《Guns in another world》Recount lll


"I was hoping his answer wouldn't be what I expected, but my fear came true." Said Oliver with a sorrowful tone.

"Julia, your mother was an ordinary woman without any Avatar, I have known her since, she was a child, Silver and Julia have been quite close since their childhood, She might be the reason because of which Silver didn't join legacy." continued Oliver while looking at gin.

"What's the issue with that?" Asked, gin trembling.

"Silver had a bloodline, which is above rank 4, an ordinary woman just can't bear his child, She will die before the birth of the baby." Explained Keith, with saddened tone.

Oliver nodded after Keith then continued.

"we knew it from our formal education as a noble, but Silver didn't receive any education." continued Oliver.

"He was devastated after I told him this, he pleaded me to find a solution, helpless, I called Keith and asked him if there was anything we could do."

"disappointingly, Keith also didn't have any absolute solution to this situation,

He said we could either save the child or the mother."

"Distraught, silver took us to meet Julia, after knowing the situation, Julia resolutely refused to abort the child."

"Silver torn between a rock and a hard place, Didn't want to lose you both."

"Sensing Julia's stubbornness, Keith proposed a risky approach, which, if successful, would allow the mother and the child to survive, but if wrong, would kill both of them."

" Sensing Julia's confidence we agreed to proceed with keith's proposal."

"Oliver slowed down your growth inside your mother's womb through his magic, By doing so, we reduced the mana you consumed from her and enabling her to recover." explained Keith with a calm tone.

Hearing Keith's explanation Oliver nodded, then continued.


"Now everything depends on whether she can persist, Which she did, She kept you inside her for 2 years and 3 months" said Oliver with a tone of respect.

"We did not let anyone know about you because it would cause unnecessary troubles."

"Everything was going smoothly, until that day'' said Oliver with gritted teeth, while fury burned in his eyes.

We were very happy the day you were about to born, Julia's ordeal was coming to an end, As Julia's labour pain started, me and Keith begun our preparations for childbirth."

"As we were setting up, an urgent order came from my superiors, demanding me to go to the rescue of the locals because of a bandit attack."

"They said due to the presence of a rank 3 amidst the bandits they can't send others, so I had to go, leaving any situation at hand."

"After I talked to others about the situation, Silver immediately decided to go in my stead, we did not oppose his decision because there was no other way and, silver instead of being a rank 2 practitioner can handle a rank 3 easily due to his superior bloodline."

"Within hours of Silver's departure, we heard a roar of a lion that rocked the whole Black Stag kingdom, We knew at that moment something terrible had happened on Silver's side"

"Julia, who was in her labour, seeing our pale faces started panicking, we tried to calm her down, but But she did not calm down."

"We knew if this continued, both Julia and the baby would die, so we made her unconscious."

"After about a 30 min surgery, the delivery was a success both of you survived." Said Oliver while looking at gin, then with moistened eyes he continued.


" As soon as the surgery completed, I rushed to Silver's side while Keith stayed to take care of Julia."

" It took me around 20 min to reach their, but what I saw there left me shivring." Said Oliver teary eyed, and continued.

"That area was completely barricaded by the nobles of the kingdom, but no one dared to go inside, corpses emitting the energy of rank 2 practitioners were strewn everywhere, Silver sat there in the middle, in his own pool of blood, holding a child in his hand, surrounded by 4 headless bodies"

" I examined the bodies, they belong to a rank 4 and three rank 3 practitioner."

" Why did you ignite your bloodline, I asked him, with a trembling voice.

'they massacred my village'

Replied Silver with a blank look his on face."

"You have a wife and child waiting at home, you could've ran easily, how am I going to face Julia now?, I asked him crying.

'How could I leave this Child to die.'

Silver replied, while looking at the child in his arm."

"Silver then lifted the child to his face and said 'I would not be able to see my child, but I presume he must be just like him, full of life. ' Silver then looked at me and said with his last breath " take care of my family and him as well.."'

Oliver then wiped his tears and said while looking at gin "I've never met a genius like your father, but he was a imbecile when came to controlling emotions. He was a man of principles, never thought anything selfishly."

"Oliver then continued to recount " when Julia found about this, she blanked out, she didn't cry, she just stared at space as if her soul has left her body."

"She died after some days of childbirth, mixture of grief and the toll due to that dangerous childbirth was just too much for her."

After listening to Oliver's recount gin started crying, then suddenly he asked with a yell "who were those bandits and what about that child?"

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