《The Golem Mancer》The Last Reincarnation |
Readers I need your help....not really, but it sounds cooler to say it that way. I want to involve you guys in my story; not 'you' guys. And so in the school Arc I planned for Klos to meet with a group of 'nice' students(They Not Nice) In my plans they are randomly named and 'die' off in a chapter or two. BUT now I want you guys to give these people some substance. So Here is where I say You Reader Do you want to create a character in my Story? You don't have to if you don't want to, I will just leave the people blank and they will be unknown. So if you want to see someone/something please comment in BOLD these few thing. Just remember you character might only last a chapter or two...then 'die' off (They go their separate ways ) P.S If you want you can make your character OP, but the more valid of a Character the more I will choose Him/Her/It
(A/N: remember the three people taken were from detention…I wonder what happened to the girl?)
The Descending Terror – Day One
Have you heard the stories the bard sings on dark days?
Have you seen Adventurers coming back with eyes sunken into his skull that rivaled the dead?
Perhaps you have heard of another tale, the Legend of the Descending Terror.
The legend is not a monster from the books nor did it exist in any world, but this monster is very real. It may be even stalking its prey right now. The Terror was a Shade. Shades are different than Spirits and Ghosts. There have no attachment to the world; they are the purest of the evil soul. Then again this one was not born of malice or hate, but by the gods themselves.
Being one of the three new souls placed into this world the Shade was once known as Lenora Roa. She was now a [Frost Shade]. It was unknown how she came about to become a frost Shade, she was not cold to her peers and she differently wasn’t emotional deprived; she used to be a ‘normal’ troublemaker.
Now she had freedom that she has never had in her previous world, she was forced by her parents to become the smartest, to be the best over everyone; this had led her to become hateful to anyone with power that could force her to follow their will. She was not a leader either; she just wanted to be left alone in the silence. This trait of hers made her get into altercations with the teachers and older students of the high school. Also is one of the reasons she is here now; she blew up too.
She looked around to ‘see’ her surroundings. She was in a frozen forest covered in soft, fluffy snow. There was no vegetation or towering tree; it just looked like a regular snowy forest. She thought to herself why didn’t she feel cold or even feel the icy wind that was clearly brushing past the tress. Paying no attention to the thought she began to ‘walk’.
Realizing she didn’t analyze her surroundings enough to know what direction to move to she turned around to discover the forest change. Her footprints were not in the snow. She began to panic, ‘I might have been sent near a town’ She wondered about the gods’ placing her near a town so she would survive even if it was a day longer.
She continued to ‘walk’ in a direction she thought might have been closer to a town. ‘Walking’ was easy even if the snow looked to be meters deep. She seriously absorbed every detail in her area. She had to make sure she doesn’t miss anything from now on. She already lost her ways; she didn’t want to die on the first day in the new world.
She finally stumbled upon a creature of some-sorts. She saw a massive furry humanoid sitting down in the snow breaking off branches from a tree; a Yeti. She remembered how the Goddess? Said that the new world would be like a fantasy to them. She was scared; this was a real monster. There was no screen separating her from the creature in front of her. She noticed how the yeti hasn’t spotted her and silently moved back out of its view. She will not die today.
The yeti had felt a presence of unknown Mana; Yeti’s were not dumb beast as they had intelligence that rivaled humans. The Yeti turned around and stood-up; realizing that there was a person here it equipped its newly made club and went to attack the person that stood in front of it. Coming closer and closer the Yeti slowed down, this was not a person; this was an Emission. The yeti arrived in front of the cowering presence and swung its club down right on it. Its results were expected; the club passed right through the person and out the other side.
The girl ‘shrieked’ as the blow was aimed directly at her, but no sound came out. The club had met with her head, but no pain or force was felt. She was left in wonder as the Yeti uninterested anymore walked away. She watched as he disappeared into the blowing snow. ‘What happened?’ she thought. She raced through the previous moment before the encounter. Then she decide that this was a RPG world ‘might as well do what I am supposed to do’ and she spoke out clearly into the world a word, unlike the time she scream and no sound came out; this time she heard her own voice.
“Status.” (Girl)
[table=#2C3539]Status Lenora RoaLevel 1Age: --Race: Frost ShadeTitle(s):The One who will Established Order , Death Born, Soul CatcherClass(s):MonsterSpecial Variant: Burning FrostHealth: 50Energy: 200Stamina: 0StatsSTR: 1VIT: 10DEX: 40AGI: 40END: (20)DEF: --INT: 50LUK: 23...Locked StatsAbilities Burning Soul DrainSoul CorruptRemove SenseEquippedPermanent Teenage ClothesElderwood Wand[/table]
She carefully looked through her status.
“Frost Shade...Wait, I thought this was supposed to be a reincarnation?” (Lenora)
She wondered why she was made into a monster and not reincarnated into a baby or something similar.
She looked once more at here status thinking that the words displayed were lies. The status she had was much more powerful than a Shade would have be it the same level, she was not someone even at level 5 could handle. She was left in a daze staring at abilities she had. She decided that since this was a RPG world like the god had said; she would play her life like a RPG. It is not like life can hit back, but first she needed to know about herself and so the question was asked.
‘What am I?’
Only to be reposed by a Ding sound. This was Monster system answering back to what she needed to know. This system was different than the Hero system Deon has or the Knowledge System Klos has. While the Hero system could only tell the Hero of events related to the job that needed to be done and Klos’s Knowledge system only told him of the answer when he accomplished a certain task; the monster system could tell Lenora of everything monsters of the same race have learned throughout the many millenniums they have been roaming Terra.
This information was too vast, so the Monster system provides the User only with the relevant information needed to survive as a Monster in the world; of course only applied to those born with intelligence. The monster system also allowed for Evolution once the time was right.
(A/N Each person has a different system; all three act differently if you didn’t get that.)
[table=#2C3539]System DatabaseUser is Frost Shade Class: Monster.User is a Spiritual type monster where physical attacks do not work unless the User allows herself to become tangibleRacial trait: [Burning Frost] will apply a 10% of INT damage attack over 1 minute after a magical attack is completed.[/table]
[table=#2C3539]Soul DrainRank One: BeginnerValued: ???Active Ability: Consumes 100% of energyLimitations Vary On TargetRank Onecreates a draining soul link to the target. As long as target is in sight, soul will continuously be drained. Links HP pools until targets loses their soul At Rank TwoMore Powerful Soul DrainOnce per week/ per target. Burns the target’s soul with 1%Max HP/ 10seconds for 1 minute.[/table]
[table=#2C3539]Remove Senses Rank One: BeginnerValued: ???Active Ability: Consumes 20% of energyLimitations Vary On TargetRank OneRemove sense: ACTIVE 20% of energy | Target loses 2 Senses for as long as eye contact is made (Random senses taken) At Rank TwoMore Senses taken + Status effectOnce per day/per target. Users Senses improved by the senses taken.[/table]
[table=#2C3539]Soul CorruptRank Nine: GodValued: ???Active Ability: Consumes X% of energyLimitations Vary On Target With Will StatRank OneSlowly distorts the Soul of a Target for a Temporary time....Effect ImprovementRank NineThe Users energy meter will drain for intended Energy Cost. Permanently Corrupts the Soul. More Information is DisabledThe more energy drained from the User the more powerful the Ability is. User becomes Un-tangible when ability is in use[/table]
Lenora smiled. This definitely was a RPG and she was going to fully use every resource available to her to make things fun; for everyone. This marked the day the terror of the Ice Glades Woods started. She continued to walk through the forest with new insight. She was a Shade, a creature with infinite Stamina and the immunity to the physical. She began to like the cold too.
After walking for many hours Lenora finally got to a civilized place. The people she came upon made houses of Ice and wood while wearing the hides of the monsters in the forest. They were perfectly at harmony with the environment, not caring about the extreme temperatures. This harmony would not be the first thing for her to mess with, for she will only target those in power; she will then make everyone ‘free’.
Of course she couldn’t just walk right in to the small village; she was a monster. She was destined to never interact with humans again. She was also Level One and she knew nothing about their strength...previously. Once she was close enough to the town just like a RPG a Name. Class, Level, and Health/Mana meter showed up on top of all the villagers’ heads. Another benefit of the monster system, since monsters need to tell whether they can attack a person the system granted them the ability to see the basic information about a person.
Most of the people there had an average level of 23. She could not fight them, as yet. She knew that she was weak as with most of her abilities taking a percentage amount of her maximum energy and not a solid value it didn’t matter how much energy she had; she could only use her abilities 5 times in an altercation. Lenora had to test out how fast her abilities could recharge and so she went back into the forest keeping track of where the village was.
Lenora arrived back into the forest and walked a great distance from the village making sure no one followed. She had stumbled upon a frozen lake with a small cottage beside it and found out how she looked for the first time. She looked into ice and saw herself, she looked the same as before except for the skull like eye sockets and semi-transparent body; clothed of course. This is what she saw when she looked into the ice, but when she used her eyes to see her hands and legs she saw them as normally coloured and ‘fleshy’. She could view herself as human, but others will not.
She decided to make this part of the forest her home and she went into the small cabin. It was filled with dust and frost, Lenora worked tirelessly to clean up the place; she did this by making her hands tangible and the good thing about being a Frost Shade was that she could attract the frost right off the surfaces. She began haunting the small creatures around her cabin and practiced using her wand to create magic, sadly she did not have enough skill to cast any magic; more practice was needed.
And so the Legend was made. The Terror of the Ice Glades Forest was told by the nearby villagers to have been a daughter of a hunter that left and never came back leaving her with her mother only to die waiting for her father to return. Anyone who passes through the area will have their life taken away slowly as the girl still wants to wait for her father even if she had to steal the life-force of other.
To no one’s dismay the stories were just stories…, but the monster was real.
-One and a Half Years Later-
Lenora had been reciting the same action every day. The only interesting thing was when the village children would come to her cabin and she would scare them away. Those were the only fun people she liked, they had fun testing their will and she didn’t get bored. Then there were the adventures/hunters that came to her cabin to ‘save’ her soul. Over the year she had faced 4 of them and one was a priest...she hated him the most. They were dealt with; only one soul was burned.
What she found out was that the villages made a legend of her and it was soon made into a REAL children’s bedtime story. She would be wary around adults so she tried her best to avoid them, but with children no one believed that there would be a monster that ‘didn’t hurt them’ so she only interacted with them. If the parent did check out the place she would be long gone.
She recently leveled up to {level 18} which she though was fast as she had been going around the forest using [Burning Soul Link] if she could and if not she recently was given the Skill [Ice Ball] where she launches a massive ice block to her enemies as a fast pace; consuming 5% of her energy.
She was sporting for game today like usual until one creature caught her ‘eyes’; a Black Lizard. This was the first time she saw such a creature, more so one that stood out so much. Contrasted against the white snow was a large lizard for her standards; this lizard rivaled a monitor lizard.
‘Well if it stands out so much I won’t be the only monster to attack, more experience for me.’
She had made a habit of talking to herself during the many months of solitude aside from the occasional scream. She had even tried to make a conversation with another smaller creature to no avail, but it didn’t ‘hurt’ to try.
Walking up to the lizard that had looked up at her with glowing white eyes she wondered what was it doing here in the snowy forest. She equipped her wand and casted a [Ice Ball] targeting the lizard she propelled it with great speeds. The lizard was faster than she though easily dodging the ball of ice even when in very deep snow. She had the advantage she thought, getting a little mad that a mere lizard had just dodged her spell which no other creature so far has done. She rapidly casted the [Ice Ball] spell trying to hit the lizard that kept on dodging, getting a little too worked up she put more of her energy into her spell transforming it into a [Ice Lance] which moved two-folds faster and was more deadly. Yet the lizard continued to dodge.
‘WHY?!? Why is this lizard so fast?’
She couldn’t comprehend that the lizard which should have been killed by now was still dodging her. She was supposed to be Over-powered. Finally breaking her patience she used a spell she never used before on another monster; as she had no reason to use it.
‘[Soul Corrupt]’
Pointing her wand for more concentration onto the lizard a bolt of black lightning electrified the lizard. It was been directly hit in the chest; though she was aiming for the head. The lizard was paralyzed and its white eyes dimmed, but soon recovered. Lenora didn’t see the lizard moving so she though the battle was over.
‘Did it work?’
Lenora wondered if her ability had affected the creature. Soon enough she saw a twitch. This was the first time the target of her attack looked stun rather than wallowing in death and despair. This creature was different. The point of corrupting a soul was to taint the bodies Mana resulting in any creature dying due to their bodies not accustomed to dealing with their own tainted Mana. Usually a creature can develop resistance to outside Tainted Mana, but never their own.
‘Why is it dying like the priest? Didn’t its soul become corrupted?’
Even though the ability didn’t work on the creature Lenora was able to gain something else: She could finally see the monsters basic status. She just realized that the lizard this whole time never had a Status bar above its head; every creature had one because the previous Spirits had received information about the creatures they face and with many others lurking for information, the system keep refreshing. She found out how to detect their status, but this lizard was the first for any Spirit monster; her ability decoded some of its status for her.
[table=#2B1B17]Unknown Species: RockyLevel 32 | Owner:???Class: UnknownHealth: 420Mana: UnknownRace: Unknown[/table]
Lenora realized that this creature had actually been one of the highest leveled creatures she had faced. None of the monsters in the forest exceeded level 28 so far and she’s been in the forest for over a year. This creature interested Lenora. Her energy was at zero, but it had recovered to 5% in the time she took to just stare at the creature; that was having trouble recovering from the attack.
‘[Ice Materialization]’
A spell that was part of the Ice Magic set Lenora casted an ice prison over the Lizard. She needed to know more about the creature. Maybe it was that this creature was the only thing that was unknown and posed to make her life right now more enjoyable by having something to investigate. Mostly because the status above its head had said [Owner:???] meaning that this lizard was someone’s pet/tamed beast. She wanted to find out this information because what else would she do in a forest of ice.
-6 Months Later-
Lenora was behind her Cabin where she kept the lizard in a giant thick ice room. The inside of the room was bashed many times from the Lizard trying to get out. No matter how long the lizard kept on bashing its head to get out of the room, but the ice was made very dense and no amount of destruction could break it right now. She had wondered why ever since she got the lizard it had been trying to escape non-stop even in the night it tried to break out. She had felt sorry for the lizard at one point, but every once in a while the lizard would gain a level. She had felt that this lizard was not that simple of a beast and every now and then the creature looked ‘rough’ to the point of looking fake. Even being locked in an ice cage without food (because she forgot that animals eat; she doesn’t eat) it had still survived.
It’s level had only gone up to 37 five more than before she caught it, but what intrigued her was that the lizard never killed any creature or did anything besides bash its head against a wall yet it gained levels? She needed to learn more about this creature; it was special.
Lenora had become a level 34 in her two year life so far catching up to the Lizard, but whenever she battled the lizard in its room she would never be able to hit it.
Yes this lizard was special. Lenora told herself:
“I WILL find out why this Stupid Lizard is so goddamn weird…and who is its owner?”
This chapter was typed way back when I did 7 unedited chapters but then scraped them...It would have been a shame to throw away this chapter so I refurbished it slightly and am now posting it. If there are any problems please bring them up!
SO, Lenora has Rocky now…yah………..SO, Rocky wanted to travel the world but ended up as a forced lab rat for her skill training….yah……..I wonder what Klos would do if he found out?????
All the reincarnate somewhat counters each other in ability. She soul drains Klos and nothing happens as an attack to the soul is the most fatal. Klos has right now Physical attack only so he can’t attack her. Klos’s DEF and END counters the damage she might deal to him.
Deon is countered by both as he can be blocked by her untouchable-ness and Klos’s transfer damage. Damage to the soul is considered fatal so that can’t work on him so Deon’s soul thing is useless to Klos but effective on Lenora. BUT Klos and her can deal damaged to him…Except a soul weapon can hit them both (passes through defense but Klos END blocks that) and she can remove his senses so…yah even Klos’s but he still has his Golems to break her eye contact.
So Deon is effective against Lenora, Lenora is slightly effective against Klos [Klos can’t do anything (right now she can dodge his bomb throws) but maybe ‘Magic Steel’ Golems can?], and Klos is effective against Deon. Deon is a Hero so he might gain something against Klos who was told to be the enemy of Humanity.
Lenora couldn’t be seen in the Prophecy because the fire couldn’t represent a transparent Shade, something that is darkness with light…..so yah….
- In Serial35 Chapters
Secret Worlds
He was no stranger to strife and the difficulties of life. Living life as an orphan while attending one of the world’s most affluent schools for the rich, tends to make his 17-year-old life pretty cumbersome. Still, the school gave him what he wanted- a higher education and if that meant he needed to be “the charity case”. Then so be it. Klaus Alexandros Roth, having just graduated top of his class, felt like everything was finally falling into place; He had exciting plans for the future and he was looking forward to this new chapter in his life, however, being abducted shortly after graduation and thrown into a world of cloak and dagger politics due to his bloodline was by no means part of the plan. Join his adventure as he travels to different worlds, discovers his roots, and maybe makes a few friends along the way. Synopsis Edited by Danetello. Please check out his work when you click on the link. (His Name) This is my first attempt at writing and showing it to others. If i make mistakes please show lenience sempai! Forgive them, but dont forget to point them out. You will notice large flashy warnings of sexual content and gore. Yes there will be those things, but no sexual abuse or any other overly nasty stuff. Disclaimer: I dont own the cover and will remove it immediately if asked to do so.
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Thief Lord
“What is wrong with you!?” That would be what anyone who knows me would say if they knew what I’ve done. They wouldn’t be wrong, as no sane person would ever quit his job the first chance he got when he saw an opening to follow his dream. To become rich and famous by playing video games. What? Did you think my dream wasn’t childish? The best dreams most often are. No? Well, maybe you just don’t dream big enough. Ever think about that? Dreams are never easy to follow, and neither is mine. There are millions of players who want the same as I do, but very few would actually risk their future trying. Following the path of a Villain isn’t easy, and I have a city filled with thousands of players who would love to see me fail. I will show them though. Just you wait and see... ----- This story is currently only posted here on royalroad. The only exception is an up-and-coming narrator names Agro Squerrils who I have given permission to narrate a few of my chapters on his youtube channel. Feel free to check it out if you are interested!https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfzFNUhrNS3YUShvr3W9mKwvhpMgmyua Disclaimer: I would advise checking out the story's tags. The story contains a low to medium amount of profanity. Read at your own discretion.
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Dungeon Island
Reincarnated into a dungeon core beneath an island after losing my memories. I don’t yet know what happened to me, why I am here and the likes. But one day I will find out and then I will settle on my next actions. For now, I just have to take care of my little crabs. Warning: the 'Grimdark', 'Gore' and 'Traumatising content' are not there for show. They may not be fully relevant in the first chapters, but they are definitely there for a reason. Schedule: when I feel like it (usually between Wednesday and Friday night). This story is not a really serious work, I will use it to train my writing skills before going back to my other stories (Jezoi, and Vlaryne) that are currently on hold.
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My Journey as the Fox head clan
Yilas is awake in the dark after years of sickness with a strange man tending to her. Everything around her is new and she didn’t understand what this man is explaining. Is this a new world she has been transported to after she died?
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Adopted by Dr. Schneeplestein
You were left behind. Unintentionally, as a baby, your mother died giving birth to you in Dr. Schneeplestein's operating room. Since then, he has adopted you as his own child. "(Y/N), I will always love you, no matter what happens.""I know, Dad..."(This can go both ways, as a male or a female reader. All are welcome to read.)🏆: #1 in henrikschneeplestein
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Princess Of The Underworld
"The name's, Hadey, Princess of The Underworld. How ya doing?" When Mal, Hadey, Evie, Carlos, and Jay are sent to Auradon by a proclamation from the soon-to-be-king, it's up to the five teens to steal the Fairy Godmother's wand and release the villains from their prison. It's a lot easier said then done, and that's the gospel truth.
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