《Guns in another world》Day before the Awakening



A sudden roar disrupted the calmness of the forest.

Sounds of metal striking the metal could be heard from the depths of the forest.

By following the sound, you could see a boy fighting a gorilla nearly twice the size of himself, The boy has dark purple hair, deep blue eyes and was about 5'10" tall, he was holding a spear of about 2m long, the boy was obviously Fionn.

The gorilla was about 3 m tall with arms as thick as tree trunks, it has flamboyant red fur everywhere on its body in which faint sparks could be seen.

Numerous small wounds could be seen in the body of the gorilla, indicating the fight was going on for a while.

" Damn! His defence is extremely strong, " said Fionn to himself, while taking several steps back.

" It would be impossible to defeat him using only raw physical strength."thought Fionn, as a cyan colour light started emanating from his body.

Then, with a SWOOSH! His body rushed forward with 3x of his previous speed.

One step further from the gorilla, the cyan colour around Fionn switched to brown as he thrusted his spear outwards.

As the colour shifted, he muscle on Fionn's body swelled as the veins started to be visible.

Caught off guard by the sudden increase in speed, the gorilla tried to dodge to the side, but still the spear pierced his shoulder.

The gorilla roared in agony as he punched towards Fionn with rage, Fionn side stepped easily while colour around him reverted to cyan again.

Missing the target, the punch left a charred crater in the ground.

After dodging Fionn swept the spear horizontally To the knee side of the gorilla, wanting to handicap him.

Sensing the danger, the gorilla wanted to dodge, but suddenly the grass under his grew in size and wrapped around his feet delaying his movement.


Looking carefully, green light could be seen in Fionn's free hand while the rest of his body glows brown.

The spear came swiftly, destroying his

Right knee.

The gorilla slump down incapable of moving while roaring in pain, but still alive.

Fionn also sat at a distance, marveling at his enemy's vitality.

Even after such severe blood loss this guy is still alive.

"I can't use magic for too long, without an avatar It's quite arduous to recover mana while fighting" thought to Fionn himself.

Noticing the gorilla is still struggling, Fionn whistled towards the thicket on the side.

A pitch black wolf more than 2m tall, walked out of the thicket looking quite intimidating.

"Ether, it's all yours now," said Fionn, nonchalantly.

Receiving Fionn's command, ether rushed excitedly towards the gorilla and started ripping him.

Fionn already used to the gruesome sight, ignored it.

"Killing a rank 1 beast is still quite difficult for me." Thought Fionn to himself.

If someone else could have heard Fionn's thought, they would die due to shock.

In this world a normal unawakened person who has no bloodline could not even fight a rank 0 monster, those with average bloodlines could barely fight 1, as for killing 1 only individuals with high ranking bloodlines could do that.

It's not like there has never been a case of an unawakened individual fighting a rank 1, but those were all genius with supreme bloodlines.

Fionn has been shocked several times over the last 8 months by his abilities, so he's numb now.

The first anomaly that Fionn found in the past 8 months is he can sense many elements, from many he meant all the elements that he can find in the books plus many more unknown elements.

According to common sense in this world a normal person could only sense 1 element, those who can sense 2 are elites, and more than 2 are geniuses, But there has never been a person capable of sensing all the elements.


The second anomaly that Fionn found was in his physique, he could feel his physical strength increasing even without doing any workout, in the past 8 months his physical strength has risen to inhumane levels, he could crush rocks with just his bare hands.

The third anomaly, was in his control over the elements, he is able to use the magic of different elements at the same instant, to others it took years of practice to achieve that but to Fionn it came naturally.

After recovering his mana Fionn beckoned ether, who was resting after devouring the gorilla & jumped on his back.

"Let's return buddy " said Fionn, gently.

The beast that Fionn killed today was a rank 1 called blazing gorilla, It came out to rank 0 area due to unknown reasons, a shepherd asked Oliver for help.

Hearing that a rank 1 beast is present in the rank 0 area, Fionn asked Oliver to let him go, Oliver after some thought agreed due to the presence of ether.

Ether could kill a low rank 1 like the blazing gorilla easily, instead of being a rank 0 himself, because of his rank 2 bloodline.

While riding ether home, Fionn was thinking about what kind of avatar will he awaken tomorrow.

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