《Just Another Isekai》Chapter 3: A call to gather


The Kenworth Manor, unlike other aristocratic manors, was simple yet elegant. They built it with grey stone and light decorations of finely carved wood. Within it was 15 master bedrooms, sleeping quarters for the servants, 7 bathrooms, 2 dining rooms, a massive and rarely used ballroom, a study for the master, and an insignificant and tiny library.

Surrounding the simple manor was a simple garden of grass, fruitless shrubs, and evergreen pine trees. A lot of hands would be required to maintain such a simple manor, and a lot of hands did. Twenty-five guards, seventeen housekeepers, ten cooks, ten laundresses, seven groundskeepers, five maids, and five butlers, and two heads to manage them all. With such a high number of staff, news and gossips spread instantaneously.

Rumors of the event that transpired earlier that day spread amongst the workers like wildfire, of the vile and vicious demon that was under the command of the scarlet-eyed abomination. So when news of Raayu taking a sudden leave of absence reached the ears of every servant, the manor entered a state of utter chaos.

“What do you mean he already left?! Bring him back!”

“That selfish mutt must have lost his damn mind! How dare he abandon his duties?!”

“It’s about time for us to prepare supper. How long does he plan to keep us here?”

“We’re guards! What in Terra are we even doing here?”

Sebastian groaned as he stared at the gathering of servants, fully knowing how much of a headache this was going to be. This was the second time he had them gathered in the ballroom, the first being the night of the winter solstice where the viscount’s mistress birthed the twins. And with Raayu’s departure, the twins needed a substitute caretaker until his eventual return. This was, of course, a role no servant would willingly fill.


“Alright everybody, settle down.” His voice booming for all to hear, strengthened by his ‘Strengthen A’ skill. “You all know why you’re here and you’re well aware of what needs to be done. So put your name in the box and only then can you go back to work.”

He was, as expected, met with resistance. No one would willingly fill that role.

“Or maybe, you demand the bastard to return!”

“This is madness!”


“Just send a commission to the wanderer’s guild, those idiots will do anything for money.”

“Do I look like some kind of suicidal fool to you?”

“Why in Terra have you gathered all of us?! No one’s left to protect the damn estate!”

Sebastian groaned as he bore witness to the same scene repeating before his very eyes. The only saving grace being the individual that issued the order. “This is the young master’s order and if any of you have got a problem with it, you know exactly where to find him.” The mentioning of the young master was more than enough to make them comply.

One by one, each unwilling servant placed their name in the wooden box. Its lid was then closed and shaken vigorously. The first name to be pulled out would become the twins’ newly appointed and temporary caretaker.


Kyle and Kevin sat on the floor, staring at a frightened maid that stood at the entrance to their abode.

[Do it.]

The aura manifested in an instant. Unlike the twins’ appointed caretaker, the frightened maid did not possess an amulet of protection. Before the aura could completely engulf the room, she felt it emitting its grand and immense bloodlust. She gently placed the flasks on the floor and quietly took her leave.


News of the maid taking a sudden leave of absence spread amongst the servants, and they were once again called to gather in the ballroom where another boxing event took place.

[Do it.]

The servants were once again called to gather.

[Do it.]

The servants were once again called to gather.

[Do it.]

The servants refused to gather.

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