《Dragon Fantasy》v1-c20: Win the Challenge, Shamelessness, and Lost Tower. (With Anne's image)


Chapter-20: Win the Challenge, Shamelessness, and Lost Tower.

Seeing Russell was prostrating, everyone’s jaw dropped.

There is one guy was sipping tea, he spat out after seeing this,

“What the hell!!”

“That guy is the king of shamelessness.”

“This year’s batch also got a talent for shamelessness and that guy is he.”

“I somewhat thought his speech was good, right now I want to slap myself to think that.”

After coming back to the real-world Russell somewhat panicked. He actually didn’t finish his full speech. He wanted to say it like that,

‘You see, I am a veteran. Even if you strong and have the talent this doesn’t mean you are absolute. I guess you never experience real battles unlike me. You see, I spend my time, childhood to now on the battle field with my father, haha, aren’t I cool? I think your parents raise you with luxury unlike me who face hardship. That’s why as a veteran I won’t bully newbie. So I concede the match. Hahahaha aren’t you grateful?’

He wanted to concede somewhat cool way. But for some reason Agun got angry and interrupted his noble speech, seeing that he got that scared that he almost pee.

“Cough! Cough! The winner is Agun Dragun. Congratulation! You win our 4 match challenge.”

The registrar announced Agun’s victory after coughing. Seriously, he might really get coughing disease.

After hearing the announcement everyone cheered while forgetting the shameless… Russell.

“Thank you, everyone, for supporting me.”

Agun waved with a smile to everyone.

“Haha, of course, we will, after all, you show us the good matches.”

“Yeah. Let’s play in ranking games next time.”

“Which dorm are you in?” (girl)

“Tell me your registration number.” (girl)

Agun was happy to see free minded people like them. There are many of them cheering who attend this competition. There are many of them who might be his future opponents. Despite that they cheered him wholeheartedly, even the first opponent of his and fat guy also handshaking with him while Norel was congratulating him with a lovely smile.


Seeing that Russell brash his hair and said.

“Hahaha, be grateful to me. If I didn’t concede the match you might not win the challenge. Now thank me, thank me. And hey, aren’t I cool?”

Hearing that, peanut gallery grab their own forehead,

“You are right this guy is too talented in shamelessness.”

“Heaven! There is also creature like him exists in this world!”

“Who is the next opponent of his? Just beat him up even if he concedes the match.”

“Yea, kick his ass!”

“No, let’s beat him up here and now!”

Seeing those angry glares Russell backed up and said,

“Wait, guys, I was just joking. It was just a joke.”

“Huh! We didn’t hear yea! And I am your next opponent let’s have a nice chat there.” (Angry dude 1)

“Don’t come here. Okay, I concede. I take my name from the tournament; I take my name from tournament…” (Russell)

“Who cares about the tournament? We just want to beat you up.” (Angry dude 2)

“You guys can’t do that I am your fellow student, no?” (Russell)

“Oh, is that so? Then just come here and let us beat you.” (Angry dude 3)

“You bullies… I will remember it. I will show you how veteran fights.” (Russell)

“Then show us now! Hey, don’t run!” (Angry dude 4)

“Someone grab him! Don’t let him leave. We should teach him as a big brother how to behave like gentleman.”(Random angry dude from the second year)

Seeing that Russell ran away many of them were chasing him. Agun gave a wry laugh after seeing that scenery.

“Mr. Agun you can collect your prize.”

When he heard that he went in front of the registrar.

“Here is your token of Lost Tower.”


“Thank you.”

Taking a card with serial number Agun thanked him.

“How envious! I also wanted to go there.”

Agun saw Norel Goren was beside him.

“Oh really, by the way, what is the Lost Tower anyway?”

Hearing that Norel got surprised,

“You don’t know? That’s surprising. The Lost Tower is main heart of Doppelganger Reality. It helps one to increase one’s spiritual power, those who verge of breakthrough they can make it there comparatively easily from outside. And that’s what is one of the main reasons for our academy to got so many strong disciples.”

Hearing that, Agun become somewhat excited. After all, he was on the verge of a breakthrough. He needs one strong push to enter Raider League.

“Is that mean you are also on the verge of the breakthrough?”

“Indeed, oh well. I think I have to wait for next edition of some tournaments.”

She sighed.

“Oh, then, best of luck.”

Even though he was saying that outside he was surprised in inside, ‘If she was Raider League I might have lost. But she is only in Class A17. I wonder how strong Class S student will be. I might be bottom of them; I can even lose to someone from upper-class A.’

“By the way how will I share with you my registration?”

Agun asked.

“Oh, that’s easy. Just place your card with me and say exchange, let’s do it together.”

She replied.


After taking out his student ID card he touched it with her ID card.


After that, he saw in his card’s front view state changed and there is a screen like that,







Norel Goren




“See it complete.”

Norel said.

“Yeah. Thanks for teaching me.”

“My pleasure. See you later then. I am going back to my dorm.” (Norel)

“Oh, bye then. See ya’ again.”

After waving her hand Norel left the building.

Agun was searching for Anne. She wasn’t in the building. In fact, he didn’t see her from after he participated the battle.

He then tries to search for her outside and then saw Anne was standing in front of the gate.

He said to her,

“Hey, where did you go? I was searching you. See I won the challenge.”

“Sorry. I was handling some work. And I knew you will win so there was no need to watch your match.”

She said.

“Oh, you got too confident in me. Even I wasn’t confident in myself. Are we connected to each other someway?”

Agun asked with somewhat teasing manner.

“A maid should have known how strong his master is, so yea I knew your strength.”

She replied coolly.

‘She shut down me again, but why her expression looked like she had a tough fight moments ago? Did something happen? Should I ask her,’ While he was thinking inwardly, Anne ask him,

“So, where will you go now?”

“Oh yeah, now that you mention, I was about to ask you something, can we go to Lost Tower now?”

Here is Anne the maid's character photo. it's not accurate but she will be like that if illustration made. I have done it with online software.

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