him even lower."Noooooo". Adam tried his best to resist but alas he had no strength to accomplish this goal. As he was dragged from wherever he was there was a blinding light from above which hurt Adam since it had been so long since he had looked at the sun." Aaaaah". "Madam it is a boy". As this was said Adam felt as if he was just exchanged between these huge hands. He finally had a blanket to cover him from the cold now." He looks so beautiful what should we name him Chris"."hmmm his name shall be Adam"."(huh why did he just say my name)".

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