《Guns in another world》Awakening


Next morning...

As Fionn came downstairs after refreshing himself, Oliver sat in the dining room with a relaxed look on his face, contrary to his anxious look during Gin's awakening.

" You ready"asked Oliver, smiling.

" Of course, "replied Fionn, excitedly.

"We still have to wait till 12 pm, let's meditate to pass time, it can also help you to calm your mind." Said Oliver.

"Based on my estimates, it's unlikely that a nature born avatar would choose you, but the talent that you have shown in spearmanship, over the past 8 months assures me that you are certainly going to awaken an avatar of enlightenment above rank 3 based on a spear." Continued Oliver frankly.

Hearing Oliver's words Fionn nodded.

"Even if an incident like the one with Silver happens to you, I have a one time use spell scroll of Star Domain with me, so don't worry about it."

Said Oliver with a reassuring smile.

Time ticked by as the minutes became hours.

As the sun was about to reach its peak, Oliver got up from his Meditative posture and said "let's go outside, it's about time."

Fionn nodded as he opened his eyes and followed after Oliver.

Fionn sat in the middle of the yard in a cross legged position.

" Make your body and mind comfortable, it's about to begin." Said Oliver, this time a bit serious.

A few minutes later.

A sudden blast of energy came from Fionn's body as it uprooted everything in a 100m radius.

Oliver, who stood in close proximity to Fionn was sent flying, as he crashed into a boulder a few meters away.

After standing up unharmed, Oliver looked at Fionn in utter disbelief, as he said" what kind of awakening is that."

Unlike Gins awakening Fionn's awakening didn't trigger any astronomical phenomenon, but what Oliver was seeing is too bizarre


Fionn's stood up unconscious, as his body started to levitate, while violet flames started engulfing his body.

Fionn's body grew in size at a rate visible to the naked eyes, while his clothes tore and became ashes.

His body Became more muscular, but not excessively.

A brand of a golden sun began to appear between his eyebrows, while Mysterious tattoos began to appear on his forearms up to his shoulders.

His hair became longer, reaching the waist, while their colour remains the same deep purple, but one could see slight arcs of lightning in his hair.

A red diamond shape gem appeared between his chest, shining ominously.

Oliver seeing all these changes gulped audibly and said" what is this, never heard of an awakening like this."

Usually, there are two types of awakening.

The first, in which a person with a bloodline or a person who has been chosen by a nature born avatar is going through an awakening, this awakening would cause quite a huge commotion according to the rank of the avatar and a lot of people would be alarmed if not suppressed properly.

In this case people would go through a major physical transformation during the awakening.

The second, in which a person is awakening an enlightenment avatar,

this is totally opposite to the former situation, no one other than the individual who is going through the awakening would know what's going on.

In this case no physical change would happen during the awakening.

But what is happening with Fionn seems quite a mixture of both the above mentioned cases.

His awakening caused a major physical transformation, but didn't cause any huge commotion.

As Oliver was mulling over his thoughts, with a BANG! , Ether came out of the debris of their villa, looking totally dishevelled.

Abruptly, as if sensing something he looked toward Fionn, more appropriately towards the gem in Fionn's chest with a desire in his eye.


Oliver noticing Ether's strange, was even more baffled, "what kind of awakening is this?" he thought.

All of a sudden, as Oliver pondered his thoughts, the energy around Fionn reached its peak.

An orb of light, the size of a football, left Fionn's head and divided into six smaller orbs of light.

Those smaller light orbs then started morphing into different shapes and became six different Avatars.

All six of them pulsates with terrifying amount of energies.

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