《World Jumper》Chapter 8


The dining room was full of laughter. Jet just watched as king Garent and princess Ileana laughed. The king was laughing so that hard his crown had fallen off at some point. Both of their faces were red from laughing so hard. The Laughter went on for quite some time. Of course the woman the eye fell on looked mad. Rick and the woman that sat across from him were shaking their heads.

"Would the both of you just grow up already." The mad woman yelled at them , then stormed out of the room.

"Rachael don't go it was just a bit of fun." Garent said in between gasps of breath.

"Well Jet, what do you think of my family." Rick said trying to ignore the two laughing.

"Yeah, what's your first impression? My name is Schalen, Charten's wife, pleasure to meet you." Schalen said.

"It's nice to meet you too." Jet said still confused.

"Well sorry about all this. My brother the king, likes to pull jokes." Rick said looking at Garent who was calming down now.

"And as King, I ordered them to keep quiet. I am not supposed to have fun anymore." Garent said.

"But the look on your face, it was priceless." Ileana said while still laughing.

"Ileana takes after her father." Rick said.

"Please Dad has nothing on me. Eyeball, that was all me." Ileana said smirking.

Garent had to admit, he really had nothing on his daughter. All the pranks he used to pull. No he couldn't think that way anymore. After all he is the king.

"Well our fun is over now. Rick has given us quite the tale about you. Guards leave us." Garent beckoned a servant to come over. Garent handed him the crown, sword and all his jewelry.

"He told you all about me?" Jet started in surprise, after all, his story is unbelievable.

"Yes, and of course, his story was verified. I believed him anyway, but Rick had me verify his story." Garent was looking Jet up and down.

"Yeah he's from another world. It does sound pretty unbelievable." Ileana was now calmer and more composed.

"However Jet you need to go over your story." Rick was already getting his truth spell ready.

So Jet again went over where he had come from. They spent several hours going over his world. After that, went to bed. Jet feeling tired after his day anyways.

Jet woke up early the next day. His shoulder still stiff. Well he had fallen on it yesterday. Looking around the room, he decided to get up. It isn't morning yet, so he walked over to the balcony doors. He walked out to the railing and leaned on it.

For the first time he looked over the city. It is quite a site, there were three walls that glowed and looked like they were flowing. The houses looked like old western buildings, of course it is dark, and difficult to see. The wall around the castle is the tallest. Looking down he could just make out what looked like warehouses. Between the inner wall and middle wall, it mostly looked like housing and market places. Between the outer and middle wall, there were some houses but mostly empty land.


Jet decided to get a better look later. So he headed back inside, and realized he was still naked. 'Good thing it is still dark out.' He got dressed quickly. Then headed to the door. As he reached for the handle he wondered if they locked him in. Nope it is unlocked, so he went for a walk.

After walking around aimlessly for fifteen minutes. A man came up to Jet. The guy had to be at least six foot four inches tall. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. The guy had a strong jaw line. He had the usual white and blue clothes.

"You must be Rick's new disciple. Care for a match?" The man asked while pointing towards a yard.

About five minutes later Jet was sweating. This guy is fast, and his magic, well Jet couldn't figure out his magic. He hadn't seen the man use his magic. Jet has thrown everything at this guy.

Jet quickly ducked under a punch to his face. He then used an fireball point blank. It almost looked like it slid off the man. Then Jet got kicked in the gut and fell to the ground.

"I can see why Rick took you in as a disciple. It's not just your magic potential." He helped Jet get up.

"Potential? You have had me eating dirt for ten minutes now." Yet Jet had to admit the guy hadn't hurt him.

"Most as you call it eat dirt when they fight me. I am General Todly." Todly was dusting off Jet's shoulders. The servants were going to kill him for getting dirt on the fine clothes.

Jet just stared at Todly, why was the general of the kingdom sparring with him.

"My name is Jetsford, pleasure to meet you." Jet said holding out a hand.

Todly took Jets hand and shook it. "Well how is your skill with a sword?"

"It's not as good as yours I am sure." Jet is starting to like Todly.

Todly walked over grabbed two wooden swords, then tossed one to Jet. "Attack me when you're ready."

Jet knew this trick and wasn't going to play his game. So he took a stance Rick had taught him.

"Smart too I see. If not sure how an opponent fights let them make the first move." Todly impressed, now smiling taking a liking to this kid.

So he attacked first, he took an easy swing at him. Jet parried the strike. To Todly's surprise' Jet didn't back off and followed with his own swing. Todly without thinking dodged to the side then swung at Jet's side. He was about to pull back and not hurt Jet, but he managed to block the strike.

Todly was amazed Jet managed to block and swing three more times, before he missed and got hit. Todly trained soldiers all the time. This kid had good instincts.

Jet got back up and ready. As he got back into position he saw a smile cross Todly's face. Jet didn't wait this time he struck first.


After about thirty minutes, the courtyard was full of soldiers. They just watched and listened to the wooden swords clacking. It is an impressive sight, any time the kid went down, he would just get back up.

Jet got covered in bruises and cuts, his clothes were torn and ripped now. He had no clue how long it had been. His muscles were sore and his hands were barely able to grip the wooden sword now. Rick had showed him the basics. 'The game knowledge I have is helping. I can see where he will swing next. But my hands hurt to much to keep this up.' So Jet had an idea in the games he used two swords. Why not just switch hands. Todly was going to stop, but the boy switched to his other hand. He watched as Jet got into the stance again. Maybe the kid was left handed this whole time?

As they started to fight again Todly decided the boy is not left handed. However Jet is quite skilled even with his left hand. They went on fighting both losing track of how long. Until Jet's hand slipped dropping his wooden sword.

"That is enough, Jet when you are not training with Rick, and have time. I would also like to train you." Todly now smiling and excited. He saw great potential in the boy and he wanted to see how far Jet would go.

"What." Jet didn't have time for another person to train him. Rick is brutal enough, and he didn't need another master. As he was about to refuse.

"Jetsford, what have you done to your clothes." The head servant yelled behind some soldiers. Who as soon as they heard her parted immediately.

Jet turned back to Todly who was gone. He looked around, the guy had completely vanished. She walked towards him now. Jet wanted to run, her face screamed I'm going to kill you.

"I can explain." Is all Jet got out before being dragged back to his room.

He found himself being stripped by several servants. Then they washed him. Jet tried to protest, but got whacked over the head and told to be quiet. So he just stood there.

"So why were you fighting in your nice clothes?"

"I didn't even think about it." Jet said nervously, never even crossed my mind.

"Well now that Todly has taken a liking to you, I will need to make you clothes to fight in." She and the others were now sowing his clothes.

"What's your name?" Jet had been curious about Relo's mothers name.


"Madam Dory thank you for everything you have done for me." Jet decided it is time for a change. He didn't know if he would leave this world.

They brought him breakfast, so Dory could keep working. After half a day of this they finally let him go.

Jet being free now went for a walk. Asking around where he could find Rick. After getting turned around several times, he finally found Rick. So he went in he stopped dead in his tracks after what he heard.

"Rick you maybe have two or five years left to live." Jet recognized the man from a few days ago. The healer who had helped him.

Jet didn't know what to say. Rick is dying, that didn't make since. As he looked back at Rick, how had he not seen it. There is definitely something wrong with Rick. He looked much paler now, and his veins were visible. They were a sickly black.

"Roan please give me and Jet the room." Rick sounded even older then last week.

"Of course Rick I'll be off then." Roan patted Rick on the shoulder before leaving.

"This is not your fault Jet. I was poisoned fifteen years ago. Any time I use a spell, I pay a price now. The more magic I use, the more time I take off my life." Rick sat back in the chair, he looked like an old man.

"So what happened?" Jet went to the chair across from him.

"Fifteen years ago we were at war with two other kingdoms. The kingdom of Jarra and Farher."

Rick told him how they were losing the war. How his wife and kids were killed during the war. Also how Garent lost his wife. The emblem on their flag was the beast of great power.

Zenobia was the beasts name. Apparently the king, his father had found it when she was still a baby. It had six horns on it and was able to use lightning magic. Deep blue eyes and silver fur. Massive wings and a long snake like tail. Nobody had ever seen a beast like it.

Rick was poisoned some time during the war. They never did find the culprit. So he stepped down as the king, there was no cure, and his fate was set.

Jet just listened to Rick. It is sad, nearly the whole royal family had been wiped out. Until Garent had broke through the magic wall. It had been just enough for them to win. Zenobia and Garent had decided to lead a charge on two fronts. They had been able to break both armies. Zenobia however was gravely injured. It had taken off after the war never to come back. They all decided Zenobia had died from its wounds.

"I was king for three months of that war, after our father had fallen. A lot of the people didn't like me stepping down, but eventually the truth came out about me. Then me and Garent spent all our time rebuilding the kingdom. Still do. We are still a weakened kingdom. As for Zenobia, we decided she would be our new symbol, a new start for us." Rick explained, his eyes closed remembering all they had lost.

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