《Quinn's Game: Leveling of the Outcast Alchemist》020 A blessing


"This is my last day on this place." Shun mumbled as he stares at the screen in front of him, heavily panting as he stood in the middle of nowhere after fighting 13 middle class boss so far.




(Skill is unusable, Scarlet Lotus must be consumed first.)

"Scarlet Lotus? So this skill needs to be paired with that thing." Shun murmured before getting up on his feet. "I guess the whole objective of this damn quest was for me to learn this skill." he rubbed his head as he stares at the notification window. "Speaking of objectives, I almost managed to finish all of them." he sighed.


• Survive until day 4.

• Kill the final boss.

• Kill atleast 2000 enemy units.

(Time left 0h 0m 0s)

[DAILY Tasks]

1) Completed.

2) Completed.

3) Completed.

(Time left 19h 53m 16s)

"I managed to finish all of them, why the hell I'm still here? Where's this final boss?!" Shun grumbled and started stomping at the ground. "Huh?" he angled his eyes at the status screen that appeared on his left.


Name: Shun Futaro

Level 44: 4560/20500

Guild: Black Dragon

Title: Mountain Hunter

Job: Wizard

Technique: ??


HP: 10310/12500

MP: 5124/6472

Magic: 450

Physical: 350

Agility: 5.5

Endurance: 214/440

Vitality: 125

Intelligence: 146



- Unknown (MAX)

- Dark Cloak (Lv. 4)

- Dark Cloaked: Crescent Slash (Lv. 3)

- Rage (Lv. 3)

- Mana release (incomplete)


-Poison (Lv. 4)

- Rob (Lv. 3)


(You've learned all the skills you need at this intelligence level. Comeback next time.)

"What's this?" Shun furrowed his brows. "Why the system showing me this?" he tilted his head in confusion.



Congratulations in finishing this quest. Are you ready for the next quest?



"Another quest?" Shun narrowed his eyes. "What the hell, please let me go home. I've been here for about 4 days and honestly I'm tired."



06/16/40- 8:46 A.M

"What the... time in this place flows different." Shun's mind blown. "Then that means the raid was still going, right?" he wondered with a seemingly frustrated smile. "That's another reason for me to go home. My friends needs me."



"Ahhhhhhhh, damn it!" Shun screamed and grumble after reading the notification. The system seems like didn't want him to go. "What's your problem, are you acting up again?!" he violently stomped on the ground.



"10... 9... 8..."

"Seriously? Don't screw with me."

"7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1"


Shun watched himself slipped through a giant hole on the ground and now falling upside down. He balanced himself to land safely on his feet.

"What is this place." he stared at the dark room with a deafening silence, even his thoughts can't be heard.


Objective: Defeat the Demon general and retrieve the Scarlet Lotus.



"Blessing... zone?" Yuya covered his eyes from the bright shining light in front of him, dust and rocks floating everywhere. "What the–"


In a blink of an eye, all the dust and rocks was blown away from their enemy, indicating a strong force was released. Soon, John's true appearance was revealed in front of their eyes so as the giant figure behind him.

"What is that thing?" Yuya nervously questioned Ao as they both stared at a towering faceless statue behind John. "It looks... terrifying!"

"The blessing zone from grace that is said to be the power granted by gods to the humans in exchange for their soul. Where did you learn that technique?" Ao angrily glare at John.

John raised his hand and screamed, "Isn't it obvious, I became one with the god's soul. I will bring retribution to this world full of sinners." he stated with a joyful laugh.

"A god?" Yuya smirked, "who would've thought that such a being really existed." he widened his eyes after sensing the overwhelming mana, coming from John. "Oii, Ao, what exactly does a blessing zone does."

"There are three methods of powers that existed even before the system was constructed. The mana release, blessing zone from grace, and the blessing zone from your inner self." Ao looked at Yuya while explaining, "The blessing zone is a state where instead of constantly releasing the mana like mana release. The mana was being stored in one area where the user dominates that zone."

"I see, but what's make him stronger than ordinary players?" Yuya turned his head and exchange glances with Ao.

"Because in blessing zone grace, he will continuously receive mana that allow him to spam his skills." Ao explained in a nervous tone. "What makes it worse is he's using light magic. He can move at incredible speed and made himself immune to my decaying time." he looked more even more worried after taking a glance at Sena's condition. Ao never let his guard down, protecting Yuya and Sena by expanding his mana release.

Ao turned his head to face John. "So it's really true that you've sold your soul for the sake of your desires." he looks at him with disgust. "Master was right after all. You're the type of guy who'll abandon everyone for selfish wishes." Ao raised his guard and ready to fight.

"Don't make it sounds like I'm the first one who abandoned you." John replied. "You're the first one who turned against me after you walked the different path and fought against me." he screamed with intense anger. "Now that I've become more powerful than you and Gojou, I'm going to destroy the pillars and kill the vessel myself." he looked down on Ao and raised his head with both hands up the air like a saint. "Everything that you and master Shuu has protected, I'm going to destroy all of them." he laughed hardly to his content.

"I see," Ao straightened his pose, "then I shall stop you." he lifted his chin with a serious grin.


"Bring it," John replied, smirking and looking down at him.

Ao lifted his rear foot, putting all of his weight into the front, "Time acceleration: Gentle step!" he chanted. With all his strength he gave his body a lift and went flying at incredible speed, even John's eye can't track. He clenched his fist and make a quick change of direction, putting all his weight in the punch.

John quickly reacted the moment Ao entered his zone. "Light magic: Heavenly whips!" he chanted, creating multiple whips made of light all around his body.

"He reacted, at this speed?!" Ao eyes widened as he witnessed the whips about to strangle him self.

In a blink of an eye, Ao's neck was chopped.

"Time acceleration: Afterimage duplication!"

Suddenly, a voice that sends shivers down his spine. John trembled in surprise, "what the?!" he turned his head and the only thing he saw was a green aura before he felt himself flying away, eyes closed.


John opened his eyes and saw Ao in front of him with a clenched teeth. He was surprise that he managed to keep up with the speed of him getting blown away.

"I'm not done yet." Ao showed a wide smirk. He grabbed his face, channeled all of his mana in his palm and shoved John's head on the ground.

They both crashed in the nearby buildings.

"Ahhhh... Ahhhh... Ahhhh..."

Ao quickly let go his grip and stepped back while panting. As he stares at the bleeding John.

"Tsk, this is my first time using this 'blessing zone' thing. Richard told me that it'll feel good but I don't feel much of a difference." John smirked. "But this amount of mana is amazing." he stood up and raised his hand. He he draw a giant magic circle above him.



"Huh?" John stared at the screen in front of him before hearing a laughing sound from a near distance.

"Hahaha, I've prepared for it." Ao laughed hardy while panting. "Your blessing is useless if you can't cast any spell. Look at yourself, you're as old as me now."

"Old? What are you talking about?" John slowly touched his face and felt some wrinkles on his forehead. "Naniiii?" he literally spoked in Japanese in surprise.

"We've been clashing for about an hour." Ao spoked wiping some dust from his face. "My mana release finally took effect. The decaying time that can effect even the gods." he explained with a wide grin.

"What have you done? Bastard!" John angrily screamed as he runned towards Ao. "I haven't even used it. Damn it!"

"I simply cut the ties between you and the gods by constantly reducing you vitality resulting a mana incompatibility." Ao happily spoked, letting go a deep sighed.

"I see, so that was your plan all along."

Ao widened his eyes as he heard another voice behind him completely similar to the one in front of him. He slightly tilted his head and rolled his eyes at the side to check who the person is.

"J-John!" Ao uttered in a shaky voice. "Then, who the–" he angled his eyes at the one in front of him and saw it turned into a white light.

"It's fake of course. You think you're the only one who can create fake clones." John whispered in his ears from behind. "Did I got your hopes up?" he whispered in a playful manner. "What a pity. You think your time acceleration can really effect light magic."

"But how did you..." Ao heavily panted from both exhaustion and fear.

"With blessing from grace, I can recreate my self from light." John replied in a whisper that sends shivers down his spine. "As long as there is light, I can create many clones as much as I want. I can rule this lowly world." he intentionally laughed loudly. "Seems like your mana is running out, do you want me to end your miser–"

"Not too fast, you self proclaimed son of light." Yuya suddenly burst in the conversation out of nowhere and was about to slash John from behind.

John bend down his body in the right, avoiding the attack and pointed one finger at Yuya. "Get lost brat!" he blasted a ball of light magic at Yuya, causing him to went defensive.

"Third Defensive Form: Spinning tide!" He rotated his body and blade, causing a large amount of water to spin from his blade to block the attack.

"What up with this he doesn't look serious about fighting me alone." John mumbled as he turned his head after sensing danger.

"Bullseye." Yuya uttered and grinned.


A deafening sound echoed throughout the area before they witnessed John's body collapsing on his knees.

"Did we did it?!" Sena asked.

Ao was surprised that Yuya somehow timed everything according to their plan.


"Yuya, I know I shouldn't but can I ask you to help me take down this guy." Ao pleaded.

"Maybe I can help you with that one."

Yuya heard a voice speaking from behind, he turned his head and saw Sena was already awake.

"So what's the plan?" Sena smiled.

"I'm gonna fight him head on." Ao pointed at himself. "You two, I'm gonna give you an agility buff and wait for the perfect moment to strike." he exchanged glances with the two.

"Seems like a plan." Yuya smirked.

--- (PRESENT TIME) ---

"I see," John uttered and started coughing blood. "So you didn't fight me with all you've got and bet everything to this brats. You really haven't changed in any ways. " he gives a pitying look at himself. "Looking back, the thought of surpassing you or our master never crossed my mind."

"You don't have to surpass anyone, *sshole." Ao smiled. "Master is already a deadman anyway." he pitifully stared at Johns body groveling to the ground.

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