《Guns in another world》Entering the kingdom


In a certain village farm, peasants were occupied with their work.

Suddenly, a little girl yelled "look, a shooting star."

Perplexed, the villagers raised their heads toward the sky.

In the sky, they saw a trail of golden light shooting towards the horizon.

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me, how can we see a shooting star in the noon?." said a young man among the villagers, full of confusion.

Suddenly, everyones eyes opened wide as they gasped.

The shooting star which was flying towards the horizon stopped and began to zigzag, sometimes vertically, sometimes horizontally.

Every villager stared at this spectacle dumbly.

"It's not a shooting star, it must be a high ranking practitioner."said an old man who was resting on the side.

"But why is this senior flying in such a weird trajectory " thought the old man Baffled.


At the altitude of 18000 feet, a Teenager surrounded by a light barrier could be seen Speeding on a Skysurf Board.

"Damn! , this is too Exhilarating" shouted Fionn while performing some skysurfing tricks.

"The Skysurf board felt like an extension of my limbs, I can manipulate it in any way, it's speed depends upon the amount of mana supplied, theoretically there is no upper limit & that's a good thing" Thought Fionn.

"But the mana consumption is too great even with my enhanced recovery its quite taxing, I can't maintain the flight for too long at my current rank" thought Fionn with a sigh.

As Fionn pondered these issues, an Outline of a Kingdom appeared on the horizon.

"So that's Black Stag Kingdom, I should walk the rest of the distance, it's no good getting too much attention." Fionn thought.

He then started free falling towards a thicket quite a distance away from the main road


Right as Fionn was about to hit the ground, he Flipped, pushing the skysurf board to the ground, stopping his fall.

Recalling his avatar Fionn proceeded towards the main road.

After about a 5 mins walk Fionn could finally see the majestic walls of the kingdom, following the long queue Fionn entered the city.

The main road in the city was wide enough to fit 4 carriages side by side.

The two sides of the road were full of Stores and luxurious restaurants, the smell of delicious cuisines permeated the whole vicinity, the overall ambiance seems quite prosperous.

Fionn started strolling around the city enjoying the atmosphere while ignoring all the gazes directed at him.

He expected this to happen because of his striking appearance, some looked at him with admiration, some with adoration, while others looked at him with scorn.

"At least people in this world show what they feel, unlike my previous world." Thought Fionn.

After a little stroll, Fionn decided to eat something, so he walked to a restaurant near him that looked brand new.

Upon entering the restaurant Fionn found a seat and sat down, the restaurant was quite empty because it is not lunch time yet.

Soon after he sat down a waitress came to take his order, blushing, she asked "what would you like to eat sir."

Fionn pointed out a couple of dishes on the menu that he can't even say the name of.

Writing down their names, she went away as if escaping from a ghost.

Fionn looked at her actions, speechless.

Dishes came quickly, Fionn tried them one by one, they were quite sumptuous.

Fionn then ordered his bill, this time instead of the girl a middle-aged man came and asked him politely "Have you enjoyed your meal young lord?"


Taken aback by the politeness Fionn replied" of course, It was really nice."

" Glad you enjoyed." Said the middle aged man as he presented the bill.

Fionn paid the bill while he was asking "can you tell me which way I need to go to the teleport station."

Suddenly the middle aged man started laughing while saying " I knew you are not a noble, a noble should have some guards, you sure deceived me with your looks, you must be a nouveau riche like me."

Stunned by the sudden change of behaviour Fionn asked" What do you mean?"

"Nothing" said the middle aged man laughingly, afterwards he explained the directions to Fionn.

"You seem like a good kid, so I'll give you a free advice, If you meet a guy name Cloud in the teleport station try to avoid him & if unfortunately he notices you and messes with you, just act subservient." Advised the middle aged man.

"Why?" Asked Fionn while raising an eyebrow.

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