《Guns in another world》Gin


[A.N- From now onwards I'll refer our protagonist (transmigrator from planet earth) as Fionn]

Fionn's grandfather could be considered quite rich as he was a retired army general.

Their 3 storey villa was built in about an acre of land, the villa was built from silver oak which is well known for its sturdiness and magic resistance properties.

As he entered the villa premises through the main entrance, he could see a silver haired boy practicing his fist arts on a wooden dummy.

He stood around 5'9 in height, quite tall for his age, had a handsome appearance with his chiseled facial feature and shredded muscles.

His name is Gin, he's Fionn's adopted older brother, but their relationship is closer than blood brothers.

Hearing the sudden sound of footsteps, Gin turned around, seeing Fionn walking his way he smiled, and said "so you're back", then he looked behind Fionn, seeing nobody he asked "where is grandfather?".

Startled by the unexpected question, Fionn replied "I don't know, why are you asking me?" Cofused.

bewildered by fionn's reply, Gin asked

"Did you not accompany Grandpa in the morning?".

"I didn't" replied Fionn in a certain tone.

"Then where were you for so long?" Jin asked in a stunned voice.

"I wasn't able to fall asleep last night, so I went to meditate early in the morning", then after a pause he said embarrassedly "I fell asleep while meditating".

" After I woke up, it was already around 5pm, so I returned home immediately" Fionn continued.

Fionn had already thought of this excuse on his way back from the forest, due to his poor health fionn had trouble sleeping many times in past, so it was a pretty reasonable excuse.

Hearing Fionn's reply gin laughed, then said" bro, "although this part of Northern wildlands might not be considered dangerous but still its not safe to sleep in a forest" in a caring tone.


Hearing gin's caring words Fionn smiled and said" I'll remember that".

""You just said something about grandpa going somewhere, where did he go?" asked Fionn in a curious tone.

"Oh! He went to viscount Yve's mansion, his youngest son was about to awaken his avatar, so he requested grandpa to monitor the whole process for everything to go smoothly" replied gin.

"He left a letter for me on the dining table, his writing seemed rushed, so I think viscount must have sent someone to escort grandpa and escorts must be in a hurry" continued gin.

Then he paused and with look of resentment said " I waited for an hour, thinking you might be still meditating but you didn't come so I thought you must've gone with grandfather to see the process of avatar awakening, then I ate my breakfast, who would've thought you were busy sleeping in the forest.

Listening to gin's complains Fionn retorted "so what about you making us wait everyday while you snore?" with a joking tone.

Unlike Fionn and his grandpa gin is used to waking up late, so they usually eat breakfast after he wakes up.

A sudden growl from Fionn's stomach interrupted their quarrelling.

Gin laughed and said "let's give you something to eat first"

Nah.. I'll take a bath first replied Fionn.

"Ok, let's have an early dinner tonight, it seems that Grandpa will not be able to come today, it's pretty late." proposed gin.

" Sure, I'll help you after I've taken my bath" affirmed fionn's.

There is no servant's in their villa, its not like they can't afford servants, its just their grandpa believes "we should be independent, it's not good to be dependent on someone for menial chores."

After Fionn entered his home, he could feel the Familiar atmosphere, his heart couldn't help but feel a strange sense of warmth.


Seeing Fionn's strange behaviour gin asked" what's wrong" baffled.

"Nothing" After saying that Fionn went upstairs, leaving a baffled gin behind.

As Fionn entered his room, he quickly got undressed then wrapped a towel around his waist.

Then he opened a chest lying in a corner of his room, the chest was filled with red shiny crystals to the brim.

Fionn took 1 crystal from the chest, then proceeds towards the bathroom, inside the bathroom was nothing except a huge bathtub, which was filled with water and some medicinal herbs were floating on the water.

He got closer to the bathtub, then started infusing his mana on the crystal that he was holding in hand, until a slight crack formed on the surface of the crystal after that he threw the crystal inside the bathtub.

As he stared, the crystal started shrinking in size at rate visible to the naked eye and steam began to emit out of the water.

This crystal was a shard from a low level firestone, which contains just enough fire essence to heat up this tub of water.

After the firestone shard was no longer visible in the water, he entered the bath and sat in a comfortable position, it was so pleasurable that he almost let out a moan.

The strange sensation of pleasure is caused by medicinal herbs which have the effect of reducing fatigue and curing tense muscles.

While cleaning himself, his thoughts drifted to his past life, he was a 41 year old man, had no family, his parent died of old age when he was in his 30's and he never married hence no wife or children's.

As Fionn was mulling over these thoughts,

He couldn't help but sigh at the fact how lackluster, his past life had been. Due to his workaholic nature he became an outcast from the society.

"Heyy! How long are you planning to take? , Don't you dare think you can shirk your job!" the sudden shout from downstairs broke his train of thoughts.

"I'll be there in a sec" Fionn reply with a chuckle.

While dressing Fionn said to himself" I must live this life to the fullest" as he stared at himself in the mirror.

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