《Dragon Fantasy》v1-c19: Telepathy, Win Streak, and a Veteran.


Chapter-19: Telepathy, Win Streak, and a Veteran.

When they got back to the real world they heard everyone is clapping toward them.

“Hey freshmen, that was a good match.”

“Well played both of you.”

“Best of luck for your next match.”

“Isn’t the boy somewhat handsome. Oh my, I think I should make contact with him later.”

Aside from last type comments Agun waved his hand to all of them. And Norel thanked to everyone. Then she told to Agun,

“As you know, I am from class A17. I guess you are also from class A, so which section are you in?”

Hearing that question Agun felt somewhat embarrassed to tell which class he is in. If he said he was from class S it will be noisy around here because the reputation of class S is higher than anything here and he check it that there was no class S student participating here.

After pondering if he will tell truth or not, scratching his cheek he said,

“Actually I am from class A1. But in bottom of the list though”

He finally chooses to tell a lie. And it’s not like they know every class A1 student. He is guessing they know more than top 10 or so from class A1.

“Oh! No wonder you are strong and skillful. How about it we become friends? We could exchange our registration number, then we can contact later via telepathy by our student card.”

Seeing her sparkling expression it was good decision to tell a lie. And also seems like peanut gallery voicing, ‘No wonder, no wonder!’

By the way, those who thinking Norel was sparkling because she fell for him you cannot be more wrong. She just respecting strong one. And that’s what every person does in this world.

But Agun suddenly noticed Norel’s last word,


“Wait, we can communicate each other via Student ID card?”

“Yes, we can. But we need to purchase telepathy stone for it, but do not worry, you can buy 10 min worth telepathy stone with only 1 silver.”

‘Don’t underestimate the worth of silver coin, you rich lady from somewhere. But hey it’s really wonderful technique,’ Agun thought inwardly but he said to her,

“I am not surprised anymore.”

“Lol, I can understand you know.”

For the outsider, their laughing conversation seems like flirting with each other. For some reason, he felt two heavily murderous gazes, when he looked for it he didn’t find them, ‘guess it was my imagination.’

If he knew whose gazes it was from he would be surprised. It was from a certain cold maid and a girl standing beside her.

“Cough, cough, hello Mr. Agun are you ready for your next match?”

Agun came back to reality after hearing registrar annoyed… humble voice. Agun responded hurriedly,

“Yes, I am ready.”

Then he said to Norel,

“Let’s exchange our registration no. later.”

“Okay, best of luck for your next match.”

She wished him with a smile.

“Okay, next opponent is no.28. Will you participate in your last match?”


A huge meatball… a fat guy came forward.

‘He-He is fatter than my batchmate Tony,’ Agun thought inwardly.

“Okay. No.39 VS no.28 battle start.”

Both of them got transferred to the Doppelganger Reality.

‘He’s also at the 10th level beginner. That guy won 2 matches before and lost 1. I think his huge body is his main advantage. How much he weight? 150 kg? Whatever, I have to finish this soon. I guess he’s not too fast. Because he’s huge body also a disadvantage,’ Agun analyzed inwardly.


He dashed toward him. When he went in front of him, that guy tried to punch him but he evaded by the slight change of his position of the shoulder. But there was an aftershock of his punch which caused little turbulent of air.

‘Whew! This guy has Hammer Punch skill which is Northern Style Martial Art. Oh well, this is the end I guess,’ while Agun was thinking this he slightly bend his knee and made a huge fist with his two hands, this was the Western Style Martial Art ‘Double Fist Boulder’, he shot it like canonball toward the fat guy’s abdomen.


This type of sounds was created by contacting that attack.

The fat guy has frozen. And 2 sec later his back had exploded.

Agun's punch had destroyed his all organ in his belly, chest, and bone, which exploded on opposite side of the punch which is his backside.

Okay, the end…

No, wait; there is still another match to explain in this chapter…

Like wise when he returned to the real world everyone was clapping toward him. No one was surprised like the first match.

“Good job again freshman.”

“As expected of someone from Class A1.”

These types of comments were floating in the peanut gallery.

“The winner is no.39 Agun. As no one has one or two matches left we will start from the beginning who have three matches left. Now please no.1 constant came forward if you want to participate.”

A boy came forward to the registrar. He’s a goofy looking boy who tried his utmost to look handsome. Brushing his hair with a hand he said,

“Of course, veteran like me never concede. I will participate.”

“Oye that guy again!”

“Yea, he admitted defeat after seeing the first attack of his opponent.”

“Now that clown is trying to look cool and even saying he’s a veteran. LOL.”

“What a shameless guy. I am rooting for Agun.”

“Yea, punch that guy on his f*ck face.”

This types of comments were floating, especially last two were from female spectators.

‘Wow, he made a lot of fans. Lucky you,’ Agun thought inwardly.

“Cough, cough, let’s begin the match, No.39 Agun VS no.1 Russell battle start!”

The pitiful registrar announced again with coughing, people wondering if he will get a real cough after coughing too much today.

After transferred to Doppelganger Reality no.1 constant Russell brash his hair again and tried to sound cool,

“You see, I am a veteran. Even if you strong and have talent this doesn’t mean you are absolute. I guess you never experience real battle unlike me. You see, I spend my time childhood to now in battlefield with my father, haha, aren’t I cool? I think your parents raise you with luxury unlike me…”

Okay, this time Agun was seriously annoyed, especially when that guy phrase his parents name Agun got triggered,

Clutching his fist he said inwardly, ‘Okay, let’s respect those sisters and give a royal punch on his f*ck face!’

He dashed toward him with his fastest speed.

Seeing that Agun coming fast with angry face while clutching his fist at him, Russell said,

“Wha- wait… let me finished, let me finish my full word. Okay, okay I concede, I concede. I admitted my defeat.”

Russell was screaming while prostrating.

Seeing that, Agun had slipped and fallen to the ground and then he screamed toward who knows where,

“What’s with this shameless guy? Wasn’t he supposed to be fight like veteran after throwing that trashy cool speech?”

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