《The Golem Mancer》Prologe and Chapter One
Prologue and Chapter One – The Afterlife is an Office?
Not blinding light, not empty darkness, but an office? This is what I thought the first moment I awoke from my death. How? I heard a boom, stuff happened and here I am. You may ask “How did you die?” well…it was…
…A peaceful day at Greenfield High school. The sun was out and shining down like always, the bullies was pushing random kids into the rusty lockers, and the fire alarm blaring off for the third? Fourth? Time this week. I could never remember really; it was just normal. Things like this are just the norm.
You may think why was it peaceful if the fire alarm was going off? Well this happens very often as some idiot probably wanted to get out of a test. Ah wait, never mind that idi-person is me. Don’t judge I was only testing it, yes just checking if the fire department still cared about us. No really of all the times I pulled the alarm this was the only time I did it for fun…please believe me…
So back to the story, I pulled the alarm and ran of course. Using my well-honed skills of being a Ninja like my ancestors (self-proclaimed) have done throughout the ages, I blend in with the crowds of teens slowly walking to the exits. Man, if I got someone else to do this I won’t have to go through so much troublesome tasks. If only…if only…someone else was there…to do my work…well there’s that person but he is from a family of Ninjas too, I could never find him whenever I want too; he’s there when you don’t want him to be there.
This is the point I had the thought ‘Hehe, No one will fin-‘only to be interrupted by the ever so annoying principal of our school Mr. Fugly.
I have no clue as to why he catches me every time I pull a prank. Like one time I switched the doors that open outward for ones that open only inward, they ask me how the hell did I this…even I don’t know I said the usual ‘duct tape and a lot of time’.
Now I remember how he found me this time, I left a note…I need to stop doing that
[Feb 25th 20XX Stop leaving a note saying you’re going to commit a crime, No matter if it’s more fun].
Pulling out my phone I added a note about my endeavors and add another tally on my note app of how many times I was found out. It really is handy. I use it to keep track of the one person calls me my full name every day or the score of people in my good book.
‘That makes 34 times he found me this month, [Feb 25th 20XX Fugly found me note to self: Try harder]’
This comment made me grin as I walked up to Mr. Fugly and called out for him, why make him wait if he already knows. I’m sure he’s a busy man.
“I’m here Mr. Fug-… I mean Mr. Finley” (Roy Treves)
SO, his real last name was ‘Finley’ don’t blame me if he looks like a god-damn goblin. You know those green little buggers with a big nose, warts on their faces, and barely any hair on their heads. Minus the fact that he is not green and extremely tall like 6’7” tall. Again irrelevant information but like always I was kindly invited to the room destined only to the few worthy people in this WHOLE SCHOOL. I was one of these worthy people, holding the highest record of going to such room 327 times in one school year. Yes, you can go to this room more than once per day…
Those fabulous words echoed to me putting me in an absolute...harmony I guess.
Well long story short the detention room blew up. Don’t worry I wasn’t alone! Also don’t ask how, it just blew up. The whole Shebang was: I was standing by the window, not trying to jump out of it to escape…as yet; then boom.
So that brings me back to where I am currently. Inside a white room, with white furniture, and most horrifying white…paper what’s next white ink? I mean add some colour for goodness sake. Colour removes the sadness. Being different makes you not feel as alone as you already are being unique is the best!
So me and 2 others; one girl, one boys. Are seated on ugh- white chairs, facing the most beautify man I have ever seen. Yes “beautiful” like the face of a maiden on a man’s body. He was wearing the most extravagant…white-gold suits I have ever seen; I haven’t seen much suits though I am somewhat a shut-in. Now that I look at him? He looks slightly like a woma-.
“Good heavens don’t even think about it! I’ve got enough to handle…” (Man Goddess)
Wow I am being interrupted a lot these days. I guess I should pay attention. Sending me a glare that should be able to kill the Man Goddess stares straight into my soul? I stare back making the God flinch back. HA, My win. Where’s my phone I need another tally.
“Anyways… some of you may wonder why you are here. That is a valid thought, but I am very busy so here is the short version of everything: You blew up. You are in my Office. You get a Blessing. You get reincarnated. Also your new lives will parallel the life you just lost, so be prepared, it will be like one of those light novels you children love, it’s that amazing!
Well we good? - Okay let’s get started!” (Man Goddess)
Before anyone could ask any questions a blue screen appeared in front of me and I guess us.
Blessing of Methodical RandomnessYou gain 3 Random Abilities that relate to you then your abilities; once reborn, a Random race will be given that relates to your abilities, and a 100 Random Stats point boost that relates to your race. WARNING LIFE IS RANDOM.
This doesn’t seem like much of a blessing if you ask me then again it’s only my first time being reincarnated so the blessing was… amusing.
“O’ and Just to say normal human teenagers like yourselves have 50 total stats! Don’t you feel better now!?! Now Go!” (Man Goddess)
The Man Goddess sends me a look of sympathy before walking away into the light. Well that is weird, wait did she actually see my soul. NOOOOO she saw my collection!
Once I finished reading the blue screen my world turned colourful. ‘At least no more Whiteness’ somehow became my first thought. Going through a vividly coloured worm-hole like thing everything became dark…No different than before. Looks like I got some time to think.
So while in this darkness I began to think of my new life. I will be born a baby (most likely) so I probably will have to act like one if I don’t want to be called a devil-spawn, again. So I think a normal baby cries once it’s born, sounds about right. Doesn’t walk till one, speaks gibberish until one and a half, and roams into dangerous things unless scolded. Yup got this one in the bag!
Half way through reminiscing about my plans for the 211th time red light in the form of cracks appears on the corner of my eyes; drawing me in. I try to move to see the red light better and what I see is a spider web of red light, looks like cracks in the sidewalk. ‘Time to bust out of here, FREEDOM’. Stripped away from dark place I am presented with a blinding white light.
‘NOOO- Not the WHITENESS” (Roy)
All this whiteness blinds me so much so that I cannot even keep my eyes open even for a second, all make me want to cry *Sniff *Sniff. This was when I remember my plan again, [Cry when you are born] Okay time to initiate plan [Baby Life]. Mentally nodding to myself I then let out the loudest baby cry I can muster!
…WTF was that. I damn right pissed myself once I heard that; LITERALLY. Also after my evil crying I kept on hearing some distorted sounds, must be because i am a baby…or something.
Achievement UnlockedFirst Cries:Access to Status Enabled
COOL! Let’s check them out
‘Reveal your self’
I really should have noticed that, it’s like every light novel you say status to see it. Well whatever.
Conditions CompletedFor Opening your stats User has gained 100 predecided stats from [Methodical Randomness]|+45 END | +20 VIT | +20 INT | +15 DEF |
Status Un-namedLevel 0 [UnBorn]Race: Rock DemonTitle(s):The One Who Laughed Through PainClass(s):Golem MancerHealth: 125Mana 75Stamina: 28StatsSTR: 1VIT: 25DEX: 1AGI: 0END:47DEF: 50INT: 25LUK: 1...Locked StatsAbilities Summon Corrupt GolemTransfer Fatal DamageCore Creator
…WTF is that. Why my Strengths low is for a “ROCK DEMON” the race sounds strong...? I mean O’ No I am a demon what ever will I do?!? See I do care that I am not a Human anymore. I already know what asphalt taste like so I’m halfway there!
So onto the Stats, Thinking to myself the description of each another blue screen popped up.
The [System] will display the description for Users unlocked Stats
Strengths represent the maximum damage output without damage additives.
| Due to unique body type: [Max 1 damage point] no matter how many strength points |
| Output damage of STR: 1 point= 2 base damage |
I hit less than the base damage…Even In my new life I am weak. Whatever I will persevere!…maybe. I remember about my ability saying I can summon something, they can fight for me right? Hopefully
Vitality represents the maximum hit point x 5 without HP additives [VIT x 5 = 125]
| Vitality can be used to fight off diseases and poisons. |
Endurance represents the maximum negated damaged without Endurance additives
| [negates 47points of damage] Increased Base Stamina 47% |
Looks like I will become a tank. Hey monsters hit me! Wait don’t look at me like that, I’m NOT INTO THAT!?! Also how do I know how much VIT blocks poisons and diseases? Trial and error it is then.
Dexterity represents the maximum fluidity a body can move without dexterous additives [Enabled hand movement]
Agility represents the maximum speed and ease of movement without agility additives.
| [USER CANNOT MOVE MUCH. User has recently been born Egg] |*
So I was born from an egg…cool. So then the darkness was me incubating and the white light was me seeing for the first time. I’m learning! Too bad it’s blurry when I look out for the few seconds I can handle.
Intelligence represents the maximum mental skill without intelligent additives
| [processes information 2.2% better than normal (INT/10)%] Mana = INT x 3 |
Luck represents Luck [User has BAD luck (LUK<10)]
Defense represents the User ability to block physical damage and prevent attacks.
| Body is less susceptible to attacks. If damage is less than Defense attack is 100% Block. |
If not excess damage of [ATK > DEF] then damage is negated by END if not damage is received |.
Okays stats seem like every other RPG or light novel I read. Now what about my race, title, and abilities.
User is a Rock Demon – Said to be born from Terra itself. Rock demons stay in colonies located around hot places. Born from both a Male and Female Rock Demon in a similar way as other demons and are incubated in eggs. Rock demons place their eggs in magma to absorb Terra’s abundant resources. Once the incubation timeline is reaching its end the egg is then removed from the magma (By being dug up) and left on land to harden the other shell. Only after another enough Mana is absorbed then the shell crumbles and the demon is born .Rock Demons consume minerals/metals to survive.
WARNING User has been undernourished due to lacking necessary Minerals and Metals. Due to being Place in lower quality magma User’s Debuff for a recently born Rock Demon has doubled in time.[1 month]
Do you want to view Debuff?
Well sh*t… ‘Yes’…wait I was born in magma. Cool.
*Malnourished | born into poverty User has only absorbed 70% of necessary minerals/metals resulting in
| – Blindness (2 days) – Deafness (4 days) – Movement Slow (30 days) |
| – Crippled Right Arm (Permanent)- |*
Crippled Right Arm | system has found the best location for deformity to occur due to [Malnourished]
| User’s Right Arm is deformed and can lead to future problems|
Fufufu, good thing I am left handed. Thank you system Sempai!
So So onto my Title ‘Details of ‘The One Who Laughed through Pain please’ It’s good to be polite to people or err...systems. Just from the titles name I can expect what the description is about
The One Who Laughed Through Pain | Title Granted By [Methodical Randomness] |Your life was not the easiest in the past but through all the odd you somehow smiled to pretend the pain didn’t exist. You showed others that everything was alright. Due to the blessing [Methodical Randomness] you have gained a title fitting yourself. Everything has a reason. | Pain/injuries are not shown unless wanted or threshold pasted.
Hahaha…The system knows me so well! Let’s hope my abilities are better
System has Notice User has no information on Ranks. | Ranks will be shown |
Rank One – Beginner
Rank Two – Novice
Rank Three – Apprentice
Rank Four – Adept
Rank Five – Intermediate
Rank Six – Skilled
Rank Seven - Master
Rank Eight - Devine
Rank Nine – God
Rank Ten – Transcendent Entity
Value of Abilities are assigned F to SSS | Higher the Value the better the Ability/skill
Users Abilities has been granted by a God’s blessing, Ability cannot be stopped or inhibited also cannot have a value placed on them.
Each Rank has levels Ranging from level 1 - level 10. You do not have to have a max leveled Rank to go onto the next Rank.
Skills are not given the gods ranking system but are using the standard ranking system of F-SSS+ where a SSS+ skill = a Rank Eight Ability.
Summon Corrupt Golems Proficiency: Rank One BeginnerValued: DConsumes All Mana (Places user in Mana Burn State)Limited Once Per WeekLevel OnePermanently Summon 2 [Insert Material Used] Lizards + 20% of Users Top StatAt Level TwoAbility Upgrade.These Golems have been corrupted by over saturation of tainted Mana Resulting in the ability to act like the real object/creature they represent. They are failure of golems. When an individual summons a Golem the Status will be based off the first material the Individual used to summon the Golem, consuming that material in the process. Summoning Golems afterward will not consume any material (Class benefit). You can reset the material by resetting the ability level.
Transfer Fatal Damage Rank Eight: DivineValued: SSSPassive Ability | (always active)Applied after damage is reduced by stats/effectsLevel OneDissipates 30% of Fatal Damage to allies with a connection.Rank TwoDissipates 40% of Fatal Damage to allies with a connection....Rank Eight Dissipates 100% of Fatal Damage to allies with a connection Creature takes status affect with them. Immortality..At Rank NineDissipates 100% of Fatal Damage to allies with a connection with a 50% damage reduction. Immortality.You have created a connection to those who will always be with you. Due to the connection always being available the damage that would Kill the User be transferred to the least Valuable Allie/Familiar/Summon. You have become Immortal; Living is Fatal. You can revive previous Golems if you have the core. If a Creature passes then it/they takes status affect with them.
Core CreatorRank Five – IntermediateValued: VariesActive Ability | Consumes All Mana from User and 1m radius around User in 5 Seconds(Places user in Mana Burn State)Rank OneCreates a Mana Core (Low Grade). Effect differs depending on Mana Used.Rank TwoCreates a Mana Core (Medium Grade). Effect differs depending on Mana UsedWarning Luck stat cannot change Cores.Cores made after Rank Three are [Great Dodecahedron Monster Cores] the highest level of Monster Core. The Colour of the core show the cores difference.Rank FourCreates a Mana Core (Max Grade). Effect differs depending on Mana Used. Cores can be placed in living beginsRank FiveCreates a Mana Core (Max Grade). Effect differs depending on Mana Used. Cores can be placed in living begins. @%#^#......Ability Information has been banned. You were made to create life artificially in return you are able to create the cores of those artificial beings without having to create the being.
Will you like to compare abilities with one other Outworlder | Can only compare one Random Ability
I must be so OP right now, So sure why not?
Compared Abilities User: Roy Treves – Transfer Fatal Damage – Rank Nine – Valued SSS –Passive (If valued) –Dissipates 100% of fatal damage to a familiar. Outworlder: Unknown- Heavens Strike – Rank Nine – Valued SSS+ – Single target Instant-Kill Ability – Consumes all Mana [Once per 1/2 Year] – Output Damage = Mana x 100,000 *
…*Cries* (…kukuku..ku…kuu…)…
This person could kill anyone in one shot unless you have like a million into your endurance or defense. I will persevere! Just watch me god. Even If I have to use [Core Creator] on my self!
(A/N If you are wondering if this is one of the skills of the 2 other people…It might be. But you have to know they might not be the only ones here.)
Let’s save perseverance for tomorrow, all this disappointment makes me tired better get some sleep…I should first try out ‘Summon Golem’ first though seeing that I can use it once per week.
‘[Summon Corrupt Golems- Rank One]’
User has used an ability that caused self-harm
| Golems placed in [Corrupted Instincts Mode (Blood Hunters)]. |
| Black Stone Lizards has been created (Sinister Being- suppressed) |
Right when I use my ability I blacked out.
-2 Days Later-
Unknown Condition has been found
| Due to [Malnourished] User experienced a longer rest period than normal also when using Mana |
| User will not experience Mana Burn, but will Blackout Once a ability has been used. (21 days)|
I opened my eyes only to be astonished by my new found sight. Oh it looks like the System as they call it in every RPG, told me my condition. I have to get rid of this Debuff it’s making me suffer. Well at least I feel very comfortable right now. I wonder why.
It looks like I am on a small rock table with the sides raised like a prison. My vision Debuff worn out luckily for me. I can also move my body slightly but not my head much. Most interestingly, who knew Rock Demons slept on rocks?
At least now I can see where I am. SO, to describe where I am right now it’s a rugged wooden shack with one window (hole in the wall) and a half broken door (not even a door). That Door is only hanging by one hinge, we must be really poor.
Just when I was thinking how we can get rich a shadow appeared by the door and very slowly and painful opens the door.
And our eyes met. The house is quite small so I could see the door by turning my head to the side and looking out one of the bars of my cradle?
I have to say even though I see right in front of me a being who must be a son to a Giant and a devil he looks quite Badass, give him a studded leather jacket and he would look like a biker; with two sharp dark red horns coming out of his forehead and shaggy grey hair covering a face carved in stone LITERALLY. You know those big grey statues, just add horns and some shaggy grey hair and boom you have this person.
“MY. SON.” (Father, creature, Thing, Rock Demon)
Okay, he’s crying now and probably my Father. .How I know? Well someone comes into a house and sees a baby that was out of it for 2 days and then cries, who else could it be? I have no clue on what he may have said but thinking about it, his son just woke up and opened his eyes so why else would someone cry in front of a baby. Then again I must look really Fugly right about now because I am the spawn of a Gargoyle.
What I said Before the small rewrite:
This is the first chapter of my Story. To Say something about it:
I made this story because I was board and needed something to do. This would update every week or so, giving me enough time to write edit and make changes...on my phone… I always wanted to read a story that had the main character OP-ish (in my plans) he would be the weakest of the reincarnated (in terms of attack) but will be an absolute monster in defense and sustainability. This also leads us into the OP-ishness of the main Character: he can’t deal damage nor could be damaged so this leads the story to a point where…things happen… Let’s see who can guess where I am going with the story (Not that much people would even read this and the story). Just to say the main character is weak right now until chapter 5 (compared to people’s skills) P.S abilities and skills are two different things.
I like familiars and summoning of allies to aid someone. I want an OP main but at the same time have everyone in the whole world know he is weak… and “crippled”. He who is casted away from Demons but at the same time hunted by Humans. Also I placed some hint in the story as to where I am going so re-read you might have forgotten something:
Also as I said I am writing this on my phone…and it is painfully hard… This is my first fiction so someone please help in finding things I did wrong in the storyline, I could care less about grammer and speeling (lol) so yeah…
----EDIT 666----
So I don't understand how to make tables 'DON'T WORRY' I will learn...one day...
I just added some spacing which I forgot about. I also fiddled with the tables
I will complete it later....
I have done all the tables and my GOD! was that the worst experience I have ever faced...
Finished writin- Holy Hell I do not want to do more tables- ....writing chapter 1.9999...
What I said After the small rework:
So sorry that I had to do a rewrite…though it’s a small one a rewrite is a rewrite. I realized I screwed up the story line and I had to do something If I wanted my crap of a story to be at least somewhat entertaining.
What I did:
Changed weird Mutate Ability -> Core Creator ability. This ability would allow the main character to create Cores without having to summon a creature meaning that he can build his own Golem/creature without having to go through the system (mostly important in the School Arc) or improve the standard golem
I also changed the Golem Ability because well…it had nothing to do with Golems So Update didn’t affect the story one bit…
If you guys don’t like the new rework please say something. Not that you guys say much anyways…so yah
I am doing the rewrite to Chapter 2-7…sh*t I should have never have written ahead…
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