《Re:BoredBlood》Chapter 3: The Gift


Hey, here's chapter 3, hope you like it :) kinda short sorry


-xxxxx- sword speaking telepathically

italic is Sin speaking telepathically


-Sin, wake up…come on…waaaake up-

Muu, unless you have breastmilk be quiet.

-fufufu such a thirsty boy, sorry but I can’t. You need to wake up though-

Huh?...Uwaaa! who are you!? Other than the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in both lives! Like a goddess!

-Well you can say that I am a goddess, rather right now I’m a sword. I forgot to introduce myself. But maybe first I should change into a ring instead of humanoid because my breasts aren’t where my eyes are fufu-

*baby blush* Sorry about that. I’ll listen though, don’t worry.

-Anyways, my name is Nyx the Greek goddess of the night. Except I decided to inhabit the sword that brat Destiny made, because I was bored-

She’s immaculate and carries the aura of a big sister. Dressed in a black dress that sticks to her curves and every inch of her is perfect. With pale skin that contrasts well with her black dress and black hair, if I were to rate her on a scale 1-10 it would be impossible. Maybe instead of 11/10 it would be infinity/10. And the ‘heavenly’ mountains that stand tall makes me wish she could breastfee—okay I digress.

Wait so if you are the sword basically, doesn’t that mean this sword is too strong. Like it could cut the planet in two?

-No, if I unleash that much power the sword will shatter before you even swing. Plus I have made it just like you want so it grows with you. The sword can’t even handle 0.00000000001% of my power. After all, I was created right after the beginning of everything, so my power and knowledge vastly outstrip most gods. This is exactly why Zeus is scared of me hehehe, I’ve put him in time-out before. Did you know he gives his clothes special names? Like ThunderPants, or his RumbleRobes, oh and even his underwear the BlastBoxers!-



{Meanwhile in Olympus…..*ACHOOO!!!* “Damn, someone must be spouting something about me. I’m sure it’s some secret. Hmph, no worries, I have my lucky CrashCloak I just got done washing.”}

{Meanwhile on Earth…..News reporter: “Yes, it’s true, I’m standing here in Italy where there is the greatest thunderstorm in history! Many people are trying to get to safety right now and some are even yelling, blaming it on the gods. We can only hope that this passes soon! That’s all for Channel 10 news. Now back to you…”}


Nyx this world has magic right?

-Why do you want to learn? I’m willing to teach you. Not like anything else is going on-

Ah, that would be a lot of help, it sounds fun. Maybe there is something I can use to tame Lisa before she hugs me to death. Like a taser…

-fufu that should be interesting. But for now you cannot cast spells. You are too young, and your body could explode from the inside out. So for the next couple years you will be using meditation to help expand your mana pool. Also it will help you better manipulate the mana-

Then Nyx tells me how exactly to meditate and what to look for inside of me. However it is slightly different from what is supposed to happen. At least to normal people, that is.

Usually there would be a mana core in the chest with one color. Sometimes there are rare cases where there is two colors swirling around, meaning dual-element affinity.

My mana core is changing between 7 different affinities constantly. Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Light, Darkness. Apparently that means I have an affinity for all types. That is not the strangest part though, because in the mana core the Roman numeral I is floating in the center. When I ask Nyx what is going on she answers,


-Think of it as a gift from me, I wanted to see you crush your enemies instead of simply killing them, also it’s no fun if you’re an average joe. The numerals are for your evolutions for example: I, II, III, IV, V etc.-

How do I evolve? Go from drinking blood type O to blood type AB-? Go from slurping commoner’s blood to a queen’s blood? Oh, or bathe in blood rather than water mwahahaha!

-Okay enough, you have to have a blood orgy….Just kidding. Anyways to evolve you need me-

Sorry I don’t think biting a sword will help. Even if you’re in humanoid form…but I’ll try hehe.

-Let me explain better: later on when you are able to use me (that sounds wrong) then every time you kill a beast or person you will walk to their corpse, stab them and I, the sword, will drink the blood and channel it into you. It’s easier than bending over and biting them yourself and you also don’t get as strong as you would if you absorbed through sword. In a battle you might find a break where you can quickly draw blood out of a dead victim to get your strength back too-

Why do they have to be dead? Can’t I just absorb and attack at the same time?

-No, when the soul is still in the body, to absorb through the blade they have to be dead. Unless you want another soul inhabiting itself in here along with me-

Wait what? The sword can take the soul of my enemy and put it inside? It slurps from a body, hum, fitting for a vampire though. Come to think of it, what is the name of this thing?

-Yeah that is one of the abilities this sword has. Although I can tell you whether or not there is a soul still inside before you absorb, telepathically in an instant before you actually do absorb. That way we can circumvent such problems. By the way the sword’s name is Midnight Tempest. Its attacks do the most damage when using darkness and air affinity-

Okay so now that I have that answered I should go back and start absorbing the mana in the air and move the mana in my core to all my limbs…minus 1.

Well until my arch nemesis showed up.

“Kyaaaa! Little prince is so cute let me hold you and make sure you’ve been fed well!” [Lisa the Leech]

Guh- fed well?! You won’t be able to feed me anything if I can’t breathe! Her twin towers are going to crush my head!

hehehe not to worry, I already have a countermeasure set up.


“Ahn…little prince don’t take too much….that’s enough…..zzzzzzz” [Defeated Lisa]

Huhuhu enemy vanquished, now time for a little more to finish the snack but keep alive, then back to sleep.


AUTHOR NOTE: So I'm probably going to make a side chapter that has the history and geography and such for this fiction. kind of like a chapter 4.5 or a chapter 5.5 know what I mean? Mainly because I want to get the setting of the story out of the way and focus more on plot/battles/romance.

AUTHOR NOTE 2: All of this above about souls is imaginative so if anyone is die-hard zealots/fans of souls and such, then just know it is randomness and not based on anything :D

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