《Guns in another world》Departure


Oliver said with a self deprecating smile" They were not bandits, why would practitioners of such high rank form a bandit group, a rank 4 practitioner could be crowned a king of a kingdom."

Then, with a self blaming tone he continued

"I knew that some nobles of the kingdom were also involved in this incident, because without their help, how could so many high-ranking practitioners come into the kingdom, so, I paid an underground organization a huge sum of money to dig out their identities."

"The report came quickly, but when I read through it my heart almost stop beating, Those bandits were the people sent by the nobles from the capital to kill me, the same nobles who massacred my family."

"After they massacred my family, those noble families were constantly under pressure from the Royals due to their unruly behaviour in the capital, so they didn't dare make any moves on me, but after so many years they couldn't sit still because a person with a Rank 4 Dendroid avatar coming for revenge is just too unsettling for them, so they decided to nip the bud before it blooms."

" After locating me, They then planned my assassination by pulling some connections with the local nobles, everything should've gone smoothly even I couldn't have survived that kinda set up because I was just a rank 3 at that time."

" But, They messed with the wrong guy, I was supposed to die that day, I shouldn't have sent him" said Oliver, with a guilty tone.

Calming his raging emotions, gin asked " what about that child."

" It was me, right grandpa." Replied Fionn calmly, before Oliver could open his mouth.

Both Oliver and Keith looked at Fionn dumbfounded, while gin blanked out.


After a few minutes of awkward silence, Oliver calms down and said, while apologetically looking at Fionn" I should've told you this earlier, But you were always depressed because of your health, so I could not bring myself to tell you the truth."

"I understand, grandpa" replied Fionn, reassuringly.

Gin after hearing Oliver's confirmation had a mixture of emotions on his face.

He then suddenly turned toward Keith and said with a cold tone " you're here to escort me to legacy, right."

Keith stunned by the sudden question nodded.

" When are we leaving" Questioned gin, concisely.

Keith seeing Oliver says nothing, he responded "whenever you are ready"

Hearing Keiths reply, Gin walked out and said, "Let's go, I'm ready."

Oliver nodded at Keith, signalling him to proceed.

Keith then walked beside gin and whistled loudly towards the forest.

A few seconds later, a giant snow white swan descended from the sky and landed in front of their villa entrance.

As Gin and Keith approached the swan, the swan trembled as it felt the aura emitted by Gin's body, it instinctively took few steps back.

Keith calms the swan down by injecting his mana into its body.

Fionn's voice came just as they were about to fly "I'll meet you at the academy in a year."

Hearing Fionn's voice, gin said nothing, He just sat calmly on the Swan's back.

While they watched the swan's departing figure, Oliver said to Fionn with a sigh," he loves us as much as we love him, he's just heartbroken after learning the truth about his parents.

Hearing Oliver's statement, Fionn nodded in affirmation.

"So what are your plans for the future."

Asked Oliver with interest.

"I'll continue training with your method, while raising its intensity from time to time, it's quite effective." Replied Fionn calmly.

Then, seeing the strange look on Oliver's face Fionn continued with a smile.

" I'll still need your guidance now and then, grandpa."

Hearing Fionn's reply, Oliver said with a chuckle" You can always count on your grandpa, I'm always watching over you."

"I know." Said Fionn, smiling.

Days became months, in a blink of an eye 8 months passed.

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