《Guns in another world》Changes


While washing dishes Fionn asked "bro can I join you in training tonight.'

Gin is quite a night owl, he enjoys a workout till midnight.

"What!!" Gin exclaimed.

Looking at the smile on Fionn's face, Gin continued " Are you serious".

" Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good since I woke up this afternoon, like all my ailments have disappeared," said Fionn with a joyous tone.

" Really!" Replied Gin doubtful.

"Believe me, I won't joke around with my health, I'm really feeling great today" said Fionn seriously.

Seeing the serious look on Fionn's face.

" Fine, you can join me, but don't push yourself too hard, if I'll see you struggling, I won't allow you to continue" said Gin seriously

" I know my limits" replied Fionn happily.

10 min later, in the yard.

As Gin stretched, he explained "my 1st objective is to complete 20 laps of this yard, but you can take it slow and do as many as you can."

"Ok" Fionn replied.

" Don't you feel weird working out at night " Fionn continued.

" Not at all, actually I feel strangely energized at night" replied Gin high-spiritedly.

After saying that Gin bolted away and his words could be heard from far "remember, don't push yourself"

Hearing these words, Fionn could not help but smile and chase after him, following his pace.

Noticing Fionn is matching his pace, gin subtly accelerated.

5 Minutes later , seeing Fionn still hot on his heels, he could not help but marvel.

After completing 20 laps of the yard, Gin looked at Fionn in utter disbelief and asked "bro, what happened to you?"

"Even, I don't know," replied Fionn, gasping for breath, a little incredulous himself.

Completing 20 laps of the yard, while matching his speed, Gin is bound to be shocked.


Original Fionn couldn't even be able to complete 5 laps matching gin's pace let alone 20 laps.

Looking at Fionn panting Gin said "we'll consult with grandpa about this tomorrow, you should go and rest now" said gin, still a bit stunned.

"Well, it's a good thing you're healthy anyway" continued Gin, now grinning.

"I'll be going to my room, then." said Fionn still a little out of breath.

Gin nodded.

After Fionn entered the villa, his tired look disappeared completely and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

Actually, Fionn is not even a bit tired, he just wanted to lessen the shock for his brother, Fionn getting healthy could still be explained by the fact, his grandfather includes high grade supplements in his daily diet, but him becoming a top notch athlete from a sickly person would be really bizarre

He started thinking while walking towards his room," even if my transmigration cured Fionn's illness, it doesn't explain such drastic increase in my stamina, it seems my transmigration has done something more to this body."

As Fionn entered his room, he sat down on his bed cross legged and started to meditate, Their is no special technique for meditation in this world, it's all about connecting with world energy i.e. mana but, results of meditation might differ according to individual's talents.

During his meditation, he noticed something peculiar, his spiritual power is almost 6x of what it was before his transmigration and his avatar embryo is also 3x bigger now.

An individual's spiritual power is determined at birth and could only be increased by increasing ones rank, spiritual power determines the amount of mana one can control and its degree of proficiency.

Avatar embryo is the prenatal stage of a avatar. Usually, the size of a avatar embryo does not determine the quality of a avatar but it certainly determine the quantity of avatar's.


The original fionn might not be up to standard in terms of physical strength but in terms of spiritual power and avatar embryo he was above average.

"Now, after my transmigration, I wonder how talented I am according to this world's standards" thought Fionn with a curious tone.

Next morning, after freshening up, Fionn walked downstairs.

Seeing no one downstairs , Fionn decided to do some exercise.

After about an hour or so, he could see Gin walking out of his room.

"You didn't go to the forest" said Gin, surprised.

"Nah, I can meditate at home now." Replied Fionn.

Hearing Fionn's reply Gin nodded.

The only reason Fionn went to the forest was because he was unable to meditate at home due to his comfortable surroundings and drowsiness.

" Shall we prepare breakfast now, I'm feeling hungry" asked Fionn.

" Sure" replied Gin, smiling

As they were about to start their cooking, a sudden sound of horse hoofs distracted them.

" It must be grandpa " shouted Gin, as he ran outside.

Fionn nodded as he followed after him.

Outside, they could see a luxurious carriage escorted by 8 fully armoured knights coming their way.

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