《World Jumper》Chapter 17


Jet saw the twitch of Melsa's swords and got ready. He dashed forward, prepared for a fight. However, as he got close, he dropped his sword and caught her instead, Melsa had fallen unconscious.

Houy walked over to them and checked on Melsa. "Melsa just passed out." He looked at Elson to say this. "The winner is Elson." Houy yelled and the crowd went wild.

"Set her down the healers will come get her." Houy told Elson.

"It's fine, I am headed that way anyways." Jet leaned down grabbed his sword and sheathed it. Then took Melsa to the healers in a princess carry.

He laid her down on a bed and Roan of all people checked Melsa. "The girl will be fine. Just a few bruises and burns, and some lung damage from that last fireball." Roan turned to Jet and looked him up and down. "Now let's take a look at you."

"So?" Jet said.

"Yes I know it's you Jet. So let me fix you up as best I can." Roan put his finger on Jet's forehead and healed what he could. "Take the bandages off your hand so I can check it."

Jet complied, and when he took the glove off the bandages were bloody. "So how many know about me?" He asked Roan.

"Everyone in the royal family."

"Is there any point in hiding my identity then?" Jet watched as Roan took off the bloody bandages on his hand.

"Of course, the king is having a grand time with this. He can't wait for the big unveiling of your identity." Roan had a grin on his face, then frowned when he saw Jet's hand.

"Sounds about right." Jet laughed.

"This has to hurt. You need to be more careful." Roan gave him a glare.

Jet's hand was dripping blood and skin had been torn off, and the bones were visible. It was quite the ghastly sight.

"Well, what can I say. I wasn't quite prepared for slowly casting spells." It was getting to be a nuisance pretending to cast.

"You know young people can instant cast right?" Roan had a look that said, are you an idiot.

"I do now. But I hadn't when I signed up." Jet wished he had known that before he signed up.

"Right, forgot you have been memory wiped." Roan had not been told about Jet's past.

They went silent for awhile, while Roan finished with Jet's hand. Roan then handed him something to drink. Jet just thought it was to help him heal up. But, after a few minutes he fell asleep.

Jet woke up early the next morning feeling hungry. 'Damn that Roan, I missed dinner because of him.' Jet complained. Then looked down at his right hand. Roan had bandaged and put his glove back on over the bandages. So he got up to go see if there was some food.

He saw Selsa at a table when he got to the dining hall. She was eating some soup so he went to get some. It was early morning, but the cooks were already up and had some soup done.


Sitting down across from Selsa. "Good morning Selsa." He gave her a smile.

"Good morning." Selsa said in between bites of soup.

"So who am I up against? kinda missed the last win." Jet asked.

"Zell won Kelsa."

"Zell must be strong, if you three are the same strength." Jet said.

Selsa broke out laughing. "That all depends, in a non magic fight. Yes we are equal, however if we use magic. Then Melsa has the advantage, since me and Kelsa use earth."

Jet gave Selsa a small smile. "Then she had the bad luck to get me, a fire user."

"Elson good luck in your fight today, I hope you win." Selsa winked at him.

"Good luck to you too." Jet took a drink then started to eat his soup again.

They sat in silence and finished eating. Jet got up to leave then realized something. 'I don't remember getting something to drink.' He stood there a while looking at the cup.

"Something wrong Elson?" Selsa looked at him curiously.

'Maybe a servant gave me a drink well I wasn't looking.' Jet decided that he picked up a drink and was just to tired to remember. "Nope everything is fine. I am going to go warm up while you fight."

Something was wrong, Jet could feel it. During his warm-ups he was getting tired. 'I'm going to strangle Roan if he gave me a bad potion.' He went and sat down to cool off and wait for Selsa's match to finish. After another few minutes Graham came back. With magic sense Jet could see Graham was still absorbing magic at a fast rate.

"Elson and Zell you are up." The man at the door said.

Jet and Zell went to the room to wait for Houy to announce them. He took a good look at Zell. The guy had to be almost twenty five, and stood a head taller the Jet. He had dirty brown hair and Jet guessed he could be handsome.

"I'm sure you are feeling it by now, you have been poisoned." Zell had a grin that screamed psychopath. "Now be a good boy and make me look good out there. Then you will get the cure."

Jet gave Zell a glare that would shatter glass. "What if I just report you instead."

"Simple I won't give you the cure, and when they check your body, it will look like you had a heart attack." Zell was chuckling at the look on Elson's face.

They could hear Houy starting to announce them. Zell went ahead and out while chuckling. Jet however was clenching his fists. He looked forward and walked out to the arena.

"Looks like Elson is heading out now, and what a fierce look he has." Houy yelled to the crowd.

Jet got into place and looked straight at Zell. They stood and looked eye to eye waiting for the match to begin. He could feel his body starting to shake in rage. As soon as Houy said to start, Zell started to run at him. Then Zell came to a sudden stop.


Everyone in the crowd went quiet. Green flames were pouring from Elson's body. He was using water magic to quarantine the poison, then as he burned the poison in his body, it had turned his flames green. Leaning over Jet started to throw up the poisoned burnt blood. Then looked back up at Zell.

"You son of a bitch, you will pay for cheating." Jet's magic could visibly be seen by the crowd.

Houy was about to ask what was going on but didn't have time. A fireball flew past Zell and exploded, sending him flying towards Jet. When Zell got close enough he kicked Zell hard on the chest. Jet was still using his water magic strengthening his body.

Zell didn't even have time to land from the kick. Jet threw three fireballs, the first two threw Zell into the air, and the last shot him back towards Jet. As Zell went by, Jet lifted his leg and slammed it into Zell's chest again. Zell slammed into the arena floor.

Zell jumped to his feet to tried to get away from Jet. However, Jet struck his stomach with his fist, and an explosion sounded when the fist hit. Zell flew through the air towards the outside of the ring and the wall. Before he could hit the coliseum wall another fireball went by and exploded, knocking Zell back onto the ring.

Jet watched as Zell got to his feet. His vision was getting dark around the edges. How much longer he could keep this up, he didn't know. Spikes started to shoot up out of the ground towards Jet. Almost unconsciously Jet raised his hand and a wave of flames shot towards the spikes, small explosions could be seen every time the fire hit a spike. After a second all the spikes were shattered.

Everyone watched as he started walking towards Zell. Zell was backing up at the scene before him. Flames were pouring from Jet's body and fireballs were spinning in all directions around him. Jet come to a stop then lifted his left hand. The flames pouring from his body surrounded Zell trapping him, then the fireballs circling him went over to Zell and started circling him. Sweat started pouring from Zell as he stood in the middle of all the flames.

"I give up." Zell croaked out in a scared voice.

Almost immediately after Zell said that Jet fell forward. All the fire disappeared after he fell to the ground. His body hurting all over.

"Looks like I win Elson fell unconscious." Zell said with a shaky voice.

Houy had walked over and raised an eyebrow when Zell announced he won. "No you gave up. I may be old but I am not deaf."

"I could get back up and finish what I started." Jet growled leaning his head up.

Zell backed up going several shades Paler. Before anyone could say anything else. Houy raised a hand and encased Zell in earth. Then the king landed in the arena next to Houy.

"Houy my good man what do you need?" Gerant crossed his arms looking between Jet and Zell.

"I suspect foul play." Houy said in a serious voice.

The king not wanting to pick a side asked. "Which do you suspect?"

Houy pointed to Zell. "His last fight against Kelsa and now against Elson. She weakened far to fast for it to be normal. So under the authority you gave me your majesty, I am putting a stop to the match and starting an investigation."

Waking up Jet found himself in a room, he had fallen unconscious at some point. Jet sat up on the bed feeling stiff. 'Maybe some stretches would work out some of the soreness. Guess cooking your insides is a dumb idea.' He was about to stand when a hand pushed him back down into the bed.

"And what do you think your doing?" Relo chided him.

"Felt like taking a run to work off some of my aches." He gave her a grin.

Relo sighed at him. "Those aches are from you burning your insides."

"Please, like this will slow me down." Jet got out of bed to stand and Relo tried to push him back down. He grabbed her hand and smiled. "I'll be fine, really."

Jet walked over to a table that had his clothes on it. After getting dressed he headed to the door. Relo got in front of him and stopped him.

"Jet you nearly died." Tears had started to fall down Relo's cheeks.

"Must have been some poison Zell used." He started rubbing his chin.

"You idiot, it wasn't the poison. You burned your insides up and all your organs were starting to fail." Relo grabbed him in a hug and started to cry into his chest.

Jet almost fell over, but managed to stay on his feet. 'Great another girl I managed to make cry.' He grabbed Relo and hugged her back.

Relo pulled away after a few minutes and composed herself. "Sorry."

"Why, sounds like I should apologize." Jet wiped the tears off Relo's face. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too." She grabbed his arm and pulled him to a chair.

Jet gave in and sat down on it and she sat on the bed across from him. They just looked at each other for some time. He was starting to get uncomfortable in the silence.

"You weren't poisoned the way you think." Relo saw Jet get ready to ask what she meant, but she held up her hand to stop him. "Zell lied about you dying from the poison. It was just a muscle relaxant that was supposed to take effect during your fight. However, since you were exercising before the match, it took effect much faster then it should have."

"You know what, I should have went ahead and finished Zell off." Jet decided if he ever saw Zell again, he would finish what he started.

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