《Authority [Dropped]》Chapter 8


Chapter 8: Beginning (2).

Whilst upon the mark of a new day, the great sun has bathed upon the forest's expanse in its glory. Rising atop the sky, peeking between the ranges. Under the tree top roofs, rays of light peirced though akin of judgement spears. Lighting the world below beholding its beauty.

After yesterday's whole day of ponder and contemplation Titus woke up early in the morning feeling refreshed. Although, he is however nervous nonetheless as it is the start of his march to the path he paved for himself.


Is what Titus had in mind. However he does not have goals as such; conquering the world and becoming stronger nor other delusions concerning others and the world instead his sole purpose on coming here is finding stimulation through new knowledge to the point that it made him 'look' crazy and created a machine just to come to this place.

In short, boredom, is the reason he came to seek more knowledge in a foreign land as being the world's "GREATEST" on earth has some disadvantages in it thus this is the only way he can satiate it, this is unless other 'factors' come to play. Although Titus down played his merits to points such as getting just mere Phd's in multiple areas of expertise, trust the narrator, it is "MOAR" than that. (the spelling is intentional)

"Evolution first and knowledge second. " Titus thought in his mind as he did not want to go 'focus' on knowledge while he is in Imp form, a matter of preference, thus he needed to evolve to at least a 'proper' humanoid first.




Titus' plan for the day is to explore the forest first after all he should not be unfamiliar with his home. Along the way Titus would also start refining his executions he created yesterday. To do such, he first need to find something that can aid him so when he stumbles upon them upon journeying.


Titus first further inspected and secured the perimeter around his 'home' to avoid hidden danger that may bring him calamity and prevent future implications. From predators to the environment, none can escape his scrutiny which thankfully was not present. Having done his safety measures he then proceeded to wander and find food. It was already noon when he finished thus he felt the need too eat.

On the way he unknowingly stumbled upon the place where the grandfather and granddaughter duo resided and decided to check the place. Alas, even after his meticulous searching he could not find a trace much less a clue from the two. Dejected he came to the river and started heading downstream. Suddenly, his ears started twitching and immediately became vigilant. Silently Titus cursed himself for being letient and vowed to always put up guard wherever, whenever and whatever as he started to accept the reality that this world in not a peaceful one. Surprisingly he was not tensed.

Bushes rustling, and there came a frog hopping about. When Titus saw it and confirmed the situation being light, he decided to use it as an opportunity instead of negligence. Titus approached it until he is half a meter away and started to focus his attention towards his surroundings. Precisely it is the paranoic senses that he started to get used to, although it is a passive skill he needed to adapt to it. He divided its training into 3 parts and already completed the first step; being aware of his environment in his surroundings and is now at the second step detecting life.

While using his subconscious to survey the surroundings and lock unto the frog he started performing a basic one-two punch and blindly kicking about to divert his attention. Doing so will help him get faster improvement than solely focusing on the passive since it is supposedly to be a passive in the first place.


Titus continued this until the sky was painted orange before he finally stopped. On the way home he plucked some fruits and ate it along the way. Upon arriving to his 'home' he crashed down on the already dried stalks of grass. He was so exhausted that he could not move.

Although it took him only a night to familiarize the skill it is entirely different when it comes to observing life in general but in specific those that has no motive or ill intention towards him and even those opponents who can hide their intents. Apart from the information telling him that he can sense anything and everything, the skill itself does not hold much hope at the moment. Titus just thought that maybe because his level was too weak to fully utilize it or he just too inexperienced. Thus he took upon the chance to distinguish between the two while he was familiarizing himself with it.

Other than this skill Titus also planned to practice his only active skill 'hunt' after paranoic senses as he recognized this 2 skills most vital in his foundation apart from synchronization. But, synchronization unlike its complements are much easier as it is basically a cheat ability and does not really need much effort.

(author talking to Titus: its cuz you were already a cheat back on earth thus the birth of the skill you ignorant idiot!!!!)

When it was morning, Titus got up a little bit late than yesterday apparently that he really was exhausted from yesterday's practice even though it was only half of the day. Repeating his actions yesterday but on a 'skimming' manner he then proceeded and spent half of the morning's time doing so. After that was training so he left the perimeter of his home as he did not want to attract monsters near his home whilst training.

Even before he arrived at the edge of the forest on his way to the river he already found his 'prey' which he caught on with paranoic senses instead of his enhanced hearing. The power of the skill was already apparent to this situation that Titus' hearing ability was rendered useless by the wind blowing due to his speed of travel, what's more if paranoic senses reaches a more wide coverage farther than his hearing even if it is available.

Although Titus was still stuck at a bottleneck in his 2nd stage of training he was nonetheless still able to notice the deer laying under the tree. It looked like it was bathing under the sun's ray looking comfortable,it looked peaceful. But-

On the opposite of this deer was Titus who was itching to break through the third stage and finish the training by the day after tomorrow. With that in mind Titus immediately chose to do the training similar to blind martial artists who only rely on their senses. It was audacious to say but it will help him break through faster both in his hypothesis and a book that he read one time at some library in China when he 'visited' there.

He was determined to fight, kill and eat the deer not just to improve his skill, satiate his hunger for supper; as he did not eat lunch preoccupied by the training but also to confirm one of his suspicions.

Wether an Forest Imp like himself can eat meat and get certain benefits by eating it... Both from, in his understanding and because he read it somewhere from his high-school library when he was searching answers for his assignment a lifetime ago.

Authors note:

Please do let me know if this kind/the writing of this chapter suits your taste or followed the promise I made to minimize overspecification and balance it along with story progression.

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