《Dragon Fantasy》v1-c18: Women ‘s Quarrel, Gauntlet, and Sword Mirage.


Chapter-18: Women‘s Quarrel, Gauntlet, and Sword Mirage.

When Agun and Norel were facing each other, a girl approached Anne.

“Hey, bitch quit drooling over him, already. Each time I see your face I want to punch it with my all. I am still regretting losing to you. If it wasn’t for you I would be the who could watch over him.”

“Like slut like you have any right to bad mouth me. Who is the one always kisses his picture even start to suck it whenever got a chance? I wonder what will happen if I left him alone to you.”

Anne replied with a cold voice to the girl.

“Hmph! So what? I do it because I like to do, it doesn’t concern you, just don’t come between us and mind your own business.”

The girl replied with an annoyed voice.

“Tsk. Slut has a slutty way to talk. If it wasn’t for me and Maya you might have sucked him to death. To protect his V-card, bodyguard like me must guard him against slutty whore like you.”

Anne again replied with the cold voice.

“Huh! I should the one feeling insecure about leaving him to sadistic bitch like you. You, did you already make a move on him? Let’s fight again for the place of the maid, this time I will be the one who will win.”

"Ah! Do you wanna getting your ass racked again, okay let's take it to the outside."

Everyone was watching them with a scared face. And someone even voiced that,

“Who are those beautiful girls? And who are they fighting for?”

“Th-they are terrifying!!”

“Hush! Do you wanna die? Don’t involve in women war, you will die for nothing.”

It was the thing what was happening in the back. But in the peanut gallery, it was like that,

“What’s with that girl? She’s also good.”

“Yeah, she wasn’t that good when she attended her previous match.”


“Was she holding back?”

“Maybe. Huh! This year’s batch really something to look forward to.”

“You are right. We second years even though don’t have talent like class S we must not lose to them. If we do they will outdo us at academy ranking in three months.”

“I am feeling like to start training seriously from today!”

“Lol, I was also thinking the same thing.”

Now then, let’s come to the battle between Agun vs. Norel.

Taking his distance Agun was pondering about something.

‘It is not that she had speed. Her main strength is her toes. She can pour a good amount of force on those and that’s how she made those quick actions. I could counter her if she used only martial art, but her main theme is sword art. Should I use my weapon? Well, I am not still good to use them but I think if I could stop her once it’s my victory for sure.’

While he was making his decisions, Norel started to dash toward him after forcing her toes.

But Agun already made his decision, seeing her coming he hurriedly took out his storage card and grabbed something…

When Norel slashed her sword toward him, instead of dodging he was actually coming toward her. And he tried to defend the sword with his hand.

Norel cried inwardly, ‘Wait what was he doing? Is he trying to defeat me while sacrificing his one hand?’

But when she had thought his hand was about to sever a metallic sound came to her ears.

She became surprised to hear that, and when she noticed, she saw in Agun’s left hand there is a metallic weapon.


Crying out loud she hurriedly made her distance from him when she felt something was coming toward her belly. Air? No, it was the aftershock of Agun’s punch from right hand.

Agun had a black gauntlet on his left hand. And it is his only weapon that he skillful. He could use a sword but not as good as his gauntlet which can be synchronized with his martial art. Moreover, he is weaker than her in contrast to sword art. He might foolishly slash at her which can be his weakness to her.


“What do you think? I am not that bad, no?”

Agun asked Norel.

“Honestly, I thought all of you got is talent in spiritual power and you have got no skill, and that’s why you might be placed mid-section in class A or even in lower class A like me. But well…”

She replied with a laugh while preparing her next attack.

She knows if she got even a single punch from him she might be injured seriously or even lose instantly.

Then she smiled after thinking something, ‘It’s not perfect like my father but still enough if I can use it with my all.’

“Then be ready for my next attack, my friend. My name is Norel Goren; I hope you will remember my name that because I am about to show you a technique which my family expert of. It’s a wonderful technique I bet you will be amazed at seeing it.”

Agun frowned after hearing her. Without any replied he looked at her with careful eyes which was his greatest advantage while preparing his left hand with the gauntlet to defend any attack.

‘She’s coming,’ While Agun thought that Norel started to run toward him. It was same old toes using dash. But Agun got uncomfortable seeing that for some reason.

When she reached him she slashed her sword like before, when he about to defend that he noticed that...

He let her sword coming toward him while shifting his body slightly left, surprisingly her sword slash passed through his body like his body was a nonexistence soul. But ignoring that, he ruthlessly punched toward upward while catching something with his gauntlet.

When it happened a bloody coughed was screamed out. While a body was flying to the air and after that heavily crushed in arena’s tiles, the sword was visible in Agun’s hand out of nowhere. Of course, the owner of the crushing body was Norel.

After coughing blood she raised her head from the ground and looked at Agun, “How?”

“You see, I got somewhat special eyes. My eyes could see through hallucination in a limited level. When you slashed me that was the moment I thought it was an illusion. And when I look upward I saw you coming, though I didn’t saw your actual body I had sensed your spiritual power and grab your sword while thrusting a calculated punch.”

“So that was it. What a bad luck of mine that I used it against you.”

Norel smiled bitterly.

Throwing the sword at her Agun said,

“My name is Agun Dragun. Remember the name that stopped your wonderful attack.”

“Hahaha, it was wonderful, huh? Well, that’s enough for me. I concede. I lost a good amount of spiritual power while using Sword Mirage technique, even though it’s call mirage it is actually hallucination for eyes that never happen in first place.”

She accepts her defeat while explaining her technique to him.

“Besides I would lose even if I had spiritual power, your punch had got me, see I couldn’t even stand because of that.”

After hearing her he forward his hand toward her,

“Is that so? That’s a shame, but it was an enjoyable experience for me. I hope we will be facing each other soon with new strength.”

Taking his hand she said,

“Though it is not necessary we will go back to the real world now… oh, whatever. Same here I hope we will face each other soon.”

When they were smiling each other like the old friend, they both got transferred to the real world.

“The winner is no.39 Agun.”

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