《Solo Player Rebirth! [A LitRPG Fantasy series]》Chapter 4 [Old]


What’s this? I can no longer hear, touch, smell, or see anything. Every sense is gone, and the only thing left is a bright light.

It is peculiar. And not to mention I can’t even do anything. I try opening the System menus, but they won’t work either. Am I stuck here forever? If that’s so, I might finally go completely insane—


That sound! I think some good news is coming!

System: 3…2…1… Rebirth is successful

“Yes!” I can’t help but happily exclaim.

For me, it felt like an hour had passed since I was in the dungeon. Without any senses, my grasp of time was fractured. And that wasn’t good, to begin with. So I can’t say how much time has passed, but I think around an hour, maybe?

It doesn’t matter. My rebirth should be complete if the notification is to be believed. So I’m finally going to find out what all this is about and what the rebirth has done to me.

Anytime now… Three, two, one go!… Once upon a time, in a faraway land…. Expecto Patronum!… Please just get me out of here! I have run out of things to do! This is so boring.

I get desperate. Being inside this bright light asylum of nothingness for however long now is getting to my head a little. Entertaining myself with the first few stories from my old world was pretty hilarious. But after that, it just got repetitive. And not to mention, I don’t know what time it is or how many potential days I have been locked away! This is pretty much torture!

Being locked away with my thoughts and nothing else has been quite a roller-coaster. I’m not typically someone who talks about my feelings, but I had nothing else to do, so I relived some old memories. And let me say, it was a bad idea. Though most were happy, a few bad ones slipped in as well.

Stop! I don’t want to get sentimental. I need to focus. Anytime this hell could be over, and when it does, I’m ready!



System: Sorry for the delay. Now sending ‘Player’ to the tutorial.

See? I told you! And sorry, my ass. It better be! But what about the tutorial?

My mind is confused at the notification. But I don’t think it is the message that startles me greatly. Is this the ground? My heartbeat is faster than ever as all my senses slowly come back to me. Something feels mushy underneath my feet, but just with touch alone, I can’t figure out what it was.


This is a breeze! I can feel the air moving around me and hear leaves rustling in the background. And then it suddenly hits me. Even without opening my eyes, I know exactly where I am.


System: Thanks for participating in the tutorial. Further notice will be given when everyone has settled down.

I knew it! I try celebrating that I had correctly guessed where I was. But I don’t get to think more about this situation before my thoughts get abruptly interrupted.

“What’s happening!”

“Where am I?”

“Have I been kidnapped!”

I open my eyes for the first time in a while, only to see hundreds of people running around crying for help.

They look confused. Just a moment ago, they were living their lives normally. But with a blink of an eye, they’re in an undisclosed location, weak and scared. I know that fear very well. Because I was that person once.

I close myself in my mind, disregarding the people yelling.

What I wanted to say before I got interrupted was that I know this place. But I can’t see why a rebirth would take you all the way to here. It could have reset me to the starter town. But why the tutorial?

It’s a little confusing. I think back to the days when I played games all day. One thing every game generally had in common was a tutorial. It pretty much just explains what the game was about and how to play it so that you won’t go in utterly blind. But I never tried playing the tutorial for a game twice.


And this world is supposed to be a game-like world, so I think it’s weird it would send me to here of all places. Or maybe there is a reason?

To be frank, it doesn’t matter to me at all. I’m just happy to be able to touch something again.

I smile big. The forest is still as beautiful as I remember it. Minus all the chaos the people are making.

Trees and bushes sway in rhythm with the wind. There’s a rustling in a bush and a rabbit jumps out. Indeed, this place is at peace. You could lay at a tree, bathing in the sun. Feel the warmth on your skin while birds are chirping in the background. This is the lush and beautiful nature of the tutorial area— But who am I kidding? It’s just a hoax. They lure you in and make you think everything is fine, but everything is not fine! They beat, spit, and rip your flesh apart. Maybe that’s a little too dramatic…

Now, now. I need to calm down. Not that I’m exaggerating how awful the tutorial is. Believe me. People will die. But I do have better things to think about now that I’m out of the asylum of desperation. And it’s something I have been excited about since I said yes to the rebirth. And that’s—

“Status window!” I say aloud so everyone around me can hear. Some of the people who aren’t busy crying start looking at me weird. They look at each other, probably thinking I’m a weirdo, but their expression changes when they try saying the line themselves.

Awestruck at the sudden appearance of a window, they’re silent. They start studying what it’s all about.

And for me. I am awestruck as well but cut awe out and replace it with dismay. And then you know how I feel.

“What’s this? Nothing changed at all!” I can’t stop mumbling to myself. Befuddled at the screen in front of me, I can’t help but think I got scammed.

Name: Sung-Jin Level: 1 Age: 20 Title: none First Generation Strength: 10 Vitality: 10 Agility: 10 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 10 Stat Points: 0 HP: 100/100 MP: 100/100

This is precisely how newbie stats look like. How can you call this a rebirth? Didn’t the Lich King say I would get stronger. I’m the same as before. I’m just weaker!

Angry, I decide to go to a nearby tree and sit down, leaning my back against it and calming my head.

It can’t be… Logically something must have changed. Though the System is a b*tch at times, I know it always stays true to its words. So what changed?


System: Tutorial will begin shortly. Prepare your weapons.

Huh? Already! I thought I had more time. And by the way, why do you constantly interrupt me?

I look around and see weapons spawning out of nowhere in the hands of everyone. People look confused. After the message from the System telling them to prepare their weapons, only thoughts of the worst-case scenario come to mind. So they begin to run around once again, scared for their lives.

Do we have to fight each other? Or is something going to kill us? These were questions I thought when I first played the tutorial. However, I’m not scared anymore.

To be honest, I’m actually very calm. I know what to expect, so I can’t get surprised. And though I’m as weak as anyone else here, my many years on the battlefield will surely come to help me.

I pick up a short sword that lays beside me on the ground.

This will be my weapon for some time. However, it’s dull and rusty. It’s at least better than my fists. I will put it inside my inventory for now. The waves haven’t started yet—

Something suddenly comes to mind as I open my inventory.

That’s right! There are multiple ways to get rewards!

I immediately open another System menu.


Inbox: 1 Unclaimed reward [First Rebirth Reward]

“There it is!” I exclaim, happy as a clam.

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