《Guns in another world》Cub


While returning home Fionn and others were casually chatting.

All of a sudden a sound of rustling came from the bushes in front.

Looking at the bushes, a wolf cub came out limping.

As fionn and gin stared at the cub curiously, Oliver said" its a shadow wolf cub, it will grow up to a rank 2 beast" then after a pause he continued while glancing at the cub.

"They usually reside in rank 2 areas of the forest, his family must have been assaulted by a high ranking creature, and he survived and escaped luckily." Finished Oliver with a sigh.

"Grandpa, could we take him home" said gin, excited.

Why not, it's a rank 2 beast cub after all, you can't buy them without paying an exorbitant price in the market.

As gin was about to rush to pick up the wolf cub, Oliver stopped him and said "you can't go near him, right now."

''But why?'' asked gin, annoyed.

" You'll know after your avatar awakens" replied Oliver in a mysterious tone.

" I'll go pick him up, then" said Fionn calmly.

Oliver nodded and gave him a piece of meat from the boar carcass.

Fionn, then walks towards the wolf cub without hiding his steps, as soon as the cub sensed him it stopped licking his wounds and started growling while staring at him vigilantly.

Looking at its behaviour, fionn knew, that the cub is exhausted, otherwise it would have escaped even if it's injured.

Fionn approached the cub without making any direct eye contact to make him feel less threatened, he them took out the meat slice and showing it to the cub he Gently but confidently said " I'm not gonna hurt you, see I bought you food."

He then placed the meat slice before the cub. After sniffing the meat for a while, the cub started gorging it down.


After a few seconds he devoured the food completely, sensing that the little one is quieter now, Fionn approached again and rubbed his head gently.

Feeling Fionn's hand on his head the cub sat there stiffly, after a while Sensing no ill intention the cub relaxed and started licking his hand.

After familiarizing with the cub, Fionn waved towards the huge tree on the back, Oliver and gin then walked towards them.

Sensing more people approaching, the cub raised his head, but when his eyes laid over gin and Oliver, he started trembling as if he has seen a ghost.

The cub buried his head in Fionn's embrace and started trembling profusely.

Baffled Fionn asked "grandpa, what happened?"

"bloodline suppression" said Oliver, proudly

"it's bloodline is inferior to mine and gin, that's why he is scared, as if meeting a natural predator." continued Oliver.

"Do I have a bloodline?" Asked gin stunned.

"You'll know after your avatar awakens" said Oliver with a playful tone.

" Can't you answer something Straight, without being so mysterious" replied gin annoyed.

"How are you going to treat him?, if he's this scared of you" asked Fionn concerned.

''Him, trusting you makes it easy, just hold him tight their" said Oliver, smiling.

Then, with a huge gush of wood essence, green light started coming out of Oliver's body and his forefinger started converting into wood, his nails became longer and sharper.

After his transformation Oliver neared the cub and placed his forefinger above his wounded leg, then a drop of transparent liquid fell onto the wound from Oliver's forefinger.

As Fionn observed the wound, it started healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Then Oliver reverted his finger back and said" Let's keep moving, Fionn you go ahead, we'll follow you from behind."


Glancing at the cub, who's still trembling, fionn nodded.

Looking at the worried look on fionn's face Oliver said" don't worry he'll get used to our presence sooner or later."

30 min later.

After Fionn returned home, he took the cub upstairs, in his room putting him down on the floor, then he gave him some food from the kitchen.

Fionn knew that he is hungry and tired, so he locked the door and moved downstairs.

"Hey, come help us" shouted gin from the kitchen.

Fionn wondered if this guy has rabbit ears or not.

Night, on the dining table.

A sumptuous feast decorated the table, Fionn, gin and Oliver sat around the table, eating.

While they were eating Oliver suddenly questioned "gin would you like to join legacy after your spirit awakening in a month."

Stunned, gin asked" But grandpa I would need an avatar of at least rank 3 for that."

"Just answer my question, leave the requirements for later." Said Oliver in a stern tone.

"Of course" shouted gin but suddenly, looking at fionn he continued.

"can me and fionn join together, after fionn go through his awakening a year later." Questioned gin in a hopefull tone.

Oliver laughed and then with an amused tone said "what kind of academy do you think legacy is?"

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