《Guns in another world》1 month later


Intrigued by the sudden question, gin answered "Legacy is the best academy for learning battle spells throughout the Myriad Spirits Sanctuary.

Oliver nodded at gin's reply, then said" what you said is correct, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, not only legacy has the biggest library of battle spells, best teachers and abundant resources but also the only spirit spring of myriad spirit sanctuary.

" What's a spirit spring?" asked gin intrigued.

" Spirit spring is a natural spring formed due to condensed spirit energy, bathing in it could allow one to increase their spirit energy, as you know once spirit energy is determined at their birth and could only be increased when breaking through to the next rank, so who has more spirit energy at birth would always be ahead of lesser one." Replied, Oliver.

"So there is a way to increase spirit energy" murmured gin amazed.

"But, grandpa I would require a rank 3 avatar first, to join legacy" said gin, blandly.

Your avatar will be much higher than rank 3, don't worry and just so you know, Keith's granddaughter is also joining legacy this year replied Oliver, playfully.

"What!, did she successfully awakened celestial peafowl" asked gin, agitated.

"Of course, and her bloodline purity could be compared to Keith."Replied Oliver, smiling.

" Wow, that's awesome." Murmured gin happily.

Keith's granddaughter and gin are more than just friends.

Due to his deep friendship with Oliver, Keith often comes to their house with his granddaughter.

" But, I want both of us to join legacy together." Said gin looking at Fionn

"Don't worry about me, it's just 1 year anyways." Said Fionn with a smile.

" I've just recovered from my illness, I'll train my body in the meantime." Continued Fionn.


After pondering for a while gin nodded and said resolutely " I'll join legacy this year."

" Great, I'll train both of you personally this month, prepare yourself." Said Oliver with a sinister smile.

1 month later...

As soon as Fionn woke up, a black shadow jumped on him and started licking all over his face.

" Good morning ether" continued fionn, laughingly.

"Boy!, you sure are growing fast" said Fionn, amazed looking at the wolf standing in front of him.

The wolf was about 1m tall, had a pitch black fur and amber coloured eye, overall looking quite magnificent.

After freshening up, Fionn walked downstairs with ether on toe.

Seeing no one at the lobby, he walked outside, there he could see gin practicing his fist arts with Oliver, their fists moved so fast that one could only see afterimages.

Seeing gin training diligently he also started his training.

Last month was not that hard for Fionn, as he only required to perform some body strengthening exercises which Oliver designed for him, for about 2 hours and after that he could do whatever he wants.

But for gin it was a different story, from early morning to late at night, he was tortured by Oliver with his various training methods.

Looking at gin fighting, it seems Oliver's training was quite effective.

Fionn had spent his last month on meditation, reading books in his grandfather's study and body strengthening.

After completing his workout routine, Fionn returned to his room to take a shower, after undressing, he looked at himself in the mirror, his body possesses a bit of muscle and he is also about an inch tall now.

Suddenly Fionn heard a wolf howl coming from the distance, with a knowing smile fionn look outside the window, he could see ether running with astonishing speed towards the villa.


Just about 15 days after they bought ether home, he started going to the forest to hunt food.

Fionn knew hunting was a part of beasts training, so he's not concerned.

He then proceeded to take his shower.

1 hour later, at the dining table, while having breakfast.

" So, Tomorrow is the day you awaken your avatar, excited" asked Fionn, grinning.

"Of course" replied gin, with stars in his eyes.

"Gramps, could you tell me about my bloodline now." Pleaded gin.

"Why are you so impatient, it's just 1 more day." replied Oliver shamelessly.

As gin and Oliver were quarrelling suddenly a voice interrupted them.

" I see, this house is as lively as ever." Said a man who appeared out of thin air behind Fionn.

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