《Guns in another world》Red spotted Python


As the carriage stopped outside the entrance to the villa, two men came out.

One of them looked like a handsome young man in his 20s, he wore formal clothes, resembling a descendant of a noble family.

The other one looked like a middle-aged man in his early 40s, he has a square face with average looking facial features and spirited eyes, he has the disposition of a kindly elder.

After getting off the carriage, the young man bowed to the middle aged man with one hand on his chest and said " I'll be taking my leave, sir"

The middle aged man knowing the situation at the mansion said" don't worry your brother has a bright future, have a safe trip home" with a warm smile.

"Thank you," said the young man with a respectful tone while bowing again, then he got on the carriage.

After the entourage left, Fionn and Gin approached the middle-aged man and hugged him from both sides and shouted " grandpa, you're back"

The middle-aged man laughed and while Stroking their hair said "I was just gone for a day, no need to be this excited, you're not kids anymore."

The middle aged man's name was Oliver, he is Fionn and Gin's grandfather, he might look middle-aged but everyone knows he is well over 60's.

"Did you guys have your breakfast yet?" Asked Oliver.

" No we were just preparing breakfast, when you arrived." Replied both fionn and gin simultaneously.

Oliver laughed, looking at their childish behaviour and said "great, let's have breakfast together then."

30 min later, at the dining table.

While having breakfast Fionn asked" "how was the awakening ritual? " In a curious tone.

" It went pretty smoothly" said Oliver smilingly.

" What kind of avatar did he awaken?" Asked Gin with stars in his eyes.


Gin always gets excited when it is something related to avatars.

A red spotted python, from his mother's lineage" Replied Oliver still smiling.

" Is it powerful?" asked Gin, still excited.

Certainly, it's a rank 2 beast avatar replied Oliver, this time a bit seriously.

"Is it more powerful than your mystic cedar?" Asked gin, curiously.

"Of course not, my mystic cedar is a rank 4 avatar." Said Oliver, proudly.

"How is your martial arts training going." Asked Oliver.

"It's going pretty well, " replied gin smiling, then as if remember something he shouted suddenly.

"Grandpa, you know Fionn is in great health now, he did 20 laps of the yard with me yesterday." shouted Gin with excitement.

'Really?" Exclaimed Oliver, then he got up and put his hands on fionn's shoulder, suddenly a green light started emanating from Olivers body and entered Fionn's body.

" The mana flow which used to be chaotic is indeed flowing smoothly now." Said Oliver, after a bit of examination.

" What happened to you, could you elaborate in detail." Questioned Oliver, in a serious tone.

Then Fionn recounted what happened to him in detail, Of course what he recounted was, just him sleeping in the forest nothing less nothing more.

What else could he add on? , he knew nothing about this world, even the original Fionn was not much of a bookworm and also due to his sickness he spent the majority of his time sleeping.

After listening to his recount Oliver has a bizarre expression on his face.

" What happened grandpa asked Fionn." With a puzzled look on his face.

"Nothing, it's just incomprehensible that a decade old illness, which even me and that old fogey couldn't cure, got cured by simply sleeping in the forest." Replied Oliver, befuddled.


After a few seconds of pondering Oliver said" I'll contact that old fogey, to take his say on this matter and for the time being you should not do much intensive physical activity." said Oliver to Fionn, with some seriousness.

Then to break the serious atmosphere he said with a chuckle, " its a great thing that you're healthy now, we'll have a feast tonight."

Then Oliver looked at gin and with a evil grin said" you'll have your avatar awakening in a month, I'll train you personally from tomorrow onwards."

Not scared by Oliver's intimidation, Gin shouted "bring it on, gramps"

After having breakfast,

Fionn approached Oliver and asked " grandpa, can I borrow some books from your study."

"Of course, but don't touch the bookshelves near my desk" replied Oliver with a understanding smile.

" I'll remember that" replied Fionn

Original fionn was not a bookworm but he likes to read occasionally, so it's not wierd for him to ask for books.

Oliver's study is on the first floor beside his room, as Fionn entered the study, he could see rows of bookshelves packed with books and a study desk with a chair near the window.

The bookshelves near the study desk were distinctly different from other, as they are made up of a different material which Fionn could not identify.

"Let's Learn about this world in detail" said fionn to himself, while looking at the books with excitement.

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