《Lune Levant》Chapter 10


The voice, as well as the footsteps, ended up belonging to a creature that Dreadlilocks could not quite understand.

It was dressed like a fine gentleman, complete with a hat and coat and a bright silk tie. But the contents of the outfit seemed only vaguely human…they shifted, like a dark, flickering flame.

Dreadli blinked. “Are you…a ghost…?” she asked.

“Are you an idiot??” The Beast replied. “I am not a ghost, but YOU will be if you don’t clear out of here. And take your compatriots with you...”

“But, but…we came here to save you!” Dreadli protested, scrambling to her feet.

“I don’t need to be ‘saved’ by the likes of you. And for the record, I don’t believe for one second that you aren’t just here for my roses…!” The Beast stepped closer. “You know, I’ve always hated liars…and children…”

“Stay back, you fiend!!”

Pitch threw the door open, brandishing her cutlass. She pointed it at the Beast. “Touch one hair on this child’s head, and you’ll pay for it in blood.”

“I have no blood,” the Beast replied. “But even if I did, I would not fear your pathetic threats.”

Unfazed, he gripped her blade in his shadowy hand. The glowing eyes narrowed. “Don’t bother begging for your life. Just leave.”

Pitch had that ‘shamed and insulted’ look in her eye again. But before it could boil over into rage, Lucid Fright jumped out to intervene.

“Wait, stop!!” she cried.

The other three turned to look at her. She stared back, then wrung her hands. “I…I d-don’t exactly…I didn’t plan what to say next…” she muttered.

“I know what to say!” Dreadli exclaimed. “We shouldn’t be fighting! We’re all on the same side! We have to work together and—”


“Even more than I hate liars and children, I DESPISE clichés,” the Beast interrupted. “Exactly what will it take for me to be rid of you people? Will I have to kill you?? Will I have to tear off one of your heads before you comprehend the meaning of the word ‘go’?!”

“Alright; if you really want us to go, we’ll go,” Pitch said, lowering her weapon. “Come on, Dreadlilocks. Your mercy is wasted on this…thing.”

“But I don’t think he understands!” Dreadli protested. She turned back to the Beast. “Do you understand? Even if you can fight, this place isn’t going to last! The phantasms are going to unwrite it all! Even your…roses!”

The mention of the flowers seemed to catch the Beast’s attention. “These…‘phantasms’…what do you know about them…?” he asked.

Dreadli smiled, relieved. “…Not much. But I’ll tell you what we do know, if you’ll listen.”

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