《Solo Player Rebirth! [A LitRPG Fantasy series]》Chapter 5 [Old]


And here I thought I got scammed! I thought that the only thing I would get from the rebirth was my knowledge. But here it is!

I’m thrilled, and I look with glimmering eyes at the inbox tab.

In this world, drops and rewards are usually dropped on the ground, and people can choose if they want to pick them up or not. However, if the reward is special enough, it will go into one’s inbox instead. Though I never tried getting a reward through the inbox before, and that’s why I didn’t check for it. But I do remember I read it somewhere in a Guildhall back when I adventured a lot.

But that doesn’t matter right now! I’m way too excited to see what it is.

“Open First Rebirth Reward,” I say with a jubilant tone. My voice cracks embarrassingly. But I am way too excited to care. Blue light engulfs me like a whirlwind after I say the line. It blows away the leaves and branches on the tree I sit under.


The system makes its usual sound and a screen pops up in front of me.

System: ‘Dark Apostle’ title obtained.

“A title?” I question when I read the notification. But I can’t think about it for long because something gives me chills down my spine. I can’t say what it is.

Looking around me, I quickly notice what gave me the chills. People in my proximity look weirdly at me after the reward made a scene.

I’m getting too much attention on myself. I nervously think as all the eyes of the players stare me down.

I need to be more secretive. Or else people will pick me out when everything goes haywire. And I can’t have that. I will fight alone in the upcoming waves, so I can’t have people dependent on me.

I walk slowly into the forest behind me without making anyone more suspicious of me. Out of sight, I can finally concentrate on the reward I got.


“What’s this title? I have never seen it before,” I curiously think aloud when scrolling through the various System tabs—trying to find information about the title.

When I think of titles, only a few come to mind. In my five years of being in this world, I have only gotten one title, and that’s the ‘Dragon Slayer’ title. And I had to kill a gigantic dragon to get that! They are very rare, and not everyone can just get one.

Either way, I need to be fast. If my memory serves me right, another System notification will come soon, and the monster waves will begin shortly after. So let me find the title info tab.

Title(s) Information Dark Apostle: Lvl 1 [Exp: 0%] Effect: 10% damage gain. Dark-Type skills only

“This title…” I mumble, flabbergasted.

My eyes read over the text fast, and it doesn’t take me long to figure out how useless it is! You see, I’m not flabbergasted at how good it is. I’m more shocked out of anger than anything else.

The effect is pretty much useless! It requires me to have Dark-Type skills. And let me tell you, those are hard to come by. For instance, the only Dark-Type skill I had before my rebirth was ‘Shadow Step,’ which is just a movement skill that doesn’t even do damage! So I think you can understand why I’m a bit angry.

But I can’t do anything about—


Quest: Clear the monster wave to progress. Goblin waves 1/5 :: 30/30 Goblins remain.

“Stop interrupting me!” I yell with all the anger I have pent up from the terrible rebirth. But my outrage is put to rest as the forest floods with blood-curdling screams.

That was quick! I take out my rusty short sword and run to the main path where all the fighting is taking place. Though you can’t really call it fighting. It’s more of a massacre than anything else.

“Ahhh!” People scream as they run away from the front line where the goblins had spawned. I stand in the middle of the big path as they run past me.


Running is the worst idea. I learned that the last time I did the tutorial. Those little green bastards love to hunt prey that run and tremble in fear. Fighting back is your best bet at surviving.

“But this time around, running might be the best way to survive,” I say aloud, smirking like a madman who’s about to slaughter a whole lot of goblins. “But I think it’s the goblins who will need to do the running.”

I sprint toward the front line. It feels like I’m moving way slower than usual. I understand why. I need to use ‘Shadow Step’ to move faster. I thought I needed to use my skill, but as I try it… Oh right, I don’t have that anymore.

No problem. I am just going to use all my stamina before getting to the front line. I definitely don’t need that—


A sharp sound alerts me. I turn my head toward where I heard the sound coming from.


“Oh f*ck!” I exclaim. “What was that!” My voice is an octave higher. Something that suddenly flies towards me at high speed.

Looking down, I see an arrow broken in half, laying on the ground. I can’t quite fathom what had happened yet, but I look up again and see a goblin hiding behind a tree holding a bow.

Oh my god! I don’t even see the arrow flying toward me. Only when it falls to the ground am I aware that I was shot at. I think my reflexes and muscle memories just saved my life! I’m so happy that all my years of fighting monsters came in clutch.

Okay… My heart is racing. I didn’t think I would have this feeling in the tutorial. But here I am, nearly dying by a mere goblin!

“However, you will die,” I say and stare with a murderous gaze that would make anyone tremble in fear. And the goblin is no different.

The goblin tries running away as it notice the arrow didn’t do any damage to me. But I don’t let it go far, and I quickly cut its thin threads of hope it otherwise had of surviving.


I throw my blade, and a dead goblin slowly collapses. Blood spews out of its cracked skull where my short sword hit it in its forehead, leaving a massive hole.

[10 Experience Received]

A notification pops up, telling me how much exp I got from killing the goblin. But I don’t care about that. My focus is on the fact that I hit the goblin right in its head.

“That’s how you hit your target!” I arrogantly say with a smile.

My aim hasn’t gotten worse since my rebirth! I dash over to the dead goblin to pick up my weapon to continue to the front line.

One mere goblin is nothing. Or at least not for me.

Usually, goblins use great numbers to overpower their enemies. Though they sometimes try to attack the enemy by surprise. That only works when the enemy isn’t aware of what they are facing. However, I’m way too experienced to get tricked by something like that.

Forget I nearly died; that never happened.

But let me not drag this out too much. I need to go to kill all the goblins before too many people die.

So how many goblins remain in this wave? I hope that I’m the only one who killed a goblin. Because if I’m the only one fighting, more exp will fill my pocket. And I like exp.

[27/30 Goblins remain]

“Oh wow!”

People have actually killed some goblins! That’s very impressive. However, if they continue killing them, I won’t get much exp! And I need to level up!

The Goblin’s numbers are dwindling. I hurry to the front line since I don’t want my precious exp taken away from me.

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