《The Golem Mancer》Chapter Two
Chapter Two – Unexpectedly Things went well!
Okay so…I am being cradled by a crying giant (you know kukukuh because that’s how we cry, tears, and stuff). Since my head is being tilted forward I could finial see my body…and right arm.
So, let me say the good news first. My body is…actually pretty human aside from the greyish skin, some claws on my reptilian-ish feet, my limbs are more ‘demon’, and I am wearing some kind of cloth as a diaper; I look pretty human, got it.
Bad news is my right arm looks like a, wait for it…A Humans, but with rock knuckles, Scary right? Well actually it is pretty scary as my left arm is small (because you know I am a baby…jeez), and has a few rocky protrusions running along the outside ‘No wonder I can’t be born like a normal human’; My left hand has 5 pretty big black claws that look like they can be used to dig, we are Rock Demons right? I am hypothesizing we need rocks or something related.
So I guess we are born miners who search for food and stuff. There is a jagged spike on my left elbow too, this spike can probably pierce the highest heaven If I wanted it; it’s that big, like half the size of my arms. I can retract it too…cool better leave it that way.
Back to the crying giant who shows no stopping for 10minutes now. He started to mumble some sentences (which I can’t hear of course). He’s been crying for so long that I have gotten very bored I need to find him a distraction, I’ll look at my status for now…
…I had a class? WHY DID I NOTICE!?!
Class: Golem MancerThe class title for people who summon creature made of Earth. By having the class ‘Golem Mancer’ the individual is able to permanently summon Golems without having them leech Mana. Golems have the added benefit of gaining or giving experience points with the individual if named. User cannot gain attack based skills.+60% Ability/Skill growth to Golem related skills.
Sweet I can do so much things like…hunt, play...hunt with them. ANYWAYS let’s look at my golems’.
Okay first time commanding something, ‘Golems Come to me’ I try to call out to them. When I commanded them I felt a sharp pain in my chest that disappeared as fast as it came. When the command was finish I can see on the floor two armored dark grey lizards (They look like carved rock) approximately 40cm in lengths and 10 cm in width narrowing down to a spiked tail .They look like type of lizard called a Skink’, with some armor plating, but more “rugged”.
Their mouth looks like a deadly combination of a Tiger fish and a shark; have a lot of sharp teeth, and big pure white...urg...eyes that glow! At least they look cool. Never mind cool I think they look very cute, I want to hug one!
I remember from my time at looking at my abilities that my golems are made in terms of the first material used to summon them. Black Stone sounds really expensive, are we really poor? Well then again I better check the statuses and see how the Black Stone changed the results of the Golems.
[Open Lizard Golem Status….]… weren’t they called that?
…Ah, [Open Black Stone Lizard Status]
It seems that I have to call out the whole name of my golems including material if I want to see their status
Status Black Stone Lizard OneLevel 1Owner: UnnamedRaceBlack Stone Lizard | Rank E GolemHealth: 50Mana Core Strenght: 20Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 10VIT: 10DEX:25AGI:25END:29DEF: 10INT: 5LUK: -45...Locked StatsSkills---Golems made in the shape of a Lizard. Material of the Golem is [Black Stone]. This kind of Golems was supposed to be mindless scouts,
but due the Corrupted nature of their cores theses Golems gained a consciousness and a negative personality. Cores have become Corrupted due to absorbing tainted Mana (User’s).
Creating a creature with a personality is look down as ‘why create one when you can just tame one more simply’.
Conditions Completed For Opening the status of your Summons.
Would you like to name [Stone Lizard One]|Named Summons Gain Stats Faster|.
YESSSS! Once I said that the Stone Lizard changed into a new form? In the end the Stone Lizard that was here before changed into a different one. The form of the lizard kept changing, I think I have to name it to decide on a look. Once the form changed to one I liked I decided to name it then. ‘You are going to be [Hazard]’. Isn’t that name good for a lizard that is full of armored spikes, it definitely is. He? Looks like a ‘Hazard’ and with the long 5spiked tail that’s wagging and slamming against the dirt floor of our house like a dog getting all the treats he wants.
…now he making a hole by one of the corners…a home?…He’s So Smart!
(A/N I also have a dog but she never wags her tail when she sees me except for strangers…sad)
Status Black Stone Lizard TwoLevel 1Owner: UnnamedRaceBlack Stone Lizard | Rank E GolemHealth: 50Mana Core Strenght: 20Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 10VIT: 10DEX:20AGI:20END:34DEF: 10INT: 15LUK: -...Locked StatsSkills---Golems made in the shape of a Lizard. Material of the Golem is [Black Stone]. This kind of Golems was supposed to be mindless scouts,
but due the Corrupted nature of their cores theses Golems gained a consciousness and a negative personality. Cores have become Corrupted due to absorbing tainted Mana (User’s).
Creating a creature with a personality is look down as ‘why create one when you can just tame one more simply’.
The same naming condition appeared just like the first one.
‘Yes’. Again Just like the first his shape changed once I said yes. You are going to be…Rocky. Since Lizard Two looks the most ‘rough’; like my father he looks to be carved out of stone.
So their stats differ slightly, this might have been caused by the material quality? Information Noted. I remember Man-Goddess telling us that the average human child has a total stat of 50 meaning just one of my Stone Lizards could take on a child at level one. What a revolution, this means that god hasn’t left me in the dust compared to others.
O’ No it looks like dad noticed them. ‘NOOOO little guys! RUN AWAY!’ again the sharp pain hits my chest-. Arg -maybe because I am not used to this probably ah, whatever they are so young spare them father. The two lizards bolted into action. Both of them running towards the only window, which doesn’t have any glass or whatnots; it is just a hole in the wall. But before they could reach it a stone cage appeared around them, trapping them both.
“Mana. Link?” (Father)
My father turns to me then back to the animalistic golems, then back to me again. I think my father noticed a connection to my golems and me and man does that connection hurt whenever I command them. I could see through the tears on his face he was very confused. I guess when you see your crippled son gain two lizard rock things you would be confused too, but they’re so cute don’t you just want to cradle those fluffy, jagged, lovely spiked, and big eyed lizards? I will!
The confused look didn’t last long as it turned into a smile, a pretty creepy one. Then again his face is made out of stone so I think its fine. Then again, again he’s not going to…you know…eat them? I heard we eat Metals and Minerals…and we might be poor to not afford food…
Father placed me down back onto the rock cradle and started to walk towards the caged lizards-
‘Please Father don’t eat em, I just thought of their names! One is named [Hazard] and even though he might destroy the thing we call a house don’t hurt him!.. and Two was going to be Rocky…you can eat him I won’t mind.’
-and prostrated to them?
“Thank Terra for blessing my son with Guardians to protect him. Please watch him. He is all that I have left in this world.” (Father)
I think that was his longest sentence he has ever said not that I know what he said, but I guess he is thankful as he doesn’t seem scared of them. Also who prostrates when you’re not thankful or asking for forgiveness…Does he think they’re gods? Afterwards my father undid his stone caged by punching straight through it. The action was little excessive, but totally my style; points for you Dad!
He proceeds to pick them up and places them beside me. So he knows their mine, saves me a lot of explaining. I think it is time to continue with the plan of pretending to be a baby. Now that I think about how do Rock demon babies eat? Who cares, Time to hug two of the cutest things in the WOLRD!
User Has Received Damage Damage has been negated due to DEF
My Stats we made for moments like this!
After an hour of playing with my lizards a shiver went through me as I was getting pretty hungry, a thought went through about you know…feeding…from ‘Those’. That’s the only way I know babies could get some…food…, but then again we eat mineral/metals.
Wait, where is my mother? Maybe she’s at work or something, not that my old parent were ever around.
As I contemplated who I was born from my father came to the side of my cradle holding a shiny black rod with some different kinds of crystals growing on it. Again with his very comforting creepy smile, he held the black rod in his hand while he slowly brought it up to my forehead? Wait aren’t I suppose to “eat” rocks and stuff why are you putting it on my forehead? Stupid Father!
Conditions Completed Do you wish to absorb [Black Iron Quartz Rod] (Rare) Value: 2 silver|Effect: Multi-use Most beneficial: remove [Malnourished] and Increases Growth
| Yes/No |
‘YES’ why the hell not. Sorry for doubting you Dad, You’re the best!
Well that solves my Debuff. Aren’t we poor though? This item is (Rare) so father must have gone through hell and back to get one of these to help me *Sniff *Sniff he cares so much for me.
After I click ‘yes’ I could feel a soft warmth brush through me.
Conditions Completed User’s Has Consumed [Black Iron Quartz Rod] (Rare) and removed [Malnourished]{Crippled Anatomy} cannot be removed only altered.
Does this mean I don’t have to “eat” and does this blue panel always appear…This would we very troublesome if it does? It’s like opening a door and the bluey (Blue Screen) would be like ‘User has opened a door, User can go outside’ just imagine a world like that.
Conditions Completed User has discovered a fact about Rock Demons +2 INTA Rock Demons Horns are a special set of external organs called [Mana Horns] or just Horns in normal society. These function to breakdown minerals and metals into Mana and directly use it to aid the body in development or adaptation..
…my heart almost stopped I thought I was right for a second about the blue panels.
I so smart! Well at least I am healthy, but looking at Father it seems as if a huge burden has been lifted off his chest, shoulders, and back.
‘Good for him’. Time to start my new RPG life.
-Approx. 5 months later-
I failed my own plan; I failed it so bad that I find even my first two lizards [Hazard and Rocky] looked at me in shame. Don’t worry they really do feel like that and are not just standing like a statue...O’ forgot to say my ‘failed golems’ have personalities and if I go against what they like or do not like they can resist my commands; that is what makes them a failed Golem. So I have been telling them everything like we are a bunch of thieves planning a heist (you know, only what I want them to know; they know). Also it seems I cannot summon the generic Golem, the huge creature composed of boulders and…stuff until later on in the Ability.
‘Hazard where are you going now?’ (Klos)
Hazard left while I was explaining my past life...rude much. Hazard walked to the right wall of our shack and started whacking it with his tail…random, but totally my style; points for you Hazard! Then again you should be like Rocky he always listens to me…Rocky…rocky…I’m so lonely. Rocky disappears whenever I stop looking at him, I can always trace him vaguely through the Mana link(as I call it now), but it’s tiresome and it hurts my chest.
These resist command things happen a lot with Hazard who loves to do…destructive things and not that much with rocky who likes to bask in the sun. He is a lot easier to handle, but he even basks at night. How does that happen I have no clue, Moon basking? If I command Hazard to ‘clean the floor’ he would looks at me with a dissatisfied kind of look. If I tell Rocky to ‘get a job’ and stop ‘wasting your life’ I think he cries…while basking. Rocky just basks. #BaskThroughLife
So back to how I failed.*Cough* I WALKED *Cough* not crawled; WALKED. My first mistake I have ever done in my plan of acting like a baby (Could I even call myself a baby if I can walk), mistakes not included in this is me forgetting to cry when I am hungry, uncomfortable(rarely), and when I need to you-know-what, but I cry when father takes away Hazard because he breaking the house more than it is, so that makes up for everything else.
I also learned my name which by the way is ‘Klos’ short for ‘Klostin’ (Ca-loss-tin) which even my father forgets to call me and no last name though, Light novels have taught me and that is only nobles have last names.
I came to learn of it because whenever father has a moment to talk to be I keep hearing one word “Klos” or “Klostin” so I could have guess that was my name. A few days after I received my name my father took me away from my cozy bed and removed my cradle from existence (punched it into dust) and then brought me to a smaller slab of stone next to a bigger one. I think the bigger one is his bed.
Forgot to say once I learned of my name I received another achievement. Remember I can hear and move now.
User Has Learned of His Name| Granted access to Language comprehension | Language learned: Demonic |
I can finally understand when my father says “YOU STUPID LIZARD, THIS IS THE [N]’TH TIME I FIXED THIS WALL!” to Hazard and everything else he says, but he mainly says that.
So I was left to waddle around the house, babies can crawl at one month, I think...probably… I don’t speck much to Dad (My Plan is not totally gone) besides a ‘kuu!’ here and a ‘kuu…’ there. Another reason is that whenever my father come backs from wherever he works he is very tired and just give me a simple mineral block to munch on; taste like chicken. All I eat is those mineral blocks but chicken taste so good…Mmmmm chicken.
Conditions CompletedUser Has consumed | Simple Mineral/Metals Block (common) | allows basic development |.*
It is very annoying how these information screens always appear whenever I eat something or look at something very closely.
Conditions Complete*User Has Identified a pebble | Igneous Rock Pebble (common) | A pebble |
IT’s SO Annoying…
…Getting back on track of course I would become very board in the five months of sleeping on a stone bed and waddling around the house, every day the floor gets further and further away... Father also tells me repeatedly to stay in my room with my lizard who now are my BEST FRIENDS; they are the only creature I talk to, they do some amazing things like have you ever seen a lizard stick to a wall; not a gecko a LIZARD (Hazard) and Rocky can camouflage (A/N no he can’t) whenever he basks for a while…I didn’t forget about him…he can really camouflage…I stopped counting at 148 of the times I lost him…Again irrelevant information but because of the fact dad is not home much I decided to try walking while he was away, as you probably guessed; he came home early.
I believed he would have flipped the roof or something, but he only nodded, smiled and went to bed, which also happens to be a couch. This pissed me off as I went through so many scenarios of him going crazy and then all he does it SMILE?!?
‘…Hazard please go destroy the wall again…’ (Klos)
I walked away from the adult while clenching my throbbing chest…the pain is getting worse…My dad was crying and hitting the floor while screaming “WHY! What did the wall do to you*sob*!!” as I walked away.
Since dad knows I can walk now I don’t try to hide it, though speaking is a different thing .It takes a while to learn to speak a language. I failed French and Spanish, I know the language dad communicates as the system gave it to me, but I cannot speck it. Once I finally get it down I decided to wait till I am one year old to talk to dad; that is finial.
You may wonder what I am doing with my abilities during these five months, don’t worry except for [Transfer Fatal Damage] I have been training my other skills; I am not going to stab myself, plus how can you train an ability almost at max Rank. I also realized that the ability made me immortal so in the end living is dying so I guess it’s fatal? As to why I never mention the ability [Create Core] is because I am very nonchalant of the ability but scared of the effects of what it does to creatures when you insert a core…very scared. You would too once you know what it does…
Anyways, [Create Core] makes me absorb the Mana surrounding me to create a core. This core I can do many things with like…use it as a ball, play catch with Hazard, and…many other thing. I don’t want to talk about the scary right now so onto the next topic.
Dad left me to wander around the house and warns me not to go outside again, which I obey because I am such a good child and because I don’t want people find out I have two Lizards who can maul your child’s face off, especially when Rocky gets mad he can...do things... I also wounded why after five months why I am so tall like 4 feet; the size of a 9year old child.
SO, for five months I have been Summoning Golems. It gives me a pretty hard headache, but I think that is the {Mana Burn} symptom. You may be wondering ‘summoning two Golems every week for 5 months shouldn’t your (small)house be over-ran with lizards’, it should be unless I summon straight to my [Inventory]. What? You never knew that? Life’s like a RPG so why wouldn’t I have a [Inventory].
Klostin's Inventory| Black Stone Lizards: 25 || Child Outfits: 2 || Iron Core Wolves: 3 || Unstable Crystal Lizard 1 |Alpha Stone Lizard:4[ Space = END/3 ]
Child Outfits? Iron Core Wolves? What are those, Well first of all OF COURSE I GET CLOTHES! My father gave it to me (put it on me and left two sets on the side) within the first week of my new life. For the Iron Core wolves I got them four days ago while training my ability by summoning golems.
Summon Corrupt Golems Rank Two: NoviceValued: CConsumes All Mana (Places user in Mana Burn State)Limitations VaryRank One level 2Permanently Summon 2 Black Stone Lizards + 20% of Users Top Stat [Limited Once Per Week] Rank TwoSummon Three Iron Wolf Golem.{MAX 30 Wolves can be Summoned} [Limited to once per month.]At Rank ThreeAbility Upgrade*Details | Yes | No |
Since I got my rank up my lizards also got a stat boost!
Status 'Hazard'Level 10Owner: KlostinRaceBlack Stone Lizard | Rank E GolemHealth: 125Mana Core Strenght: 50Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 65VIT: 25DEX: 25AGI: 25END: 25DEF: 70INT: 10LUK: -50...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Spike Ball | Rank One | Value E | Passive
Individual can curl up into a ball once at running speed or curl up to protect themself.
[ Spiked ball does up to 200% STR (MAX) + disrupts enemies chant.]Display Basic Information.
Hazard has been practicing a lot to get this skill. Now he can play catch with dad, if dad can even get close Hazard…it’s been tough on him I can at least play ‘Catch the Hazard’.
Status 'Rocky'Level 12Owner: KlostinRaceBlack Stone Lizard | Rank E GolemHealth: 100Mana Core Strenght: 200Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 10VIT: 10DEX: 45AGI: 75END: 29DEF: 100INT: 84LUK: -...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Eliminate Presence| Rank Two | Value C | Passive
An Individual is able to blend into their surroundings.
Rocky is a Golem as such he has no scent/life-signs and is able to become inactivated virtually concealing himself.Display Basic Information
Now for the skill [Core Creator] I warn you if you get this skill use it with precaution I really think this skill should be Rank S+. I can create a core of Mana and am able to place it in my Golems/living things. So you may think, how is this scary. Well if I place the core inside one of my Golems I basically [Mutate] them I think I can do this to ANY living creature I please. I also may not know if it was good or bad as the core takes in the Mana from the environment so if you live in a nasty place…well then see you later…, but if it’s good it’s great and if it’s bad it’s Terrible I guess.
I used the skill on one of my Stone lizards a few months back; you may notice only 25 when I should have around a total of 40 lizards (including Hazard and Rocky). When I placed one of the cores I created in one of them first the lizard pulsed and glowed then turned into slime and forms a creature that came from a nightmare. [The Unknown] is what came out at first, a black sludge that resembles the previous Stone lizard with nightmarish red orb eyes while making the screams of a banshee…Then after a lifetime of mental scaring it glowed once again to become the [Unstable Crystal Lizards] I know.
I did this two times with two different cores. One of the cores turned out to be a solid Blue Great Dodecahedron (basically cool looking polyhedron) which resulted in a [Unstable Crystal Lizard] I made this core on a very humid day. The other core became a clear Yellow Great Dodecahedron (I am just going to cal them cores now...Great Dodcahedron is too much) into one of the Black Stone Lizard I got something…Huge. An Alpha Stone Lizard a giant 2.5m long by .6m high lizard. They look like a bigger form of the same lizard mutated. And their stats remained the same as if they were still small. I guess I can call this ‘The Law of conservation of Stats’ but the law of conservation of mass was shattered...these things weight like a metric tonne.
Except with the [Unstable Crystal Lizard] who lost stats in return for a…skill…
The good news is when I insert a core made in the same environment into another Stone lizard it goes straight into this form ‘Thank God’. That [Unknown] creature is…scary…’Hazard I need company…being alone sucks’
Status Unstable Crystal LizardLevel 5Owner: KlostinRaceUnstable Crystal Lizard | Rank D GolemHealth: 5Mana Core Strenght: 5Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 5VIT: 1DEX: 54AGI: 88END: 5DEF: 1INT: 8LUK: -10...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Self Explosion | Rank One | Value: D |Owner Activated or Activated on Death.
Crystal Lizard self-Implodes to release a deadly expansion of sharp armour piecing crystal shards. Once inflicted with shard (-3 HP/shard) and [Acute Pain] status effect. Explodes into 100 shards in a semi-circle with lizard at its epicenter. Affects Owner.
All damage is done straight to HP if not blocked by D value armour.A creature created by Klos’s [Core Creator] Ability {Solid Blue Great Dodecahedron inserted}. The embodiment of evil this creature will try to cause the most havoc in the area that it is summoned in [Absorbed Mana sources, Klos | ambient Mana | Hazard (escaped before ability completion)
This is why I mean [Create Core] is scary. I bet one little touch by anyone and this skill would activate and blow the lizard up. I placed this ‘thing’ right into my Inventory once I saw its Skill; I don’t even want to know more about them.
…If I put a lizard under someone’s pillow then I think their head…would cease to exist.
Enough of the negative… I love these Alphas Lizards, but I think that they are a little more destructive than Hazard as once the first one was made ‘She’ (still no clue on how I know the gender, effect of the Golem Mancer class?) went around the house whacking everything with her tail which wasn’t spiked. I think I’ll name her…Dicey. As soon as I said her name she became more streamline and gained shaper claws. Since I didn’t want her to stay in my inventory I would wait for night and let her go outside and…well I don’t know…do her thing?
I can’t even hug alpha lizards as all of the others ones who I didn’t want to name have a ridge running along their back making bad body pillows…sad… They even have awesome personalities. I let one play with Hazard and they got along very well with Hazard who was at his happiest when I told him about the new friends I made (Not the Crystal Lizards), though I don’t know where it went when it went with Hazard outside…whatever I got more.
Enough of the sad more into the cool, I am talking about the Iron Core Wolves. I activated the ability on a large piece of iron that Dicey discreetly brought to the back of the house for me. Where she got it I don’t know, who care when you got wolves. These 2 meter long wolves look like huge wolves and have their whole body coloured like Iron and their eyes are blue orbs. Even though they are wolves their stats seem pretty good for a deadly beast. Again their body shape is ‘rough’ in the works.
Status Iron Core WolfLevel 5Owner: KlostinRaceIron Core Wolf (Metal Giant) | Rank D GolemHealth: 100Mana Core Strenght: 50Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 50VIT: 20DEX: 50AGI: 60END: 15DEF: 40INT: 35LUK: 10...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Pact Hunter | Rank One | Value: D |Passive skill. Activated once Three Wolves are close by (10 meter radius from Alpha [title] wolf. | Increases STR by 10 for every 3 Wolves)An Animal Golem created by Klos. Behaves like a wolf. Golem type is [Metal Giant] resulting in a larger then normal size of Golem. Negative Personality: Wants to chew through any metal. Advises User to keep wolves from Blacksmiths.
You must think I am Over-powered now ...well I somewhat am but not really because of this fact.
*User can only summon One [Stone Lizard] for every 5 points of INT and User can only summon 3 Wolves summoned for every 25 points of INT. Creature’s created with [Create Core] can all be summoned but will return to Inventory once their core needs to charge back up *
The coolest thing about the [Alpha Stone Lizards] is that I can summon as many as I want they just take a nights time to recharge after being out all day, sadly there can only be one Alpha Lizard around each other or else they fight…almost to the death. Another reason I sent Dicey away she has 40 stat points on the other Alpha’s.
Status DiceyLevel 14Owner: KlostinRaceAlpha Stone Lizard | Rank D GolemHealth: 200Mana Core Strenght: 100Charge: 100/100StatsSTR: 75VIT: 40DEX: 5AGI: 30END: 10DEF: 50INT: 35LUK: 10...Locked StatsSkill: Heavy Impact | Active: 5 Charge |
Able to add a 40% stun chance for the next 2 physical Attack. Skill can have a 20% knock down chance for enemies with END
O’yeah another reason I can’t have one always summoned in our house is because it will try to kill dad…
But as you can see I am balanced…ish, now for the biggest thing I have gained in these 5 months...
What I said before chapter rework –FEB 19 2016
Second Chapter- Hope you guys enjoyed it… HAPPY VALENTINES…I am so lonely... I have to also go soak my thumbs in ice now…ah my ice maker is broken. Good thing I live in Canada we have lots of ice and snow!, *Looks Outside* DAMN IT NO SNOW…Kuu… #Canadianproblems
I really hate having so much tables. I want mostly story, but i still need tables to create story. DAMN PARADOX!!
Also to the people who actually read this or my stupid story then do you want me to post the chapters without tables so that they can come like a few days early or do you want to wait for me to add tables
Just to say when I add tables I change information in them and the story around it.
Things left for me to do...so yah.....enjoy.
Fix tables
Edit story
Ice Thumbs It finally snowed
What I am Saying after Chapter Rework-FEB 19 2016
I noticed a few things that could be changed and changed them. Doesn’t change the storyline much but gives a better understanding on his abilities. I didn’t like where I was going with the [mutate life] ability so I gave him the create core ability that does the same thing but with more ‘usefulness’ and not be hunted by the gods…for now…
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