《World Jumper》Training 2


Waking up, Jet rolled in his bed. It had only been a couple of days, and today he started training with Todly. Rick was already bad enough after his little mishap and almost dying. Well, Rick felt he hadn't trained enough. Jet decided to get up before Dory came to drag him out of bed. Before, he used pajamas, which had been beaten out of him by the lovely old lady known as Grandma. He had learned not to ask what her name was. Sitting up, Jet stretched, popping his back. When he got up, he fell flat on his face.

"Fucking Ileana." Jet cursed aloud, looking down at his feet. They had been glued to the floor. "How the hell did she manage to get glue there?" Then Jet's eyes went wide. 'Better question is, how come I hadn't woke up.' Knowing that Jet was not going to tell anyone. Who knows what Rick would add to his schedule for that.

"Jet, what are you doing?" Jet cringed when he heard Relo's voice. This was a great start to the day.

"Nothing just felt like laying on the floor." Jet's ankles were starting to hurt before Relo got done getting him loose.

"Do you want me to tell his Majesty about this?" Relo asked politely.

"No," he said quickly. If the King knew, then how long till Rick found out. "Let's keep this between us."

Relo just stared at Jet as he got dressed. Jet minded a lot, but he had given up after the first day. Once he got done getting dressed, he sighed. "Please don't tell anyone about what you saw."

"Ok, what do I get in return?" Relo asked.

'Really, what is with this girl. What could I even offer her?' Jet rattled his brain for an idea. "What do you want?"

She just frowned and started to walk out of the room. "I'll get back to you on that."

Jet had breakfast with the royal family. He was not sure why. It's not like he was royalty. But they all were trying to get to know him. Except for Rachael, she ignored him with a passion. Of course, some else was trying to get to know him, Grandma. As for Relo, she was odd and detached. Dory is just a workaholic.

"Hey, Jet, get your mind on practice." Todly smacked Jet on the head.

"Sorry, just a lot on my mind." Jet stood and waited for Todly to start his class. Class is how Jet thought of it. Todly had a unique way of teaching.

"Today, we will work on body enhancement spells. The one Rick gave you isn't going to cut it. So here." Todly threw some scrolls at Jet. "Rick says you can master them in a few minutes."

"I still need time to adjust the spells." Jet couldn't just master a spell instantly. But, he figured it wouldn't be long before he found a way. The spells haven't felt right to him, well, some of them. Then again, some felt more right using the spell.


"You're not with us again." Todly smacked Jet over the head again.

"I already tried them. It's just something is wrong with this spell." Jet handed over the higher-level body enhancement spell. It did not work for him at all.

"What's wrong with the spell?" Todly had a somber look on his face.

"It doesn't feel like a spell. When I try casting it, I don't feel my magic flow." Jet wasn't too sure how to describe the feel of his magic flow.

Todly opened the scroll and frowned. "So you're telling me that this is not a real spell."

"I'm ninety-nine percent sure that is not a real spell." He was wondering if Todly was testing him. But Jet was confident that it couldn't be a real spell.

"That explains a lot if it isn't. This was a gift from a kingdom to the east. No one has been able to use this spell. Honestly, we're not even sure what the spell was. Figured since his majesty couldn't cast the spell, it wouldn't hurt to let you try." Todly threw the scroll into a fire.

"Just because I can't use it, don't burn it." Jet freaked out.

"As if I gave you the real scroll. They're all just duplicates." Todly shook his head, laughing. "Toss the other two scrolls into the fire also."

Jet tossed the scrolls into the fire after he spent a few minutes getting the feeling of casting them down. From what he could tell, one of the spells helped strengthen his body. The other was a better spell that Rick had given him to move slightly faster. "So, where are we starting?"

"Magic practice with me. Rick can handle fighting you with no magic. But, our sparring will be with spells and swords. You should also keep up your archery training. If you want help, I could recommend a few people. Oh, and before I forget, you will start book work with Relo tonight." Todly grabbed a couple of practice swords off the rack.

"Why bookwork? I can read just fine?"

"Yes, but you can't write in our language. So Relo will be teaching you after supper." Rick said matter of factly.

Jet could see why that would be necessary. It was pretty odd that he could speak and read their language. But as Todly had pointed out, he couldn't write in their language. So he was going to have homework without being in school. "So what kind of magic practice are we doing?"

"As you may have realized, it is hard to cast when fighting. That is why we will be starting there." Todly said as he threw one of the wooden swords at Jet. Along with jumping forward right at him. With no hesitation, Todly put Jet down face-first into the dirt.

"I can see you're going to be just like Rick." Jet groaned as he got back up to his feet.

"You need to learn to always be on guard. Never know when you are going to be attacked. Also, why aren't you using the body-enhancing spells? Keep them going throughout our fights. I also expect you to cast other spells during the fights. Don't worry. You can't hurt me." Todly reassured Jet.


With no warning, Todly leaped at Jet again. He quickly ducked Todly's sword and cast a fireball that looked like it slid off of Todly. He was curious what Todly's element was. Jet then parried the next sword swing and cast a wind blade. Todly just sidestepped the spell with ease. Jet swung his sword at Todly's legs, and he just jumped over the swing. Jet dropped to the ground and rolled as Todly swung while in mid-air, almost hitting him in the face. This would have gone well if Jet rolled the opposite way. He ended up getting stepped on and kicked by Todly.

Jet held his side and winced in pain. "That's gonna bruise nicely."

Todly hurried over and leaned down. "Sorry about that. Did any of your ribs break?"

Jet just stared at Todly. 'Wow, why is he freaking out so much?' He let Todly lift his shirt to check. "I'll be fine. Just made a mistake and rolled the wrong way."

After Todly checked his ribs, he sighed in relief. "It's a good thing you kept your body enhancing spell on. That kick could have crushed your lung if you hadn't. But I don't think you even got a fracture. Jet, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I don't know why, but there for a second, I forgot you were untrained."

Roan had been called out to look at Jet. Who was currently complaining that he would be just fine? After all, Rick beat him all the time. It wasn't like he didn't have other bruises. While Jet was checked, he tapped his finger on the ground. "Is this really that big of a deal?"

"Yes, Todly said he had kicked you at almost half his strength. I am amazed that you don't have a collapsed lung. Yet you only managed to get bruised ribs." Roan finished healing Jet's bruises.

"Of course, he asked me to keep the body-enhancing spell active. So I kept it on at all times while fighting." Sure, Jet had found it hard to keep active. But he had managed.

"Well, I give you a clean bill of health. No fighting the rest of the day to be safe. Just because I healed you doesn't mean there isn't bone damage. So if there is any pain later, make sure to tell me." Roan got up and walked off.

"Well, now what?" Jet walked around the yard. He wondered where Todly had gone. So he decided to check and also find Rick. There was a nearly one hundred percent chance Rick would have him train something else. Not like Roan had said not to practice magic. So Jet got up and started to head to the castle until Rick popped up out of nowhere next to him. He was getting used to this by now.

"Alright, I will be taking over till tonight." Jet cringed when Rick said that.

"So, what will we be doing today?" Jet said with way too much enthusiasm.

"Great glad to see you in high hopes. Now go in and start working with Relo on writing lessons." Rick patted Jet on the shoulder.

"Todly didn't do any permanent damage. I'm all better now." Jet flexed a muscle, even knowing that had nothing to do about his ribs.

"A broken bone is no joke. That can have serious side effects with your magic." Rick could see the confusion on Jet's face. "Magic flows through your bones. So if there is a crack in a bone, well, let's say you use your body-enhancing magic. It would still travel through that broken bone. Then if you get unfocused, your magic will go wild, then explode. So since it is inside your body, what would happen?"

Jet did not answer and turned to head back to the castle. Exploding was not something he wanted to do. The writing lessons sounded like the better choice. Maybe even get some more magic books to look at, and learn the limits. He would have to do it on his own time. Of course, Rick wouldn't let him slack off on his writing lessons. Then a thought occurred to him. 'Wait, how am I supposed to learn how to write their language? Everything I read looks like English to me.'

"Hey, get your head into reality." Dory whacked him over the head.

"Owe, oh Dory. Sorry just was thinking." Jet rubbed his head where he had got whacked with what looked like a wooden spoon.

"You're going to walk into someone if you go that deep into thought. Now I thought you would be with Rick right about now?" She asked him curiously.

"Oh that, Todly may have cracked one of my ribs. So I have to take it easy just in case. So I am looking for Relo for my writing lessons." As soon as he had said that, Relo looked out from behind Dory. Jet wondered if she had been there that whole time and how he had not noticed. What was with everyone in the castle?

Dory raised an eyebrow. "Todly almost broke your rib? What did you do to irritate him that much?"

"Nothing, we were just sparring. I rolled the wrong way and got kicked. Mistakes happen. I don't see the big deal." Jet just shrugged it all off.

"Was Todly enhanced as well?" Relo asked from behind Dory.

Jet stood there a few seconds thinking. "You know what, I don't know." Rick never used anybody's enhancements, but Todly, he had no clue. "Surely not."

"No, most likely Todly was enhanced. Don't think he knows how to shut it off by now. So yeah, you're lucky you don't have a collapsed lung. Odd for him to make a mistake like that." Dory rubbed her chin in thought. "Well, Relo, head over to the library and start working with Jet.

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