《World Jumper》Chapter 18


The door flew open, slamming against the wall. Jet sat up so quickly he got dizzy. Then a loud voice yelled. "Boy, it's good to see you again." Rick said.

A smile formed on Jet's face at seeing Rick. He had been off on a King's errand for almost two weeks. Jet took a look at Rick. He had aged quite a bit. Rick looked like he was around the sixties or seventies. Yet Rick still had a wide smile on his face.

"So, old man, how have you been?" As Jet finished his sentence, a hand punched him in the gut.

"I see you got disrespectful. While, I was gone." Rick chided him.

"Yeah, that's what you get for leaving me with your niece." He half-choked and laughed. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you to brat. Now I hear you and my niece have been up to no good while I was away." Rick had a grin on his face.

Jet raised his right hand. "Me up to no good?Ileana is the one who has been up to no good."

"I see, lovers quarrels." Rick winked at Jet.

Without hesitation, Jet threw a water ball at Rick's face. It drenched him from head to toe without a drop of water hitting the ground. The look on Rick's face made Jet break out laughing. After a few more seconds, he broke out laughing too.

"It's nice to see a real smile on your face." Rick had a grandfatherly look on his face.

"Oh, come on, I've smiled before you left."

"Not like this when we first met. You were dead on the inside. Almost like all the life was sucked out of you." Jet could see that Rick was reminiscing from that time.

"That's all in the past now. Always look to the future, and I have a match in the morning. So I best get some sleep." Relo had told Jet that the match was postponed for the investigation. Kelsa had a right to fight him but just told Jet good luck. Of course, his last fight scared the crap out of her.

"Jet, it is the morning I came to get you up." Rick broke out laughing.

"Haha, very funny." Jet was getting used to the royal family and their pranks.

The door flew open, and Relo came in. "Why are you still in bed. You should be getting ready."

Relo had never pranked him, so Jet got out of bed quickly. Before long, she had helped him get ready for the fight. He reached down and grabbed his sword with his right hand. Holding it up still hurt, but it was getting better. Soon he would be able to use the hand. Just not for this last fight.

Relo gave him a quick hug and backed off. "Good luck."

Jet walked out of the room and towards the entrance to the arena. Houy was already out and shouting. When he got close to the door, a man saw him and waved towards Houy.

"And now for our next competitor, Elson." Houy yelled to the crowd.

As he walked up the steps and towards the middle of the arena, flames started to cover Jet's body. 'Last fight, no point in hiding who I am.' The dye on his hair burned away, and his fiery red hair waved in the wind. When he got to his spot in the ring, he reached up to take off his contacts, realizing he hadn't put them back on.


Graham just watched with a raised eyebrow. Houy, in the meantime, was looking between Jet and the other in the stands. Jet had noticed a few people pointing at both of them.

"Well, that is really something." Houy had a smile on his face. "Let the match begin."

Graham just flicked his hand, and a stone golem formed out of the arena. It was ten feet tall and looked like a muscular human. It had a wide grin on its face. It pointed at Jet then smashed a fist into its other hand.

"Well, big guy, looks like your itching for a fight." Jet pointed a finger at the golem. "Sorry, but I'm not here to fight you." Jet made a few slashes with his finger, and the golem fell to pieces from his air slashes.

He looked towards Graham, who had dozens of all four element golems behind him. A smile formed on Graham's face. "Attack." The command sent the golems into a frenzy.

The golems charged at Jet. However, he didn't move. Lifting his left hand, a massive fireball formed in front of it. Before the golems could get closer, the fireball shot forward. When it exploded, Jet and Houy slid slightly backward. Graham hadn't even budged.

When the flames died down, only the water golems were left. Jet pointed in their direction, and small earth spikes shot through their feet. After hitting the center mass of the golems, the spikes exploded, ripping the golems apart.

"I said I am not here to fight you guys." He turned and looked at Graham.

Graham was watching with interest. Then broke out laughing. "I like you."

Jet's eyes bulged when he saw Graham's magic. It was far different than any other persons he had seen. The magic started to form all around the arena. He got ready to dodge all the spikes about to protrude from the ground. When he got out of the way of them, they bent and twisted towards him. They were not spikes at all, but arms trying to grab him.

Quickly putting his mind into overdrive, Jet started dodging with as little movement as possible. Grabbing his sword, he started cutting the hands as fast as he could. One grabbed his leg, knocking him over. This all happened in slow motion to him and quickly cut that arm off, regaining some of his balance.

Graham had walked over at some point and grabbed Jet's sword. Jet had been about to swing his sword at another hand. He had two fingers holding the Sword in place. Then the blade turned to dust. "There, this piece of junk is out of your way. It was just slowing you down. Also, who taught you overdrive? That isn't easy to learn, I only know of maybe two other people that can even use overdrive." He said as he looked Jet up and down.

"How did you cancel my spell?" Jet asked in shock.

"That's rude. I asked a question first." Graham had a smile on his face, as if this was all a game to him.

He couldn't even move. It's like his body had been frozen in place. Jet had seen Graham walk over from his spot while in overdrive. It looked like he was taking a regular walk while the rest of the world moved slow.


"Fine, I will ask after the fight." Graham let Jet move away from him. "Some people just don't know how to have fun." He whispered to himself.

Without a doubt, now Jet knew he couldn't win this fight. This guy was on another level. Jet watched as Graham took a fighting stance. 'How did he know about my overdrive. I only learned it a couple of weeks ago.'

Graham started to run towards him. Automatically, Jet went into overdrive to keep up. He quickly dodged a strike to his left shoulder. Then countered with a kick to Graham's leg. He dodged Jet easily but hadn't expected the flames that shot from Jet's body. Jet didn't stop there. Earthen hands shot from the ground and grabbed Graham. Then the wall of fire exploded.

It looked to the crowd like Jet just killed the guy. Houy was going to check, but when the smoke died down, Graham was just standing there. With the earth hands holding him in place. Graham cocked his head, looking down at the hands. He just shifted his body, and they crumbled. Looking back up at Jet, Graham flicked a finger.

Jet threw his mind back into overdrive when his magic sense showed dozens of wind balls heading his way. They were not deadly but had enough magic to throw him from the arena. They moved by Jet at extreme speeds but looked slow to him. He couldn't dodge them all and used his wind to knock them off course. When he had avoided them all, he could feel a twinge in his brain. The effects of overdrive would strain his mind with the continuous use. That was why he turned it off when he could. Jet smiled. An idea coming to him. He just needed to buy some time.

The air around the arena started to spin around. Balls of air started shooting towards Graham. Then earthen golems formed and started chasing after him too. However, Jet didn't stop there, releasing fire into the twister, leaving Graham, Houy, and Jet in the center.

"How are you able to copy my spells? It makes no sense." Graham stood there cocking his head with a puzzled look on his face.

It was simple for Jet to copy the spells. With his magic sense, he could see how it was formed. Of course, Jet was not about to tell him that. He also wasn't about to tell Graham his golems had to be moved manually.

He thought the distraction was going well. Then from out of nowhere, Graham managed to shut it all down. 'Seriously, what is with this guy's magic. It's far more potent than anything I've seen.' Jet was racking his brain over this match. Before he could have another thought, something slammed into him. He could feel his arm dislocate from the pressure. The world was starting to get dark around the corners of his eyes.

Before he completely blacked out, he went back into overdrive. The magic that went through his brain woke him up entirely. His left arm now dislocated would slow him down. However, Jet would not quit without a fight. Without a second thought, he used his right hand and used wind magic to blow him sideways, dodging Graham. Then with a few more corrections, he landed on his feet, sliding to a halt.

"Water prison." Jet said, and water shot out of the ground all around Graham. He had watched a documentary on how water could be used to cut steel if moving fast enough.

"Not a bad plan." Graham said while poking the water, drawing blood from his finger. "But not good enough." He said laughing, then walked through the water cage.

As Jet watched with his magic sense, Graham had done something to strengthen his body. Not that Jet could have kept the cage up long. He had plenty of magic, but he was starting to lose consciousness. Jet staggered in place. So he tried to run magic through his brain without making his senses speed up. However, all that did was send a jolt of pain through his head.

"Would you just give up before you kill yourself? The fight isn't worth your life." Graham could see that Jet was on the brink of collapsing. "I will just knock you out before you kill yourself." Graham sighed.

Graham sped towards Jet, ready to knock him out. To his surprise, Jet sidestepped the punch. Jet's eyes were glowing with magic, his body mostly moving on its own. He kept dodging and weaving through Graham's punches. Graham was just trying to knock Jet out, not wanting to hurt him.

Jet twisted and managed to get around Graham. When Graham turned around, Jet's right hand was up, and a fireball was already spinning wildly. Without hesitation, Graham forced the magic to dissipate. However, it didn't work. Jet's spell was too unstable and exploded. They both flew across the arena from the force of the explosion.

Houy dropped his stone wall and decided it was time to stop this fight. He looked over to Graham, who was already standing looking towards Jet with wide eyes. Houy then turned to Jet, who was also standing. There was blood running from his hand and burn marks all over him. But Jet's face was the worst part. His eyes were bloodshot, with tears of blood running down his face. There were burn marks on his face and singed hair, his ears also had blood running from them.

"Jetsford, just give up." Someone screamed from the stands.

Something in Jet's mind snapped at the voice. His eyes slowly turned towards the stands. Ileana was yelling at him, and he couldn't hear her. The world looked red and moved so slow. Forcing himself out of overdrive, the world sped up. He put his hand on his head, pain shooting through his mind.

"Please just give up." Ileana was still yelling.

Jet blinked a few times, then looked back up at her. She stood there looking at him, her blonde hair disheveled and tears running down her face. Then he blinked again and found Graham face to face with him.

"I can't believe it. You're the Jetsford. One of the most famous World Jumpers." Graham's eyes had a twinkle in them and a stupid grin on his face.

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