《Lune Levant》Chapter 11


The Beast’s name was Azor.

That was the only personal information Dreadli was able to get out of him before he demanded the explanation she had promised. And with Lucy and Pitch’s help, she told him about what the phantasms were and what they were doing and the most widely accepted reasons why.

“…If this ‘Jack’ is indeed responsible for these events, when I find him, I shall remove his entrails,” he said when she’d finished. “Imagine, blotting my roses out of existence…”

Lucy’s eyes sparkled. “You seem r-really protective of these roses of yours,” she said. “Is there any sort of s-special reason why??”

“What sort of ridiculous question is that? My roses are special in and of themselves.” He gazed at them benevolently through the kitchen window. “I protect them because they must be protected.”

Lucy slumped into a dusty chair. “…Hmph,” she pouted. “Why doesn’t anyone ever have any interesting backstories to tell?”

“I suppose you expect to hear tales of dead lovers and tearful sacrifices…” Pitch muttered.

“Well, w-why not? What’s the point of talking to adults if you don’t get to hear any r-romance or excitement? Dreadli’s been more interesting than either of you…”

“What could possibly be interesting about a child?” Azor asked.

“Well, for one thing, she’s the one who decided we should go to the moon in the first place, and s-stop Jack and the phantasms and everything,” Lucy said proudly. “Pitch and I are j-just going along with her.”

Azor glanced at Pitch. “Really…? I can see those two agreeing to such a reckless scheme, but you don’t seem the type.”

“I’m not—it’s—I’m protecting them!” she spluttered, embarrassed. “Anyway, whatever ‘type’ I seem to be is none of your business!”


“Does that mean you won’t come with us…?” Dreadli asked. “I mean, if you think our scheme is reckless…”

“Oh, he’ll come. He has to. How else can he r-rip Jack’s entrails out?” said Lucy.

“Don’t start speaking the way he does; it’s unbecoming…” said Pitch.

“It is the truth,” said Azor. “I say exactly what I mean to do, and if that frightens you—”

“I am not frightened by you, merely disgusted.”

A tense silence ensued. Lucy grinned. Dreadli just blinked.

“…Um…I guess we should go back to sleep,” Dreadli said after a while. “Lucy can have the second watch.”

“…There is no need,” said Azor. “These phantasms are after me, and as long as I entertain them, they should not bother with the likes of you.”

“You’re going to stay up all night and fight them??” asked Lucy.

“I do not sleep very often.”

“So then you’re like me! Y’know, I haven’t slept in 6 years??”


“Can I go with you?? I have a weapon; I can help! I want to s-see how you fight! You must be even s-stronger than Pitch! Do you use magic? Are you a ghost?? If you’re not a ghost, are y-you immortal?? Because you said you didn’t have any blood, and I was w-wondering what that meant—”

Azor growled and stalked out the backdoor. Lucy followed after him, chattering all the way.

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