《Just Another Isekai》Chapter 4: The wandering caretaker


Kevin POV:

[World conquest is da only way, my bruda. Fight by our side once again, and we can rule over these savages together. For da glory of our queen!] Jamal began the act with an extended and welcoming hand, a stained shirt held in the other; a blood-stained sword if you used your imagination.

[Da queen be a deranged lunatic. Open your eyes my bruda and see that she does not know da way.] I continued, trying my best to make a horizontal slash for dramatic effect. [She will burn both worlds and everyone with them.]

[And is that why you chose to side with da savages?! Over your own kind?!] Slowly retracting his extended hand, he now held his 'sword' with both hands. [So be it then, I shall gift her with da head of da treacherous knight! I spit on you!]


*gasp* That bastard actually tried to spit on me! I mean sure he failed and ended up spitting on himself but still, there was an attempt. Even so, I must continue to stay in character. Improv was fun, I should have done this a long time ago. I rolled to the right for a better angle. Perfect. Now was time to strike.

[If I must end you to stop dis madness, then so be it.] I threw myself at the aggressor, too distracted with wiping away his own spit.

[Kevin! What the hell are you doing? Get off me!] Jamal squirmed as he tried to throw me off, but I laid firmly on his back so how could he? He could barely stand, let alone crawl, so clearly he didn’t have the strength to do it. He also broke his character again, and he was doing such a great job too.


After a few trying seconds I finally pinned him by sitting on him, there was no escaping fate. I raised my chubby little arms sky-high, [There be no Kevin, only DEATH!] and sent it crashing down onto his exposed little back.

[All right, I’m dead. Now get off me!] He demanded, his chin kissing the floor. I complied with his demand by rolling off to the side and coming to a stop when my face was towards the ceiling. [Oh great, now I’ve got your dried shit on my back. Next time someone comes in we are getting changed.]

[Well, there’d be no shit on your back if you hadn’t gone all...]


You have resisted the 'Frightened' status effect.

Blue box? That’s new. Also, who’s the asshole that blew up such a perfectly fine door? Why not just open it and walk in like a normal person? I wasn’t gonna waste time and let the dust settle, that asshole was gonna pay for what he’s done! I activated my awesome power and unleashed the entirety of my wrath upon the foolish transgressor.

Your 'Aura of Malice' has been resisted.

My aura of what now?

The wanderer’s guild, like many other establishments in the dungeon city of Heizer, was a guild that sought to profit off of its suicidal members that ran across Terra in the pursuit of easy riches. Although many wanderers wasted their time running into dungeons in search of hidden treasures, some were more than content with making a living through guild commissions alone by accepting any and all manner of jobs. Escorting merchants through monster-infested forests, protecting villages from local monsters, helping in the construction of inns and restaurants, as well as accepting the very odd commission of becoming a caretaker for the viscount’s twins.


Daveed, upon arriving at the estate, was given a brief summary of the circumstances surrounding the twins. A demon had taken up residence in the twins' room and it was up to him to exterminate it. He had been extremely displeased when he heard of it, demanding that they triple his pay and give half upfront. Excluding such a piece of vital information from the commission papers was more than enough for him to walk away, but that was not the wanderer’s way of thinking. They would always chase after easy riches, and demon-slaying was as simple as breathing for someone like Daveed.

Standing over six feet with an extremely muscular physique that was hidden underneath his leather armor and large crimson cloak, scars that covered every inch of his dark caramel skin, a shaggy brown beard, and unkempt hair. He looked every bit the battle-hardened warrior archetype despite being a 1st ranked ascended mage, one that specialized in the art of pyromancy.

Upon arriving at the helm of the demon’s residence, escorted by a very frightened butler, he quickly got to work. He began gathering the mana that resided within him, channeling and directing it outwards to scout the room. “Detect: Demon!” Obviously there was no demon in the room, just two rebellious brats abusing some unknown power. Channeling his mana once again, he directed it towards the door. “Burst!”


The aura manifested in an instant, emitting its grand and immense bloodlust. The butler was nowhere to be found; he had no interest in being anywhere near that demon. As for Daveed, like any good mage was covered in all manners of protection, barely registering the aura’s presence.

He stared at the filth-ridden and naked twins, save for the diapers that they failed to remove, scarlet eyes catching his attention. “Cleanse.” With a simple flick of his hand, the filth was removed and he took his leave.

The presence of the scarlet eye was more than enough for him to walk away, but that was not the wanderer’s way of thinking. The exclusion of such a vital piece of information had given him an absurd and unfair advantage, one that he would abuse to triple the new pay and force them to give everything upfront. Wanderers always chased after easy riches, and these types of riches were the easiest riches of them all.

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