《Quinn's Game: Leveling of the Outcast Alchemist》021 A painful path



Year 2010 In a hospital in Shibuya, Tokyo. A place where Ao Satsuki, a general surgeon works. A place where he doesn't belong.

"Ao, cancel the operation for patient 09." A senior doctor spoked at him with arrogance. This man named Oda is an arrogant surgeon and a self proclaimed genius.

"But why?" Ao tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "He wasn't like a financially unstable man." he stared with suspicion.

"That man raped and murdered the daughter of the president of this hospital." Oda replied with annoyed expression.

"So what, my job was to saved lives and not to let them die." Ao insisted. "That's what a doctor should do."

"You clearly didn't get it." Oda crossed his arms and glared angrily at Ao. "Of you let that man live, you're going to pay the consequences."

That moment, Ao realized that imbalance use of power is existing inside that hospital. Only the people with power can decide whether a person can live or just die. For a man with dreams and will to save lives, he simply can't tolerate such a thing so he decided to do the surgery anyways.

The person was saved and thankful for his life. But at what cost?

A week later, Ao was walking on his way home to eat dinner with his wife and kids. Suddenly, he felt bothered by something but he couldn't find what it was. Until his stood in front of his doorway and heard a loud scream filling the entire house.

"What was that?!" his heart was beating so fast, he already get the hint of what's going on but he still opened the door anyways. "What the?!" he dropped the groceries he was carrying and quickly covered his mouth. In front of him, he stared at a naked woman laying on the floor with face almost unrecognizable.

But Ao never mistaken, it was his wife. "What happened?!" the only thing he asked himself. He couldn't accept the fact that her wife had died. He's a doctor but he couldn't do anything.


Ao heard another screams upstairs. It was definitely his daughter. He quickly runned upstairs empty headed and entered the first room he laid his eyes on. Inside that room was filled with silence screams as he stared at his daughters naked body with a man on top of her. She was bleeding, obviously in pain.


"What are you doing bastard?!" Ao lost his mind and charge forward with clenched fist. But he suddenly felt his neck getting grabbed from behind before two other man appeared from behind him. A total of four man inside the room.

"Look, daddy want to watch?!" The man evil smiled and pound his daughter to his content. "This is what you get after letting that man live."

Ao already know the consequences of what he did. "What is this? I don't want this? All I want was to save people, yet I couldn't save anyone."

Ao watched that scene in front of his eyes for hours. They exchanged turns with no rest and humiliated the poor girl. Ao has nothing to do but cry, he couldn't save his wife and now his daughter getting abused in front of him.

"I couldn't save her, atleast let me end her suffering." Ao prayed in his mind and closed his eyes. "please, end her suffering." he cried, all his tears was pouring like rain.

"Humans really are amazing." Ao suddenly hear that voice spoked deed inside his head. "Fine let me grant your wish."

"Time is priceless."

The last word he heard before he opened his eyes and found himself inside a clean room . He get the feeling of waking up from a nightmare.

"What happened? Was that a dream?" Ao talked to himself.

"That wasn't a dream, dumbass."

He heard a voice speaking in fluent English causing him to curiously turn his head. He saw a white man wearing office clothes with an I.D he couldn't read from far away. The man has blue eyes and a long brown hair.

"Who are you?" Ao asked, he curiously tilted his head. "Where am I?"

"My name is John Ford, it's a bit weird but I'm from the special investigation department." John spoked in calming manner. "I'm here to ask you some several question."

"What?" Aofurrowed his brows and got up from the bed. "Where's my wife and daughter?" He nervously asked, expecting a positive answer.

"Sadly, the body was never found." A man suddenly opened the door and spoked. "The died I suppose." he spoked with a wide smile on his face.


"What are you smiling at, bastard?!" Ao got out of bed and throws at the unfamiliar person.

"Calm down, man!"

The moment he heard him spoke, Ao's whole body relaxed on its own. He was surprised that he couldn't move even a muscle. The man was enveloped in a menacing, yet calmed aura.

"What..... are you?!" Ao struggled to speak as he stares at the man's glowing eyes.

"Sit down!" The man ordered, looking down with his golden-yellow eyes.

Ao was surprised to found himself sitting back in the bed. "What is this? A superpower?" He keeps asking questions to himself. He's a professional doctor who doesn't believe in supernatural phenomenon. Who would've thought such a thing exists.

"So you've retuned master Shuu, what happened to the investigation?" John suddenly asked and mentioned his name.

"Shuu?" Ao raised one eyebrow.

"I don't know, I couldn't believe after seeing it with my own two eyes." The man named Shuu widened his eyes. "The whole place was dusted. I can still sense that overwhelming mana in that place." he stated and smiled with excitement. "Seems like he awakened." he blurted and angled his attention at Ao.

"Awakened?" Ao narrowed his eyes with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You probably awakened your soul. It must be your ability that turned that place into dust." Shuu replied.

"What place?" Ao can't understand anything. As a man who believes in science, he found Shuu's statement must be a lie.

"Your home or should I say the whole neighbourhood." John interrupted. "That incident results in 412 casualties including your family of course."

"It can't be," Ao hanged his head and murdered, "I'm a... murderer?!" he slowly began to cry. "There's no use in living in a world like this. Maybe I should've–"

"Kill yourself? heh," Shuu grinned. "Don't give me that crap. You dusted four hundred plus peoples and now you wanna kill yourself. For what? To escape?" Shuu confronted him, holding his by the collar. "Just to remind you, your life alone isn't enough to attain your sins." he slowly whispered in his ears, sending chills down his spine.

"Then what do you want me to do?!" Ao screamed with a terrified look painted on his face. "I don't want to kill anybody or to even hurt anyone. How come..." he stared crying with a self pitying expression.

"Stop pitying yourself, life will only hit you like hell." Shuu intentionally widened his eyes and give Ao a fixed gaze. "Come with me, I'll teach you how this damn world works." he smile with excitement. "This gonna be interesting." he took a one last glance at Ao as if examining him.

There where the adventure began, the first generation awakened superhumans also began and the human era starting to end.

After 6 years of training, Ao managed to become even stronger than any of the other awakened humans. As the gab between their strength grow wider, John even become more envious and wanted more power.

Until another two years have passed, a tragedy occured, large pandemic that killed thousand and millions of people. The root cause was rumored to be from another dimension and scientist also theorized the same thing.

"So you're living us here?" Ao sadly spoked. "Do you plan on coming back?"

"Ao, we've been together for 8 years. So maybe it's time to tell you my power." Shuu spoked with a serious look on his face.

"huh..." Ao kept silenced and listened carefully.

"My power is to see the Infinate possible realities that is about to happen." Shuu stated that obviously shoked Ao. "And let me tell you this one time, us winning against the upcoming war is impossible. Not in this era, at least."

"Upcoming war?" Ao tilted his head.

"That's all the information I can tell you right now. Don't tell anyone, not even John." Shuu whispered before walking away carrying his backpack. "You're choosing the opposite path from the one he chooses right?"

"But why?!" Ao shouted.

"Because I'm going to change the outcome of this damn reality and everything I just said is necessary." That's the last word Ao heard from Shuu before he vanished from his sight.


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